Non-EU citizens legally resident in an EU state and covered by social security are also covered by EHIC abroad. European Union citizenship allows an individual to capitalize on any and all of the union’s benefits, including unhindered travel, universal employability, and preferential student status. The European Union aims to allow its citizens to study, work and stay in... FREEDOM OF MOVEMENT AND STAY AND COOPERATION AMONG POLICE FORCES. In other words, if you hold an EU passport, then you’re allowed to claim privileges stretching across health, education, pensions, and retirement and unemployment programmes. There are many advantages to being a citizen of an EU member state. Shoppers can now feel safe in the knowledge that they will get their money back if they return products. Europeans are closely linked economically and culturally, and through the democratic values we share. Unscrupulous companies can't get away with selling contaminated food or polluting our rivers and countryside. The incredible diversity and endless opportunities have attracted people for centuries. Now common, dual nationality has clear advantages in a global landscape. I get the ability to live and work wherever I want. THE ADVANTAGES OF EUROPEAN CITIZENSHIP The Maastricht Treaty which entered into force in 1993 established that all States of the European Union have dual citizenship, but what are the advantages of being European citizens? ( Log Out / Since 2016, more than 350,000 UK citizens have applied to acquire the nationality of another EU member state, with some giving up their British passports to keep their EU rights after Brexit. It is based on the EU’s 4 key freedoms, which enable you and other citizens to: Because EU countries cooperate so closely, our food and our environment meet some of the world's highest quality standards. 1. Let’s see them together. Political and Social Rights. EU Residency Visa, Europe Residency; Easiest country to get permanent residency in Europe; Easiest EU country to get residency. 1. About 300,000 UK citizens live in Spain, yet few have applied for citizenship. There are many advantages of dual citizenship. If you are a Slovenian citizen, you can run your own business in Europe and the Balkan region. A citizen of any EU country is automatically also an EU citizen. Citizen… This country is one of the safest to have an international bank account. citizen can enter any of 28 member’s embassies to ask for help and not just their own. No restrictions – quantitative limits or discriminatory recruitment criteria – can be placed on the recruitment of nationals of other EU … ( Log Out / Many things depend on us, citizens. Right to free movement under the same conditions as every national citizen in its EU Member state (non-discrimination principle). Mobile phone charges are local throughout the E.U. You can stay in another EU country for up to 3 months without registering there but you may need to report your presence . It’s probably best not to be too entrenched about most subjects. ( Log Out / The European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) is a set of laws and guidelines which protects the human rights of … High net worth individuals especially should analyze the advantages and disadvantages of becoming a citizen in two countries. Be this with. Residing in an EU country for a certain number of years also generally qualifies an individual to apply for citizenship. However, with the creation of EU citizenship, certain political rights came into being. Top Benefits for Your Family with Citizenship through Investment. It really doesn’t matter what sphere we work in, it is our duty to do everything we can to live in better conditions. While every country has its separate citizenship laws, generally those Britons who have already claimed an EU citizenship pre-Brexit, will be able to benefit from dual citizenship after Brexit. This is usually for a permanent period; a person with such legal status is known as a permanent resident. These advantages and disadvantages of the European Union typically divide people into two different categories. The ability to work in any one of their member nations is not the only benefit of an EU passport. The EU is a home which we have helped to build and EU membership has been good for Ireland. As a European Union (EU) citizen, you have the right to live and work in any other EU country. Benefits for travelling within the EU As an EU citizen, you’ll immediately find travelling much easier, and cheaper... 2. Although we may take them for granted, these benefits improve our daily lives. Other benefits the EU brings its citizens are: You can use your phone and online services at no extra cost wherever you are in the EU. Studying abroad, working in your host country, and marrying happen regularly— and choosing to become a citizen of your new home has some clear benefits. I get to pay using one currency in 19 different countries. Advantages of dual citizenship for Americans. Advantages of dual citizenship for Americans. Discover how the EU makes a difference to your life. 4. Different rules about residence and work in Estonia apply to citizens of the EU and to citizens of third countries.The length of their stay also influences which rules they must follow. Depending on your specific country of citizenship, you’ll also have visa-free or visa-on-arrival travel to hundreds of countries and territories. They can travel, study, work or live in any EU state of their choice. I get safer food and products. European Union citizenship allows an individual to capitalize on any and all of the union’s benefits, including unhindered travel, universal employability, and preferential student status. List of Advantages of the European Union. Note that Denmark, Ireland and the United Kingdom are not part of the EU long-term residency program. The country with the largest population in the European Union is Germany, with over 82 million. ... Acquire the right to work and stay for an unlimited time in any EU country, as Slovenia has been an EU member since 2004 and is in the Schengen zone. You’ll also be given an European … Unrestricted travel. Now common, dual nationality has clear advantages in a global landscape. But let’s look at some of the less commonly known benefits of having an EU citizenship. Members have become modern nations thanks to the benefits of being part of the European Union. As a European Union (EU) citizen, you have the right to live and work in any other EU country. 2. Free movement of workers is a fundamental principle of the EU. The immigration programme EU CITIZEN The immigration programme EU CITIZEN includes: legal consulting, support in obtaining a Residence Permit from the beginning to the end of the process, preparation of the required documents, preparation of inquiries, arrangement of translation and notarization of documents, presentation of the alien at institutions of Lithuania, accompanying of the … That said, we’d like to also remind our clients that some countries don’t allow dual citizenship, hence that needs to be checked first. The possibility to study abroad is considered positive by 84% of EU citizens. I get to call home at domestic prices no matter where I am in the EU. Spain’s ministry of justice told Guardian Money that “the latest data we have of Britons who have applied for Spanish citizenship are very low”. For that very reason, the six … “Investors are eligible, through many of these programmes, to enjoy all the advantages of becoming an EU resident or citizen including freedom of travel, ability to study, work or live in any other EU member country and access to some of the world’s best health and education facilities. Change ), This is a text widget, which allows you to add text or HTML to your sidebar. The single market is the world's most highly developed and open marketplace. 3. The disadvantages must be recognized, however, and then proactively removed from the equation to prevent loss of life, reduced economic influence, and other unforeseen issues that may arise. To-date, it has an expansive global and cultural impact, and also has a significant effect on the economy. Golden visas work somewhat similarly, except that they’re temporary and therefore need to be followed up on when they expire. The advantages and disadvantages of the European Union show us that a greater good can come from such a structure. If you’re a UK citizen confused about the value of EU membership, due to the ‘untruths’ coming from UKIP and the national press, then just follow the evidence, writes Jon Danzig. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Your rights are protected while you're travelling: EU rules protect your rights in the event of delays or cancellations. One of the big benefits of an EU passport is access to universal health care throughout the European Union. As regards trade, our regulatory and product standards are adopted worldwide as the global norm. In addition, they can also appreciate more abstract values, such as the idea of a community consisting of different countries and cultures, the ability to secure peace, or solidarity. The right to education. The EU is the most successful peace project in human history and has been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. If you are an EU national or a dependant of such a national and you meet the requirements of the EU Directives on free movement of workers, you may not, in general, be refused permission to land in another EU country. Workers from other EU countries have the right to the same social and tax advantages as a country's own nationals. But what about people who have citizenship of another EU country – which includes many Brits who took Irish citizenship after the Brexit referendum – in order to keep their status as EU citizens… A European Union (EU) passport can be handy for traveling, but it can be difficult to obtain one. While each European country has its own system, basic health care is guaranteed for all citizens and there are different tiers. A citizen of the European Union (EU), of a member state of the European Union Economic Area (EEA) and Swiss Confederation - herein EU citizen. Studying abroad, working in your host country, and marrying happen regularly— and choosing to become a citizen of your new home has some clear benefits. Politicians are fond of telling us how great it is to be British and how it is a privilege not a right.Our government charges foreign nationals a small fortune to become British citizens in anticipation of the assumed benefits of that hallowed status. The European Union has attracted greater inward investment from outside the EU. Being a citizen of the EU also means that you not only are able to make use of the benefits that are available to citizens in that particular country, but also those of all its member countries. Freedom of movement. When you are a dual citizen of your home country and Italy, you can take advantage of all the benefits a natural-born Italian citizen is afforded in both countries and can use every benefit offered to them. Business in Europe. So if, for instance you have French passport, you’d have no issues with working in Bulgaria or Italy. By obtaining citizenship in an EU country, the investor is entitled to carry that country’s passport, which can allow them unrestricted travel benefits throughout the 26 EU member states. It has helped to modernize countries. Children of EU nationals working abroad in another EU country: have the right to education in the host country, whatever their nationality, on the same terms as nationals of that country; must also be given the same access to study grants. There are many advantages of dual citizenship. But, they’ll need people, ideas, … The ability to live, work and travel freely across close to 30 countries 2. However, upon analysis it gets a little more complicated. Let’s take a deeper look at four advantages of dual nationalities—and some possible drawbacks. When abroad a E.U. ADVANTAGES THAT COME FROM EU CITIZENSHIP SINGLE MARKET AND THE 4 FUNDAMENTAL FREEDOMS. ( Log Out / Let’s take a deeper look at four advantages of dual nationalities—and some possible drawbacks. Each side sees the glass as being half-full, with the other side being wrong. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. You may require a valid identity card or passport. However, each country recognizes its citizens by nationality. You would be forgiven for thinking there are some special rights or privileges attached to being a British citizen. In comparison, the United States is a country that is over 300 million people strong. Permanent residency is a person's legal resident status in a country or territory of which such person is not a citizen but where he or she has the right to reside on a permanent basis. Natia Shakaia Citizens make the future of the country. 1.5 million young people have completed part of their studies in another member state with the help of the Erasmus programme. EU countries acting in unison have much more of a voice on the world stage than 27 small and medium-sized nations acting separately. Europe is a place of wonder. Global consular assistance. You and your family can also live in any of these countries. Even the Russian Federation has an estimated population of about 142 million people. 1. Inward investment grew from €23 billion [£15.4 billion] in 1992 to €159 billion [ £106.5 billion] in 2005. There are some definite advantages to dual citizenship. In 2017, that rose to 181, then rose again to 209 in 2018. While countries like Norway and Switzerland are not part of the European Union, they are still part of the European Economic Area (EEA) and are almost universally considered to be part of western Europe.If you are interested in cheap residences and c… If you are an EU national or a dependant of such a national and you meet the requirements of the EU Directives on free movement of workers, you may not, in general, be refused permission to land in another EU country. France comes in second, with a population of about 65 million people. For many non-EU nationals living in France getting citizenship of an EU country will make their lives easier, but it doesn't cover everything. Bluemina’s team of immigration and citizenship experts are happy to assist with any queries you may have on the same. One major benefit of an EU passport is that you can travel freely throughout the 28 EU nations including all Schengen states. Each country has its … While holding EU citizenship, and traveling within any country in the EU, you are guaranteed protection by The European Convention on Human Rights. Information. EU citizenship comes with significant advantages – notably the ability to live and work anywhere across the bloc. work somewhat similarly, except that they’re temporary and therefore need to be followed up on when they expire. The ability to work in any one of their member nations is not the only benefit of an EU passport. However, to have so many countries to choose from as your home, is a blessing that’s only available to a privileged few, and we encourage our clients to make the most of such opportunities. Citizens of all member states are free to move from one member country to another. The truth is, most wealthy Asians are now ignoring Switzerland for Singapore showing that it is a great country to the bank. They can travel, study, work or live in any EU state of their choice. A person generally becomes a citizen of the country where they're born, even when the parents are not citizens of that country. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. The cost of obtaining dual citizenship can vary slightly as it is dependent on each persons specific needs and family history. have the right to equal treatment, including access to all social and tax advantages. (UKIP claim that the cost of EU membership in total amounts to £83bn gross if you include all possible costs, such as an ‘estimated’ £48bn of regulation costs – or £1,380 per head [1]. Being born outside of the U.S. with one person as a U.S. citizen is also permitted. The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union 3. Today, the EU is uniquely positioned to meet the challenges of the coming century. 1. 1. Since 1957, the European Union has benefited its citizens by working for peace and prosperity. Also see: EU Citizenship FAQs. To register under the Dutch flag, the process is easiest if you are either an EU citizen, Swiss, Norwegian, or own a company registered in the EU. Today, the EU is uniquely positioned to meet the challenges of the coming century. The value of being ‘citizens of Europe’ Jon Danzig. The free movement of workers explained in one minute, Wifi4EU: free wifi for everyone, everywhere, Give feedback about this website or report a problem, Institutions, bodies & agencies – contact & visit details, Public contracts in the EU – rules and guidelines, 50 ways forward - Europe's best successes, The European story - 60 years of shared progress, Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU), European Economic and Social Committee (EESC), European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS), The European Data Protection Board (EDPB). Citizens of all member states are free to move from one member country to another. The joining of the 28 member states of the European Union has helped to lessen the number of conflicts that have occurred, which has created better safety for Europeans from an overall standpoint. There have been fewer wars fought on the continent then at any time since the reign of the Roman Empire over the region. You can use them to display text, links, images, HTML, or a combination of these. Dual citizens can receive the benefits and privileges offered by each country where they are a citizen. Here are 5 benefits about the EU Citizenship you probably didn't know 1. A citizen of any EU country is automatically also an EU citizen. Regardless of a person's nationality, gender, language group, culture, profession, disability or sexuality, the EU insists on equal treatment for all. See UK government spending. It says that in 2016, the year of the EU referendum, 33 British citizens applied for Spanish nationality. Britons who have resided in another EU country for an extended amount of time will probably find that they are eligible to apply for citizenship through naturalisation. Naturalized U.S. citizens are permitted to maintain their citizenship in another country as well. The European Union creates an allied front against outside aggression.The past 50 years in Europe have been some of the most peaceful out of the last 1,000 years of history. You and your family can also. Benefits of Ireland's EU Membership. One of the many benefits of being a dual citizen includes: The right to … In my mind, every citizen can do something useful for the development of the country. Before we jump into the details, though, let’s clarify what “European” citizenship means.For the purposes of this article, we will focus on European Union and EEA citizenship. for members. I think there are some consequences (rather than disadvantages) of being a citizen of an EU member country. In addition, they can also appreciate more abstract values, such as the idea of a community consisting of different countries and … Being able to hold a second passport is more desirable and attractive to people with of Polish descent than ever before as it opens doors to educational and employment mobility, financial opportunities and civic rights in the EU. It helps protect our basic political, social and economic rights. Here are just a few of the unique benefits and advantages of EU dual citizenship… Netherlands. Edit them in the Widget section of the, The European Union or the EU as it’s better known, is one of the world’s most famous and prominent entities. The free movement also applies to the citizens of European Economic Area countries and Switzerland. We have political clout. The UK has chosen leave the EU and consequently the certainty and clarity that the comprehensive EU framework of rules and regulations provides for its members but Ireland will continue to benefit from the stability of our EU membership. For non-EU expats interested in retiring in Malta permanently, the Malta Citizenship by Investment Program is a good choice, with an EU passport being possible in just under a year. Any EU citizen has the same right to work in another EU country as nationals of that country: under the same conditions and ; without having to apply for a work permit. As a dual citizen, you’re a citizen of two countries, so you have access to the privileges and benefits of each country. Freedom of travel is one of the major benefits of EU citizenship. To-date, it has an expansive global and cultural impact, and also has a significant effect on the economy. I get cleaner air and water. The EU long-term residence permit is a permanent residence title to live in an EU member country. Travellers can buy train or plane tickets, knowing they can get a refund if their journey is delayed or cancelled. There are many benefits that the EU has brought to the world from an international perspective. Being a citizen of one of the countries in the EU automatically makes you an EU citizen. According to the European Commission, more than 15 million EU citizens have moved to other EU countries to work or to enjoy their retirement. The EU protects all minorities and vulnerable groups, and stands up for the oppressed. As an EU citizen, you have the right to move to any EU country to live, work, study, look for a job or retire. One major stumbling block is that Spain does not recog… Europe is a place of wonder. It’s force is so widely renowned, a multitude of people from around the world have been consistently looking for opportunities to both work and live in countries that are members of the EU. British people are set to lose the many advantages of being an EU citizen (Getty) With the European Union referendum looming, polls show Britain on the verge of leaving. And the standards which goods in EU shops are required to meet are among the world's most stringent, in terms of both quality and safety. European passports are undoubtedly a highly attractive option for a second passport, and our team at Bluemina is poised to assist you with a range of similar programmes as well. One of the clearest advantages of an EU passport is that you have the freedom to work in any one of their member countries without any complications. The EU citizens thus mostly appreciate the possibilities of travelling made easier, not only as tourists, but also as employees or students. They’re also able to expand their resume, and accumulate invaluable work experience along the way. Here are some of the top benefits of having an EU passport: Mobility. One of the main advantages of the Netherlands is that you can be registered under the Dutch flag in as little as three days. The incredible diversity and endless opportunities have attracted people for centuries. Freedom of movement. Do get in touch for more. These are just some of the things I get from the EU. In the United States, dual citizenship is permitted if an individual is born within the country to parents who are immigrants. In other words, if you hold an EU passport, then you’re allowed to claim privileges stretching across health, education, pensions, and retirement and unemployment programmes. You need to check with the local health authorities in your host country if they offer a European Health Insurance Card for non-EU citizens. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. Advantages of Slovenian citizenship. Portugal is the only EU country that has promised easy entry to British citizens irrespective of a no-deal Brexit. Lets say for example that a supra-national regulation framework (semi-governmental function) imposed by the EU on its members leads to situations where member states can feel their sovereignty encroached upon or compromised. Finally, when moving to another EU country, EU citizens continue to get their previously granted pensions and other allowances. To be eligible, third-country nationals must have lived in the EU country where they apply, for at least five years. Advantages are: 1. If you’re not able to retain both citizenships, we’d then discuss your next course of action based on your requirements. The EU citizens thus mostly appreciate the possibilities of travelling made easier, not only as tourists, but also as employees or students. Blueray discs will work in any of the 28 member states so one can buy a disc from a member state and it will work at home. You may be surprised by just how many examples you'll find. In fact everyone who is citizen of a Member State is automatically a EU citizen. However, to have so many countries to choose from as your home, is a blessing that’s only available to a privileged few, and we encourage our clients to make the most of such opportunities. If they choose to move within the Schengen Area, which comprises 26 European countries, they can do away with using a passport, visa or other travel requirements. The European Union or the EU as it’s better known, is one of the world’s most famous and prominent entities. One of the many benefits of being a dual citizen includes: The right to live, work and study in two countries The Netherlands bank accounts are protected by bank deposit insurance for up to 100.000 euros; the EU minimum. As a dual citizen, you’re a citizen of two countries, so you have access to the privileges and benefits of each country. But, they’ll need people, ideas, … EU Residency Visa, Europe Residency; Easiest country to get permanent residency in Europe; Easiest EU country to get residency. The European Union is made up mostly of Western European countries. Buying online or connecting to your bank from home will be more secure thanks to strong customer authentication. As far as advantages of EU citizenship, there are many, including international mobility, unlimited working rights in the EU and, in most cases, transfer of your EU citizenship onto your children and grandchildren. or other means, it’s the benefits that EU countries offer that makes them so lucrative. Therefore, each country has its own requirements for making application for citizenship. Democracy is a requirement to be a EU Member State 3. Disadvantages of EU membership include: Cost.The costs of EU membership to the UK is £15bn gross (0.06% of GDP) – or £6.883 billion net. Though yes you’d have to handle the language transition effectively, this incredible employment flexibility means that people have a better chance to achieve their goals. The European Union creates stability because all of the nations belonging to the agreement (or NATO) work together for their mutual good. It’s force is so widely renowned, a multitude of people from around the world have been consistently looking for opportunities to both work and live in countries that are members of the EU. 1. right to diplomatic protection. This is because the Schengen Area is considered a single country for international travel pur… Being a citizen of the EU also means that you not only are able to make use of the benefits that are available to citizens in that particular country, but also those of all its member countries. Be this with citizenship through investment or other means, it’s the benefits that EU countries offer that makes them so lucrative. One option that you have as a US citizen is to claim dual citizenship with an EU country that also recognizes dual citizenship and then apply for a passport in that country. Central and western Europe has never known so long a period without war.