Building on the work done since 2015, the new Plan focuses on the design and production for a circular economy, with the aim to ensure that the … In collaboration with Guidehouse, we have launched the “Circular Economy Action Plan (CEAP) 2020 – Summary for business” to support business assess the implications of the CEAP 2020 on their activities and facilitate their transition to circular economy. SZ REDA organizes its third meeting with stakeholders within PLASTECO project, Guest lecturer - Prof. Dr. Roland Pomberger as the Head of Chair for Waste Processing Technology and Waste Management at the University of Leoben. It outlines the overall roadmap, and priority actions, which will move Cambodia towards a circular economy. In this report, coordinated by VVD MEP Jan Huitema, the European Parliament gives its opinion on the Circular Economy action plan 2.0, which was presented in March. Brussels, 11.3.2020 COM(2020) 98 final COMMUNICATION FROM THE COMMISSION TO THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT, THE COUNCIL, THE EUROPEAN ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COMMITTEE AND THE COMMITTEE OF THE REGIONS A new Circular Economy Action Plan For a cleaner and more competitive Europe For this to happen, we must act together and on an equal footing. Closing the loop – An EU action plan for the circular economy. It introduces legislative and non-legislative measures and target areas where action at the EU level brings added value. Background. Considering the current circumstances, the European Committee of the Regions' ENVE Commission would like to launch an online stakeholders' consultation aimed at feeding into the preparation of its upcoming opinion on the new Circular Economy Action Plan (CEAP) which was published on the 11th of March 2020 by the European Commission (EC) as part of the European Green Deal. The Waste (Circular Economy) (Amendment) Regulations 2020. It takes a achieving aluminium’s full potential for circular economy by 2030 builds on this Vision 2050 with a focus on circularity. 11.03.2020. •As announced in the Joint Roadmap from 15 April, the re-start of the economic Is the Commission planning to introduce provisions to rule out the marketing of imported products that may pose unacceptable risks to health and the environment? 1 The United Nations Paris Agreement, December 2015 The Action Plan is a key element of the European Green Deal and sets out a comprehensive framework for actions aimed at accelerating the transition towards a "regenerative growth model" that will make a Circular Economy Action Plan launched in March 2020. Status. The Secretary of State makes these Regulations in exercise of the powers conferred by section 2(2) of the European Communities Act 1972. Supporting the circular economy transition through the Skills Agenda, the forthcoming Action Plan for Social Economy, the Pact for Skills and the European Social Fund Plus. the whole recycling value chain. Context The EC heralded the new Action Plan as a key component of the new European Green Deal. Join Policy Learning Platform on 29 April 2021 from 14:00 to 15:30 CEST for a webinar on ‘Jobs and skills for the energy transition’. Published: 11 Nov 2020. The aim is that batteries placed on the EU market are sustainable, circular, high-performing and safe all along their entire life cycle, that they are collected, repurposed and recycled, becoming a true source of valuable raw materials. 6 February 2020: P-000755/2020: Priority question for written answer P-000755/2020 to the Commission Rule 138 César Luena (S&D) Answer in writing Subject: The circular economy: planned obsolescence, green public procurement and reuse of products : The circular economy is key in bringing about a shift in society, the economy and industry towards a greener and more climate-neutral economy… In March 2019, the European Commission published a comprehensive report on the implementation of the Circular Economy Action Plan it adopted in 2015. On 10 November 2020, the Commission adopted the first Action Plan’s milestone: a proposal for a Regulation to modernise EU legislation on batteries. The transition to a more circular economy, where the value of products, materials and resources is maintained in the economy for as long as possible, and the generation of waste minimised, is an essential contribution to the EU's efforts to develop a sustainable, low carbon, resource efficient and competitive economy. March 2020 the European Commission adopted a new Circular Economy Action Plan - one of the main building blocks of the European Green Deal, Europe's new agenda for sustainable growth. One of Minister Eamon Ryan’s first actions as Minister for the Environment is to push forward a progressive and impactful Plan that will start Ireland’s journey to reduce its over-consumption habits. It processes 2.3 million tonnes of domestic and related waste from around six million inhabitants of the Île-de-France region, including Paris, or almost 9% of the French population. What measures does the Commission intend to take to support the development of the repair and maintenance services sector in parallel with the obligation to manufacture repairable products? Responsibility of the content of this project micro-site lies under the Lead partner of the project. Introduction: Towards a Circular EconomyIntroduction: Towards a Circular Economy: Towards a Circular Economy On 11 March 2020 the EU Commission published the new Circular Economy Action Plan as announced in the Green Deal. [Action plan for circular economy in Portugal: 2017-2020] 2 LEADING THE TRANSITION: Action Plan for Circular Economy in Portugal 2017-2020 Technical Note The present action plan (LEADING THE TRANSITION) is a contribution generated by the interministerial group designated for this purpose. 27th August 2020. 3. on the New Circular Economy Action Plan (2020/2077(INI)) Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety Rapporteur: Jan Huitema Rapporteur for the opinion (*): Patrizia Toia, Committee on Industry, Research and Energy Anna Cavazzini, Committee on Internal Market and Consumer Protection (*) Associated committees ˗ Rule 57 of the Rules of Procedure . BSEF Position Paper: Circular Economy Action Plan 2020. We welcome the government’s new Waste Action Plan and its focus on waste prevention and the circular economy. A total of 574 out of 751 MEPs voted in favour of the action plan. The plan acknowledges the need to address the block’s resource consumption and to … The Portuguese Environmental Fund was created to support environmental policies in pursuit of the objectives of sustainable development by contributing to the a... A joint virtual study visit and workshop for the Interreg Europe projects Local Flavours and Keep On. In this report, coordinated by VVD MEP Jan Huitema, the European Parliament gives its opinion on the Circular Economy action plan 2.0, which was presented in March. Circular economy; Circular economy. CROSSCUTTING ACTIONS 2. THE NEW CIRCULAR ECONOMY ACTION PLAN 2020 2022. The CEAP contains many proposals. When you register, you will have access to additional services including the platform helpdesk and the possibility to contact your peers in the platform community. as of 2020. As one of the first major bodies of legislation and policy to promote a circular economy, it also provided one of the first blueprints for implementing circular economy policies across Europe and abroad. 25th August 2020. An analysis of the new EU Circular Economy Action Plan | 2 IEEP & SEI (2020) Contents WHY NOW? Will the condition of the Member States’ economies after the COVID-19 pandemic has abated or been halted be taken into account before making changes? Circular Economy Action Plan of 2020. This Circular Economy Action Plan provides a future-oriented agenda for achieving a cleaner and more competitive Europe in co-creation with economic actors, consumers, citizens and civil society organisations. The Recovery and Resilience Facility is to give the SME Strategy new impetus through investments in environment, and digital initiatives. Considering the current circumstances, the European Committee of the Regions' ENVE Commission would like to launch an online stakeholders' consultation aimed at feeding into the preparation of its upcoming opinion on the new Circular Economy Action Plan (CEAP) which was published on the 11th of March 2020 by the European Commission (EC) as part of the European Green Deal. On 11. COVID19 & CIRCULAR ECONOMY •In the near future, our focus will be on overcoming the COVID19 crisis and addressing its economic and social impact. Building on the work done since 2015, the new Plan focuses on the design and production for a circular economy, with the aim to ensure that the resources used are kept in the EU economy for as long as possible. Made. The European Commission adopted a new Circular Economy Action Plan – one of the main building blocks of the European Green Deal, Europe's new agenda for sustainable growth. Global consumption is growing at an alarming rate, and the amount of waste produced, according to the World Bank, could increase by 70 % by 2050. With measures along the entire life cycle of products, the new Action Plan aims to make our economy fit for a green future, strengthen our competitiveness while protecting the environment and give new rights to consumers. Circular Economy Action Plan Report European Parliament . PLASTECO’s first stakeholder meeting for the Municipality of Rethymno took place on 23.02.2020 online. In December 2019, the Welsh Government consulted on a new circular economy strategy for Wales – Beyond Recycling. Introduction. This Strategy and Action Plan is of critical importance. 02 | TOWARDS THE CIRCULAR ECONOMY Foreword An opportunity to rethink our economic future The Ellen MacArthur Foundation’s report on the Economics of a Circular Economy invites readers to imagine an economy in which today’s goods are tomorrow’s resources, forming a virtuous cycle that fosters prosperity in a world of finite resources. It aims at accelerating the transformational change required by the European Green Deal, while building on circular economy actions implemented since 2015. Portuguese Environmental Fund boosts e-mobility, Webinar ‘Jobs and skills for the energy transition’. The Action Plan supports circular change by involving economic actors, local authorities and civil society. 2. BSEF, the International Bromine Council, supports the strong EU drive for a more circular economy contributing to a more sustainable and greener future. Their contacts can be found in the section 'Contacts'. For this to happen, we must act together and on an equal footing. known as the European Circular Economy Action Plan (CEAP), set the world's largest single market area on a transition towards a circular economy. The conclusions highlight the role of the circular economy in the recovery from COVID-19 and make a link to digitalisation, underlining its importance for achieving the full potential of the circular economy. THE NEW CIRCULAR ECONOMY ACTION PLAN 2020 2022. The port of Rotterdam wholeheartedly endorses the importance of a stimulating framework for scaling up circular processes and supports many of the recommendations put forward by Jan Huitema and for example Esther de Lange.