[52] Ouagadougou International Airport closed and MPs suspended the vote on changing the constitution (the change would have allowed Compaoré to stand for re-election in 2015). Klima: Burkina Faso unterliegt tropischem Wechselklima, das primär beeinflusst wird von der Wechselwirkung des westafrikanischen Monsuns und des Passatwindes Harmattan, der den Regionen des Landes eine unterschiedlich lange, aber ausgeprägte Einteilung in Trocken- und Regenzeit beschert. And how can we prevent the next one? It also had to organize its largest expeditionary force of its colonial history to send into the country to suppress the insurrection. Mit über zwei Millionen Einwohnern ist sie die größte Stadt des Landes und dessen administratives, wirtschaftliches und kulturelles Zentrum. [126], A dual priority is to promote innovative, effective and accessible health systems. Burkina Faso befindet sich am Südrand der Sahelzone. Among the marchers was Jean-Claude Meda, the president of the Association of Journalists of Burkina Faso.[166]. Welcher Kontinent ist Fidschi? Klimadiagramm und Klimatabelle für Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. There is a supranational relationship between these organizations and their state members. The National Culture Week of Burkina Faso, better known by its French name La Semaine Nationale de la culture (SNC), is one of the most important cultural activities of Burkina Faso. [10], The total fertility rate of Burkina Faso is 5.93 children born per woman (2014 estimates), the sixth highest in the world. Hier ist die Wüste auf dem Vormarsch.. [105], The Country Programme (CP) has two parts: food and nutritional assistance to people with HIV/AIDS, and a school feeding program for all primary schools in the Sahel region. Vergleich zum langjährigen Mittel), Das Video zum Deutschlandwetter am Wochenende 10./11. [105], Poverty continues to be strongly linked to food insecurity. The increase in consumption linked to growth of the wage bill also supported economic growth. Burkina Faso - Climate Burkina Faso has been affected by an increase in the scale and intensity of droughts, rain, heat waves, strong winds and dust storms, according to a government report. Ouagadougou [wagaˈduːgu] (auch: Wagadugu [ˌvagaˈduːgu]) ist die Hauptstadt von Burkina Faso in Westafrika. Typical of West African cuisine, Burkina Faso's cuisine is based on staple foods of sorghum, millet, rice, maize, peanuts, potatoes, beans, yams and okra. One condition prevents any individual from serving as president for more than ten years either consecutively or intermittently and provides a method for impeaching a president. Die Luftfeuchtigkeit ist sehr hoch, die Trockenzeit dauert im Süden nur 2 bis 3 Monate. The other international airport, Bobo Dioulasso Airport, has flights to Ouagadougou and Abidjan. August 1960. [99] Additionally, stunted children, on average, tend to complete less school than children with normal growth development,[98] further contributing to the low levels of education of the Burkina Faso population. Burkina Faso Coronavirus update with statistics and graphs: total and new cases, deaths per day, mortality and recovery rates, current active cases, recoveries, trends and timeline. Much of the crafts produced are for the country's growing tourist industry. While the end of the political crisis has allowed Burkina Faso's economy to resume positive growth, the country's fragile security situation could put these gains at risk. [22] The BBC described the president as a "French-educated banker ... [who] sees himself as a social democrat, and has pledged to reduce youth unemployment, improve education and healthcare, and make health provision for children under six free of charge". Außerdem verursacht es den Übergang zwischen Trocken- und Niederschlag. Außerdem lässt es sich weiterhin in zwei Klimaperioden aufteilen, Regenzeit und Trockenzeit. [155] Burkina's contribution to African cinema started with the establishment of the film festival FESPACO (Festival Panafricain du Cinéma et de la Télévision de Ouagadougou), which was launched as a film week in 1969. Klimazone: Tropen Es ist ganzjährig warm bis heiß. It is a biennial event which takes place every two years in Bobo Dioulasso, the second-largest city in the country. Das ganze Jahr über gibt es in Tabtenga wenig Niederschlag. [105], The WFP concluded the formation of a subsequently approved plan in August 2018 "to support the Government's vision of 'a democratic, unified and united nation, transforming the structure of its economy and achieving a strong and inclusive growth through patterns of sustainable consumption and production.' Der Baumwollanbau in Burkina Faso erhöht das Wirtschaftswachstum auf Kosten der Umwelt und Gesundheit der Bauern. Ouagadougou [wagaˈduːgu] (auch: Wagadugu [ˌvagaˈduːgu]) ist die Hauptstadt von Burkina Faso in Westafrika. The theatre of Burkina Faso combines traditional Burkinabè performance with the colonial influences and post-colonial efforts to educate rural people to produce a distinctive national theatre. Das Sudan-Sahel Klima prägt das halbe Land. [49] As of 2014[update], Burkina Faso remained one of the least-developed countries in the world.[50]. Der Staat ist eine ehemalige französische Kolonie und grenzt im Norden und Westen an Mali, im Osten an Niger und im Süden an Benin, Togo, Ghana und an die Elfenbeinküste. Lage und Klima . Während der Norden trocken ist, ist der südliche Landesteil etwas regenreicher und besteht aus bewaldeter Savanne, die in Richtung Norden in Sand und Wüste übergeht. [88], In 2018, tourism was almost non-existent in large parts of the country. 15 talking about this. [92], There is mining of copper, iron, manganese, gold, cassiterite (tin ore), and phosphates. Der Afrikanische Wildhund lebt im W-Nationalpark. The amendment took effect during the 2005 elections. Burkina Faso is also a member of the Organization for the Harmonization of Corporate Law in Africa (OHCLA). In 1998, investigative journalist Norbert Zongo, his brother Ernest, his driver, and another man were assassinated by unknown assailants, and the bodies burned. The Gendarmerie operates under the authority of the Minister of Defence, and its members are employed chiefly in the rural areas and along borders. The 1991 constitution created a bicameral parliament but the upper house (Chamber of Representatives) was abolished in 2002. [11] There are 59 native languages spoken in Burkina, with the most common language, Moore, spoken by roughly 50% of Burkinabé.[12][13]. Der Norden von Burkina Faso gehört zur Sahelzone und ist von Trockenheit geprägt. Die Stadt Burkina Faso liegt am südlichen Rand der Sahel und zählt zu den Feuchttropen. Die Regenzeit dauert etwa von Mai/Juni bis September/Oktober. Die beste Reisezeite für Ouagadougou in Burkina Faso ist in Januar und Februar und Juni bis Dezember, da Sie ein warme bis sehr heiße Temperaturen haben und kein bis wenig Niederschlag.Die höchste Durchschnittstemperatur in Ouagadougou ist 41°C im April und die niedrigste Temperatur beträgt 32°C im August. [160], Attempts to develop an independent press and media in Burkina Faso have been intermittent. In Bobo-Dioulasso ist der wärmste Monat März mit 37° Celsius Tagestemperatur. Soon after coming to power, Yaméogo banned all political parties other than the UDV. Only 1.6 million Burkinabés voted, out of a total population 10 times that size. Klima (Modelliert) Die meteoblue Klima Diagramme basieren auf stündlichen Wettermodell-Simulationen für 30 Jahre und sind für jeden Ort der Welt verfügbar. Das ganze Jahr über ist es etwa gleich warm, nämlich im Durchschnitt 25 bis 30 Grad. Burkina Faso lies mostly between latitudes 9° and 15°N (a small area is north of 15°), and longitudes 6°W and 3°E. RTB maintains a worldwide short-wave news broadcast (Radio Nationale Burkina) in the French language from the capital at Ouagadougou using a 100 kW transmitter on 4.815 and 5.030 MHz. The Republic of Upper Volta was established on 11 December 1958 as a self-governing colony within the French Community and on 5 August 1960 it gained full independence with Maurice Yaméogo as President. Inflation remained low, 0.4% that year but the public deficit grew to 7.7% of GDP (vs. 3.5% in 2016). [90], Burkina Faso is a member of the Organization for the Harmonization of Business Law in Africa (OHADA). [105] The Human Development Index is a measure of quality of life, taking into account three main areas of human development: longevity, education, and economic standard of living. Hier ist es um wenige Grad kühler, sonst gibt es in dieser sogenannten Sudan-Sahel-Klimazone keine Unterschiede zum Klima in der Sahelzone.. Der Süden von Burkina Faso hat dagegen etwas gemäßigtere Temperaturen und es regnet häufiger als in den übrigen Regionen. Der Norden des Landes ragt in die Sahelzone hinein. On 16 September 2015, a military coup d'état against the Kafando government was carried out by the Regiment of Presidential Security, the former presidential guard of Compaoré. [97], These high rates of food insecurity and the accompanying effects are even more prevalent in rural populations compared to urban ones, as access to health services in rural areas is much more limited and awareness and education of children's nutritional needs is lower. To finance the public deficit, the Government combined concessional aid and borrowing on the regional market. In der Regenzeit strömen warmfeuchte Winde aus dem Südwesten über das Land. Das Klima ist hochmaritim. [63][64][65] As a result, governors were replaced and wages for public servants were raised.[66][67]. [119] Because of the global food crisis, local grain prices dramatically increased, limiting farmers' access to grain through market exchanges. [118] This strongly affected Burkina Faso because around 80% of Burkina Faso's population is rural, relying on subsistence farming to make a living. Während dieser Monate weht der sogenannte Harmattan, ein heißer Wüstenwind, der so viel feinsten Sand mitführt, dass die Sonne wie hinter einem dichten Schleier erscheint. Das Klima in Burkina Faso lässt sich grob in zwei Phasen einteilen. Through a complex series of events what is today Burkina Faso The territory of Burkina Faso was invaded by France, becoming a French protectorate in 1896. In 1934, during French occupation, Dim-Dolobsom Ouedraogo published his Maximes, pensées et devinettes mossi (Maximes, Thoughts and Riddles of the Mossi), a record of the oral history of the Mossi people. In the west, Mande languages are widely spoken, the most predominant being Dioula (also known as Jula or Dyula), others including Bobo, Samo, and Marka. The rainy season lasts approximately four months, May/June through September, and is shorter in the north of the country. Durchschnittstemperatur, Jahresniederschlag und Luftfeuchtigkeit. Gourmanché is spoken in the east, while Bissa is spoken in the south. WhatsApp. Compaoré's government played the role of negotiator in several West-African disputes, including the 2010–11 Ivorian crisis, the Inter-Togolese Dialogue (2007), and the 2012 Malian Crisis. After protests by students and labour union members, Yaméogo was deposed in the 1966 coup d'état, led by Sangoulé Lamizana, who became president. Ebenso beeinflusst die Lage den Übergang zwischen Trocken- und Regenzeit. Zurück zur Übersicht: Burkina Faso. In 2018, the under-five mortality rate and the infant mortality rate was 76 per 1000 live births. [165] In response, the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) wrote to President Compaoré to request his government investigate the sending of e-mailed death threats to journalists and radio commentators in Burkina Faso who were critical of the government. The policy also makes provisions for strengthening the ministry's strategic and operational capacities. All of these factors combined with high poverty levels have left Burkina Faso vulnerable to chronic high levels of food insecurity and malnutrition. Ländername: Burkina Faso Regierungsform: Laizistische Republik mit Präsidialsystem Staatsoberhaupt: Roch Marc Christian Kaboré, Amtsantritt 29.12.2015, wiedergewählt im November… The provinces of Kmoandjari, Tapoa, Kompienga, and Gourma in East Region due to crime and terrorism".[89]. Before attaining autonomy, it had been French Upper Volta and part of the French Union. We mostly only produce gold, but we have huge potential in manganese, zinc, lead, copper, nickel and limestone". Burkina Faso: Alles zum Wetter, Klima und der besten Reisezeit (mit Klimatabelle und Temperaturen). Rohstoffe von Nachbarstaaten. Burkina Faso (deutsche Aussprache: [bʊɐ̯ˌkʰiːnaˈfaːzo]), übersetzt Land des aufrichtigen Menschen, ist ein westafrikanischer Staat, der südlich des Nigerbogens liegt und an Mali, Niger, Benin, Togo, Ghana und die Elfenbeinküste grenzt. "Burkina Faso Profile." International Religious Freedom Report 2010: Burkina Faso, Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor, Mapping the Global Muslim Population. Ouagadougou (WAH-GAH-doo-goo) er hovedstad i Burkina Faso.Byen er landets største by med sine 2.200.000 indbyggere. [109], The December 2018 report by the World Bank indicated that the poverty rate fell slightly between 2009 and 2014, from 46% to a still high 40.1%. [16][15], Sankara pushed for agrarian self-sufficiency and promoted public health by vaccinating 2,500,000 children against meningitis, yellow fever, and measles. Three climatic zones can be defined: the Sahel, the Sudan-Sahel, and the Sudan-Guinea. [100], The European Commission expects that approximately 500,000 children under age 5 in Burkina Faso will suffer from acute malnutrition in 2015, including around 149,000 who will suffer from its most life-threatening form. Rail transport in Burkina Faso consists of a single line which runs from Kaya to Abidjan in Ivory Coast via Ouagadougou, Koudougou, Bobo Dioulasso and Banfora. The Protracted Relief and Recovery Operation 200509 (PRRO) was formed to respond to the high levels of malnutrition in Burkina Faso, following the food and nutrition crisis in 2012. Due to French colonialism, the country's official language of government and business is French. [103], An October 2018 report by USAid stated that droughts and floods remained problematic, and that "violence and insecurity are disrupting markets, trade and livelihoods activities in some of Burkina Faso's northern and eastern areas". 165. On 15 October 1987, Sankara, along with twelve other officials, died in a coup d'état organized by Blaise Compaoré, Sankara's former colleague, who served as Burkina Faso's president from October 1987 until October 2014. Ganzjährig sehr heißes Klima. Burkina Faso has a high population growth rate (3 percent per year during 2010–2015), pervasive poverty (43.7 percent live on less than $1.90 per day), a highly rural population (70 percent) and a heavy reliance on agriculture, which employs more than 80 percent of the working population and However, only 15% of the population actually speaks French on a regular basis. Bis zum 4. I de tørre områder er der busksteppe og ørken. Kaboré won the election in the first round of voting, receiving 53.5% of the vote against 29.7% for the second place candidate, Zephirin Diabré. [86] Agriculture represents 32% of its gross domestic product and occupies 80% of the working population. "[109] The Agricultural Productivity and Food Security Project has three main parts. Lewis, M. Paul (ed. There was also a constitutional chamber, composed of ten members, and an economic and social council whose roles were purely consultative. [109] According to the World Bank, the objective of this project is to "improve the capacity of poor producers to increase food production and to ensure improved availability of food products in rural markets. [121], A 33-megawatt solar power plant in Zagtouli, near Ouagadougou, came online in late November 2017. Die Sahelzone liegt am südlichen Rand der Sahara und erstreckt sich vom Atlantik bis zum Roten Meer über eine Länge von ca. Informationen über Durchschnittstemperaturen, Regentage, Sonnenstunden und Wassertemperaturen. [102] Forty percent of infant deaths can be attributed to malnutrition, and in turn, these infant mortality rates have decreased Burkina Faso's total work force by 13.6 percent, demonstrating how food security affects more aspects of life beyond health. This group's prediction for 2018 indicated that the budget deficit would be reduced to 4.8% of GDP in 2018 and to 2.9% in 2019. Fula is widespread, particularly in the north. Paul Kaba Thieba was appointed PM in early 2016. [78] There is an air force with some 19 operational aircraft, but no navy, as the country is landlocked. The next elections would be held in 2020. Other presidential candidates challenged the election results. Pinterest. De fleste tropiske områder har regntider, hvor der falder meget regn på kort tid. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. 7.000 km und eine Breite von ca. France continues to provide significant support and training to police forces. The revision was completed in 2018. [119], While services remain underdeveloped, the National Office for Water and Sanitation (ONEA), a state-owned utility company run along commercial lines, is emerging as one of the best-performing utility companies in Africa. Ouagadougou Klima und Durchschnittswerte für das ganze Jahr. The Proto-Mossi arrived in the far Eastern part of what is today Burkina Faso sometime between the 8th and 11th centuries,[31] the Samo arrived around the 15th century,[32] the Dogon lived in Burkina Faso's north and northwest regions until sometime in the 15th or 16th centuries[33] and many of the other ethnic groups that make up the country's population arrived in the region during this time. [97] However, only about a third of these children will actually receive adequate medical attention. Under the new (1991) constitution, Compaoré was re-elected without opposition in December 1991. Die Sahelzone. Det subtropiske klima er tørt og solrigt. Der August ist der Monat mit der The French feared a recurrence of armed uprising and had related economic considerations. Ouagadougou. [15] His foreign policies centred on anti-imperialism, with his government rejecting all foreign aid, pushing for odious debt reduction, nationalising all land and mineral wealth and averting the power and influence of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank. To proceed from primary to middle school, middle to high school or high school to college, national exams must be passed. [21] He was sworn in as president on 29 December 2015. The context of the COVID-19 pandemic further complicates the response. Üblich sind in Burkina Faso etwa 1,7 Grad mehr bei 28,0 °C für diesen Dreimonatszeitraum. At times these colonialists and their armies fought the local peoples; at times they forged alliances with them and made treaties. It consists mostly of rearing livestock. Was bedeutet der Name Burkina Faso? Other large predators live in Burkina Faso, such as the cheetah, the caracal or African lynx, the spotted hyena and the African wild dog, one of the continent's most endangered species.[85]. Burkina Faso liegt in den wechselfeuchten äusseren Tropen. The language of colonial administration and schooling became French. The charges were later dropped by a military tribunal after an appeal. [162][163], In January 1999, François Compaoré was charged with the murder of David Ouedraogo, who had died as a result of torture in January 1998. [158] The country's national team had its most successful year in 2013 when it qualified for the AfroBasket, the continent's prime basketball event. [120], However, access to drinking water has improved over the last 28 years. [124], There are 15,000 kilometres of roads in Burkina Faso, of which 2,500 kilometres are paved. [14] Following the coup Compaoré immediately reversed the nationalizations, overturned nearly all of Sankara's policies, returned the country back into the IMF fold, and ultimately spurned most of Sankara's legacy. [74], According to a World Bank Report in late 2018, the political climate was stable; the government was facing "social discontent marked by major strikes and protests, organized by unions in several economic sectors, to demand salary increases and social benefits .... and increasingly frequent jihadist attacks". [24], A 2018 report by the African Development Bank Group discussed a macroeconomic evolution: "higher investment and continued spending on social services and security that will add to the budget deficit". [105] While recent harvest productions have improved some, much of the population is still having a hard time overcoming the continuous food and nutrition crises of the past decade. Am wärmsten ist es im Monat März. Following an alleged coup-attempt in 1989, Compaoré introduced limited democratic reforms in 1990. In the more rural regions, in the outskirts of Burkina, you would find Dolo, which is drink made from fermented millet.[154]. In Burkina Faso herrscht wie in allen äquatornahen Ländern ein tropisches Klima. [54] Lt. Col. Isaac Zida said that he would lead the country during its transitional period before the planned 2015 presidential election, but there were concerns[by whom?] Wie ist das Klima in Ouagadougou? (In 2006 the Secretariat of FEPACI moved to South Africa, but the headquarters of the organization is still in Ouagadougou.) In den Schutzgebieten leben aber noch Flusspferde, Elefanten, Büffel, Löwen und Leoparden. Its citizens are known as Burkinabé or Burkinabè (/bɜːrˈkiːnəbeɪ/ bur-KEE-nə-bay), and its capital is Ouagadougou. The 2018 CIA World Factbook provides this updated summary. [22], In February 2016 a terrorist attack occurred at the Splendid Hotel and Capuccino café-bar in the centre of Ouagadougou: 30 people died. In Tabtenga herrscht Steppenklima. [14][15] Sankara renamed the country Burkina Faso and launched an ambitious socioeconomic programme which included a nationwide literacy campaign, land redistribution to peasants, railway and road construction and the outlawing of female genital mutilation, forced marriages and polygamy. [153] The most common sources of animal protein are chicken, chicken eggs and fresh water fish. Ländername: Burkina Faso Regierungsform: Laizistische Republik mit Präsidialsystem Staatsoberhaupt: Roch Marc Christian Kaboré, Amtsantritt 29.12.2015, wiedergewählt im November… [120] The state-owned, commercially run venture has helped the nation reach its Millennium Development Goal (MDG) targets in water-related areas, and has grown as a viable company. Many of the nation's filmmakers are known internationally and have won international prizes. [162][163], Since the death of Norbert Zongo, several protests regarding the Zongo investigation and treatment of journalists have been prevented or dispersed by government police and security forces. Die Haussa-Ginsterkatze und das Warzenschwein leben im Süden des Landes, im Norden wohnt der Blassfuchs. Flacher Binnenstaat mit tropischem Wechselklima. Das Klima in Ägypten ist aufgrund der Größe des Landes mit unterschiedlichen Begebenheiten natürlich je nach Region anders, besitzt aber dennoch überall eine Tendenz zu manchmal feuchter Hitze.. Unterschiedlich, weil sich das Klima im Bereich der Mittelmeerküste und im Nildelta doch vom Klima im übrigen Land abhebt. Lamizana's rule coincided with the beginning of the Sahel drought and famine which had a devastating impact on Upper Volta and neighboring countries. Various ethnic groups of present-day Burkina Faso, such as the Mossi, Fula and Dioula, arrived in successive waves between the 8th and 15th centuries. Durchschnittstemperatur, Jahresniederschlag und Luftfeuchtigkeit.