We've been texting on Instagram and you know, just asking each other some breaking the ice questions, and it's been pretty good. Women don't typically do that. And i told her its not for sure. Last week she sent me a picture out of the blue of a building in which I used to work, telling me she was nearby one week before and making a joke about it. Then school came in, I learned she was in my homeroom, but so was her boyfriend... She didn't have any of my other classes with me either so it was pretty much just homeroom or 9th period. One time this year she sent me an laughing emoji then a red heart. I went out clubbing with her and she was quite physical, touching and hugging and taking pictures. Keep it positive and loving, and you never know what might end up happening. They will try to figure out some sort of pattern. Though she got out of a relationship due to her boyfriend cheated on her, and she isn't looking for anything serious just yet. It's not because she's crazy or doesn't know how to be concise, she really. She makes me feel like I am somebody. How often does she text you? She sends you poetry, song lyrics, or articles that she likes. However recently we went out again but she had to leave early to catch a flight. If she talks about other guys to you, this isn't good. When it becomes only a means of contact and sorting affairs, you're getting dull. Any kind of "breaking the ice" topics are a good sign that she likes you. And I would say hi back and she would say lol! This may be for fun, but the longer it continues, the more likely she is crushing on you. Also, how can I tell if she likes me as a friend or more, if she calls me a friend but uses some of the cute signs, and I’m not a guy? I met this girl through a girl friend that she visited and after she left my friend texted me ''XY sent you a kiss.'' Same goes for texting you about anything positive or cute. She'll get the idea and warm up to you if she's interested. BTW I'll stay away from her, wait for her to initiate after this. It's totally acceptable to just let it dangle. I called her and asked her out again and she said it was very difficult for her on this week. Usually I just go on when someone seems not interested, and I've searched about this behavior and asked about this to female friends about, but they're as confused as me with this girl. It sounds like you gave her mixed signals when you lost interest. ... xx normally mean kiss kiss so she may be flirting or just sending her love. i asked her what gem she wanted then when i came home i asked her if she wanted me to send her a pic of the gift, i teased her by sending her a pic of the box. She often texts me late at night, she opens my messages immediatley, she texts me quotes or song lyrics but I think she sends them to everyone.could you guys tell me if she’s into me or not? Andrea Lawrence (author) from Chicago on March 26, 2017: Send her multiple hearts back. I wasn't really texting him about puppies. After that we text everyknow and then but we usually just talk at school. If she calls you out for something or playfully teases you, she's comfortable with you and may be being flirty. He texts me everyday and most of the time i will be the one who starts the conversation. “Can I call?” Oof. She becomes more and more frank with me. Sometimes they just don’t feel like texting. Hi ive been talking lately to my childhood friend that came back after 10 years or so and i initiated the contact and most of the time she would have a smily emoji in her messages and she sent me a picture of her in the couch smiling to the camera. She is mad and just agreeing to end the conversation. Now I'm really awkward around girls so I weakly replied "you know the thing we spoke about by text the other night?". One of my friends that are girls snitched on me and told her so now she is very suspicious. She literally means just friends, in the friend-zone. I told her that I wanted to hang out with her for almost 3 weeks now and she has time to hang out with her friends, go to concerts, hang out with someone (most probably a guy) and a friend who is currently on town. Be open minded, say you are willing to learn, and the last thing you want to do is hurt her feelings. Patient + calm + angry is a unique mix... so you must have made a very strange forward blunder. She does not talk about her boyfriend with me and says she really likes what i do in my work. I told her i cant be at the party via facetime, or video chat. Now, coming to your question. She turned on the lights and ran to stand aside her bed, I approached her but then she ran back to were I was. 8-22-19. w says: no it’s nor. We haven't seen each other for 1,5 month because of the summer holidays but we kept on texting (it became less frequent and intense than in the beginning but it's still at least once a day). I'm not a muscular guy, but I'm not puny either, I'm little chubby, and have really good career. She is not very happy and just wants to drop the subject. . If a woman texts you when she is sad this can go two ways: 1.) She is thinking, “Why would you even ask that?”. When I see her in class she never really talks, is quiet and as soon as I get home we text for almost the rest of the day. 1. Is she into me or not we've hung out and everything am I in the friend zone? and she said she liked it. situation like this has happened before, but there's too many of them to type without getting carpal tunnel syndrome, so this story will have to suffice. Is that texting is obviously our main form of communication. Andrea Lawrence (author) from Chicago on January 20, 2017: Keep talking to her and hanging out with her. BECAUSE SHE CARES. Girls knows it's weird to give advice in a text message, especially long advice, but if she cares about you and notices something that you're doing is off, then she'll be dying to confront it. However, if the two of you barely know each other then she is probably only responding to you because she feels obligated to or because she feels like she should be polite. Also I told her that I like her but she didn’t say “sorry I only like you as a friend” or something like that she said “ok, don’t be scared, there is no problem with that” then she hugged me. So does that mean she likes you, or does that mean she doesn't? Andrea Lawrence (author) from Chicago on December 19, 2017: Andrea Lawrence (author) from Chicago on December 08, 2017: Well, you may have confused her if you told her you don't like her. Today she told me that she doesn't like me sending photos of myself to her as often as I have been doing it and when I told her that she should've told me earlier she responded that she is not that kind of a girl that tells but rather a guy should notice by himself.. then I responded that I clearly screwed that one (with the photos) and just got a thumbs up as an answer. I think if you really care about her, I would be her friend one way or the other. But I couldn’t focus on anything else for the last 5 months, I appreciate this, I hope you're right and my gut tells me I am too. Watch your own patience. If a use correct grammar with you I must see you as something else than a friend? Usually, she'll either send you a picture of something she thinks is cool or funny (like a funny license place or a cute dog) or she'll send you pictures of herself. She uses various words to describe me, Mr Lovely, Cutie, Sweetie, Sweetness, funny in a cute way and a number of others. These things are circumstantial. Andrea Lawrence (author) from Chicago on January 16, 2017: Keep talking to her. Here are some signs that will help you figure out if she'd like to do that, too, and if she is using text messaging to try and find a way to spend more time with you. Then we texted random gifs to each other. I have continued texting her however and she still texts me basically all day every day and she will still text me late at night.Thoughts? Try to respect that vulnerability and act worthy of her trust. Usually means she really does not know, but is sometimes used to avoid answering an unwanted question. Women love listeners, but they love when you talk too. That's when we really started talking (over text).. She opened up to me as if we'd known each other for years, telling me more personal and trusting stories and telling me what's going on in her life. Twitter. Hello, Mr. Manoj, thank you for your request. Contact her for work. Are the two of you in a relationship? Andrea Lawrence (author) from Chicago on December 21, 2017: It sounds like you need to meet in person. The more you talk, hang out, the more she will open up. She continuously sends me mixed signs. To be honest I was kinda rude on the phone, and she played very deffensive (she defended herself telling me we hanged out on my birthday, 5 months ago) and that I was overreacting because she cancels to everyone all the time. So i was going to go fishing with a girl but I found out from my friend that she wasn't aloud to date but she sent me a text saying her friend wanted to fish with me. Of course, she now looks even worse since she’s ghosting you, but now you know she’s not good in conflict situations. Does she like me what do I do please help. I could do all or most of these actions with just a friend to be honest. Of course, many positive friendly things can be just that... friendly. How do you think about the answers? Try to get to know her more. She started contact again but was still cold so I was very carefull texting her. ;). I usually avoid the terminology of them telling you to shut up, because most men take it out of context. 7-3-15. So she didn’t text back. That it isn't exactly easy to see her date. It freezes every stress and everything that went wrong and she smiles looking down because there’s a confidence to you and someone who puts an effort in things that matter like her. . I invited her to the movies once and to hang out another (about 4 months ago) and she went those times.She even texted me saying she enjoyed those, but after that she always have another plan. He will make the conversation longer and longer. I told her I'm in oklahoma city, i'll ask my father, and he was undecided. She keeps the conversation going when she could have ended it. She is wondering what you mean and what you are talking about. If she texts you to see if you are going to a party, she more than likely wants to go with you or see you there. Friendships are not easy to come by these days. We've talked about many personal things, including past relationships. So there is this girl that I like and idk if she likes me back. She said I love it. But then after the third guy hurt her, she came back to me and started acting like this. She will have an assortment of nicknames for you. There's this girl I've known for several years now and we recently reconnected. But she didn’t. If she asks what you like about her looks, such as whether her hair is curly or straight, it's because she wants to know what appeals to you. Or did she do it just to inform me she doesn't like it and still likes me? When I was going, she left the party and waited with me while my uber picked me up. Well, you should try that first. The exclamation mark has a very important meaning. I can't say something nice to a friend? 30 minutes to an hour... is a good turn around time. If she text you when she is gone for a weekend and you are not in a relationship, what that does mean? Sending pictures is pretty flirtatious. ... (TBH full form) on Facebook, Instagram, Texting. If she texts you after a hangout saying that she enjoyed spending time with you, it is unlikely to just be courtesy. They want responses so they can feel confident about your interest, and they want to figure out if you're right for them without being too obvious. If she texts you back when it's unnecessary, she wants to keep the conversation alive. Reply +56 Was this answer helpful? I have no reason to not believe her. Well, in most cases that’s what it means. She liked my posts and bragged about that (now she doesn't do it anymore), and also brags frequently (she is the best cousin, she never gets angry, etc). location on public forum, and I said that she lives in that city, and she thought I was lurking on her. If she sends you a text, it means she wants to communicate with you. Exclamation (!) If you get pictures of certain specific body parts, something more scandalous, especially without her face visible, that probably means you are a booty call. But after that the first girl started sending me selfies on Snapchat and idk what that's suppose to mean. That's where you go from here. Girls keep their business private when they think they might have a chance with you. AT NIGHT. I need some help. Be accepting with the progress you receive on this. Girls may get weird or shy away if you become too overt or sexual. We met like 2 times and she was sending me clear signals she liked me. Right after that conversation was over she asked if I could come to her birthday party. She is fine going to your place alone. I've been texting a girl for about 3 months now. If she writes to you talking about her day, she likes the attention you give her and she wants to open up to you. then she typed a big heart and little heart trailing off of the big heart. She invited me to her prom party and to hang out with her friends, but treats me different to them (she is more touchy with them, has more confidence) and she was ashamed (and pointed at me) when one of her friends said something about her. Girls try to be particular about punctuation and crap, especially as they get older. I think she was caught off-guard when I told her that, and was just polite enough not to blast me. I usually don't recommend it and try to push people to find something else that's better suited and gives you everything you really want. I'm at uni and she is friends with my flat mate, turns out I'm going to be living with her next year in accommodation. Keeping me around when things in her marriage get boring or rocky? If she sends me photos of her and her pets, could that mean she likes me? She probably MORE than likes you. Sometimes after 30 min, after a day and her new record: replied after 5 days of leaving m on seen. I’m done. This symbol indicates the finality of the statement. I don't ask for them, she just sends me pictures: she went on a trip and send me a picture of her there, when i asked if she had returned, she sent 2 more of the views from her offices. She then of course said Thanks bestie followed by hearts. Either she is excited for what was asked, or she just could not think of anything else to say, but did not want to end the conversation. Two days after that she texted me to ask me about my sports team. She said okay thanks followed by a golden hands in prayer. But my philosophy is if you're getting a response and constant communication, you are are in good shape. Ask her questions. It is up to you to start a new one. or she just wants to be my friend? then she said oh. Obviously, this stuff would be beneath them. She responded to an online comment, that I had posted. I know I need to cut all ties. Looking for online definition of SHE or what SHE stands for? She's nice girl. If this becomes a consistent thing, she likes you. Also, I am really good at negotiations, as far as I know. Don't push so much pressure on a relationship, or her, or yourself. I am a girl and I feel called out because I do most of them. She never proposes another date, she jyst cancells and tells me she has a very crazy schedule. Increasing the flirting a little bit each time and see if she reciprocates. Do you know what one of the biggest questions men have regarding dating? She wasn't angry at this, rather consoling me that I shouldn't apologize and not feel bad, and told me that it's OK, and relax. Girls want to create connection. She'd text me in the mornings, and send me snapchats all day, more than 70 texts and a ton more snap chats, and just always seem to love my company. So our text exchanges being 3 hours or 15 minutes are usually filled with deep meaningful and effortless conversation. If it keeps being consistent for a long period of time, there is likely some amount of interest. Just a couple days ago we were talking and we laughed at what she said and when we stopped laughing we kinda gave each other a long stare for like.. maybe 10 or so seconds.. She stared at my eyes and I stared at hers giving each other a nice, calm smile across our faces.. It was kinda akward asking and my heart raced super fast, but she replied with "yeah.. kinda.." Basically nothing really changed. Please. She didn't rejected me nor accepted to be my girlfriend. If they tell you about guys they like, most likely they see you as a friend. Well 2 kisses and no hugs.. well i guess that means she doesnt really wanna be your friend but she wants to be your girlfriend.. The last is 2 years older than her but she says she is not interested in him, she just likes him because he is like her in the work. But one text at the end of a long day comes to mean so much. I asked her if she ever thought about dating me and she said that she thought about that when we met. I think we both like each other. I feel like we have this connection I’ve had these weird dreams lately (not about her) but they say dreams have signs and I been looking up on it. Google's free service instantly translates words, phrases, and web pages between English and over 100 other languages. This should be your first question: what is she talking about? I really like this girl, but has a boyfriend. Add some humor, add something interesting and playful. Just breathe. Then you are the equivalent of dirt. Questions such as asking you to do a favor for her, asking to borrow a book, or asking you to escort her through an unpleasant situation are all good signs. But mhm really isn't an acronym at all. If it is after a regular sentence, she just added it so the sentence would seem happier. Does she likes me or she is just playing? There are other people who can have deep and meaningful conversations with you and have the time to invest in you. In texting, you don't have to end a sentence with any punctuation. what does uefa mean in texting. play a big part in the lyrics. Any part on her to keep the conversation alive, especially the longer it goes on, is an obvious indication that she enjoys talking / flirting with you. When she sends me random texts late at night or in the middle of the day when I know she’s busy. This means she is excited and very interested in what you said. After initial blunder that I did, I thought I blew my chance for good, but I told her to PM me on chat. We've hung out a couple times as well. Then i told her that i found out i couldn't come, that i was mad, i explained why, but still told her i'm getting her a present still, that is going to be definite! Like 9 out of 10 points above are happening with me during text. I told her to know that i'd miss my own graduation for it. when i ask him if i bored him or annoy him and he tells me i dont. I have been introduced to the family, friends and the kids at various times since i have known her. Me and my crush do streaks and she's sent a pic of her in a tight shirt and a mirror selfie of her showing off her ass, often sending pics of her and not a black screen, once a couple of months ago she sent me a meme "maybe if i get feelings for corona it'll go away", when I talk to her sometimes she uses a few emojis including. We dont really talk but last year..we always talked. I gave her some earring of my own design. At this point, I'm confused as to what make off this situation. What does xx mean at the end of a text message? Before we get into the details, here are the top ten ways you can know if a girl likes you through text. Boy this one is complicated. I say keep talking to her and flirting. I'm talking to this girl and for a week we talked in the phone for 5 hours every night and we talked her day flirted all that it wasn't one sided either. Flat-out forgetting several times is weird. Here are some signs relating to not what she texts you, but when and how often. “uh huh” This is a sarcastic way of saying “I believe you.” She really does not believe you, so you better explain. Help me out on this one. 9 years ago. If when ever I say “kill me” or “OMG I want to die” she says “nOOOO” what does that mean? Note 2: she used to cancel every time y asked her out and didn’t proposed any other day. A C. Lv 5. If you have no idea why she's starting a conversation through text and it seems comical, she definitely likes you. Either way I feel like there's more to what she thinks of me but I don't know what to do because of her bf and kinda liking me and classes and stuff.. oh btw I feel as stupid beyond all h because before she started dating her bf we had a mutual friend and our mutual friend said she was trying to convince the girl I like to ask her bf out... and may of kinda encouraged it but this was before I liked her because we didn't talk at all.. so yea.. As soon as I realized I did that I pretty much smacked my self in the head.. but you know past is in the past right?.. I really like this girl at my college, we talk in person almost everyday and by text almost everyday, the other day we were texting and the conversation got onto caring about what people think of us, she asked me if I was often worried about what she thought about me (I had told her that I often replay conversations in my head if I think they went badly and I care what the person thinks), I told her that I did and asked her why. I'm not sure if she is just interested in you or others.