Good Essay Introduction Example - How to Write a Good Introduction Paragraph for an Essay With Examples. Religion was significant in the ball games of the Maya and the bull jumping of the Minoans, and has been a source of inspiration for modern athletes. The typical research paper is a English Movie Rating highly codified rhetorical form [ 12 ]. Our plagiarism detection tool will check... Wonder how much time you need to deliver your speech or presentation? ... We will write a custom Research Paper on Enhancement Drugs in Sports Should Be Banned: An Argumentative Paper specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page. Activities like football are effective in nurturing physical health and developing good interaction skills. Levinson, D., & Christensen, K. Athletic events, for example, prompt conversations that cut through all divisions of society, and sports metaphors sprinkle the language: “on target,” “level playing field,” “sticky wicket,” “throw in the towel.” Sports are a universal phenomenon that can be found with all peoples and in all times, and they invite cross-cultural comparisons to help ascertain what it means to be human. See our collection of sports research paper examples . To narrow the scope to a manageable range, it is recommended to choose short subtopics that will interest your reader. As the social historian Jacques Barzun observed about the United States in 1954, “Whoever wants to know the heart and mind of America had better learn baseball, the rules and realities of the game—and do it by watching first some high school or small town teams” (Barzun 1954, 159). Guttmann developed a list of distinguishing characteristics of modern sport: secularism, equality (equal rules for all participants), bureaucratization (organizational control), specialization (specific positions and roles played in a game), rationalization (rules and training for efficient skills), quantification (an emphasis upon measurement by numbers), and record keeping. Also, one needs to argue the antithesis constructively. Now, have a look at research paper introduction example: “The musical marketing turns to be digital according to demands of current online epoche. We all know the famous Olympic Games competition that was created in Greece. Participation in sports is aimed at utilizing or maintaining, as well as improving one’s physical capabilities, as well as the skills of the game. You can use our professional writing services to order a custom research paper on any topic and get your high quality paper at affordable price. In terms of numbers of participants and fans, basketball, along with soccer, became one of the most widespread sports in the world. Historic artifacts suggest that the earliest sporting activities took place in China many centuries ago. Sports Paper Examples Collection Movement Analysis Report: Bowling Stroke – Expert vs. Novice. The Olympics have been a showcase for the world’s best athletes and for rivalries between political ideologies. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO. In the same way, predominantly motorized activities like power boating, as well as Formula I, are appropriately perceived as sports. Moreover, the individuals participating in certain sports activities, together with spectators, are entertained by this physical competition. The use of enhancement drugs and other performance enhancement substances in sports is not a new phenomenon. Soccer and cricket, another British sport, spread throughout the British Empire, supported by the colonial administrations and by the British army, which used sports to forestall boredom and promote physical conditioning. From these criteria, one might expand the list of activities that can be categorized as sports. The opening paragraph is the most important since it gives direction for the whole paper. The content of your paper will be examples of an introduction for a research paper fully based on your personality, your strengths and weaknesses, your accomplishments and failures. It is helpful to think of sports as a form of cultural expression that reflects a culture’s history and character. Any paper will be written on time for a cheap price. Eastern Woodlands Indians played a ball game that was the prototype of lacrosse. One disturbing aspect of international competition has been the increasing use of performance-enhancing drugs, a trend that started with Soviet weightlifters in 1952. As with other performed forms of cultural expression, sports appeal to the emotions and to aesthetics. It spread to Europe, Africa, and South America through transplanted British schoolmasters, traveling students, interested businessmen, posted soldiers, and visiting sailors. Chinese court women played astride donkeys or ponies. Sporting activity is grounded in human physiology and a love of movement that all humans share at birth and embrace throughout life. Sports do not drive the economies of the world, nor do they determine foreign policy, and there is no quantifiable evidence that they are necessary in schools. Make sure the final sentence of the concluding paragraph upholds your main ideas in a compelling and concise manner. Sample Introduction in Research Paper . Further, it examines the various ways through which sports impact … Guttmann, A. Participating in sports and maintaining a good academic performance is a difficult task for many student athletes. It grabs your readers’ attention, sets the essay tone and informs your audience on the key points you’re going to discuss. Free research papers are not written by our writers, they are contributed by users, so we are not responsible for the content of this free sample paper. It was the dream of the Frenchman Baron Pierre de Coubertin (1863–1937) to promote world peace through sports competition and a revival of the ancient Olympic Games. Free research papers are not written to satisfy your specific instructions. (1954.). Sports certainly help the body remain fit and slim. What are the benefits of sports and games? As demonstrated in the sample essay given above, an interesting essay on sports can be one that briefly touches on the distinguishing elements of a sport with the history of sports. (Eds.). (p. 23). There exists much anecdotal testimony, however, about the usefulness of the arts, including sports, for creating multidimensional, interesting individuals. In the ancient Olympic Games (776 BCE–393 CE) most of the skills tested by the events had fighting applications. The commercialization of sports, driven by the fantastic amounts of money produced by advertising on televised events, has created international stars such as boxing wit Mohammad Ali (b. Javelin throwing was one of the most apparent, but the contestants also ran, jumped, boxed, wrestled, threw a discus, raced chariots, and rode horses. 1. Do not forget to choose a relevant topic and make an appropriate conclusion. Afterward the winners claimed their wagers, everyone took a drink of whiskey, and the Indians returned home. Sports can be viewed from many different aspects. The most important inspiration for sports, however, has been warfare. Now go back to points two and three and repeat them. Moreover, as with all arts, larger issues of a society involving economics, politics, technology, religion, architecture, and social questions can be observed in the circumstances of sports. In your intro, you are to: The body paragraphs in a standard 5-paragraph essay include various details like quotes, facts, stats, and examples for the three points that you’ve given in your intro. “Nike’s Marketing Communication Mix” paper example explores how Nike penetrated the market by helping athletes to perform better, and what solutions were required. The example essays in Kibin's library were written by real students for real classes. The two combatants fought until someone surrendered. The influence of combat can also be seen in Native American contests. Here, you can get quality custom Scholarship Essay Examples Sports essays, as well as a dissertation, a research paper, or term papers for sale. If, for example, players verbally or physically attack the judge, he will not punish them for it … James Naismith (1861–1939) put together, tested, and refined the rules of basketball in 1891; the game was not only popular in the YMCA, but also in school systems. The sports sociologist D. Stanley Eitzen has updated this observation: “Baseball, then, represents what we were—an inner-directed, rural, individualistic society. The modern concept of sport refers mainly to organized and competitive physical activities such as cricket, basketball, table tennis, golf, or soccer and excludes recreational activities such as walking or … In Sport in contemporary society: An anthology (5th ed.) Organizational Tips For Sports Research Paper Writing. In order of importance, list three key arguments/points that support your thesis statement. What is an introduction for a research paper? Archery was a sport for the yeomanry of England and a passionate activity for the urban bourgeoisie of western Europe. Only a few number of parents may be aware of the positive effects of sports in the academic … Table of Contents Introduction 4 Type of Research 5 Central Question for Research 5 Research Activity on the 6 Aims and Objectives of Research 7 Description of Methodology 7 Results and Conclusions 9 References 18 Article Review and Discussion of Results: THE EFFECT OF ASPERGILLUS FUMIGATUS INFECTION ON VITAMIN D RECEPTOR EXPRESSION IN CYSTIC FIBROSIS (Coughlan, Chotirmall, … These are comparable to the new stadiums U.S. cities build in order to attract “big league” sports teams. A broad definition of sport includes recreational activities and games, but a narrower definition limits sport to athletics of a competitive nature. Parental pressure to prioritize education and concentrate more on academics rather than in athletic activities are common among youngster with exceptional skills in sports. In 564 BCE Arrachion, a pankrationist, while being strangled in a bout, won by dislocating his opponent’s toe. Urbana: Illinois University Press. This sample Sports Research Paper is published for educational and informational purposes only. New York: Columbia University Press. During the years of the Middle Ages in Europe (500–1500), the upper class sponsored tournaments to keep sharp the fighting skills of the knights, while the lower classes practiced archery. The introduction leads the reader from a general subject area to a particular topic of inquiry. This is a good way to introduce your readers to your topic and pique their interest. Sounds like a nice choice. Free research papers are not written by our writers, they are contributed by users, so we are not responsible for the content of this free sample paper. In some cases, enthusiasts helped spread sports. Judo became popular as a participant sport after World War II, adopted the characteristics of modern sports, and became a part of Olympic competition in 1964. Van Bottenburg, M. (2001). This broad definition of sport reflects the universal human passion for movement. Sports activities can be classified into two main categories, the broadest and most popular one being physical activities. Introductions to research papers do a lot of work. Tired of all the guides and never-ending instructions? Modern sports evolved mainly in the West during the time of the industrial and scientific revolutions, and the demographic surge of population from the countryside to the city. Because of the lack of comparable statistics it is difficult to measure the most popular modern sports, but in terms of the quantity of national sports organizations dedicated to a particular sport, the leaders are soccer, basketball, tennis, track and field, and volleyball. Games and empires. ... As demonstrated in the sample essay given above, an interesting essay on sports can be one that briefly touches on the distinguishing elements of a sport with the history of sports. Most parents believe that active involvement in sports and games may affect the studies and hinder the professional career of their children. It considers even such intricate factors as weather, the safety of workers and the behavior of sports fans — it is a good sample for sports management research. Take the three points from the intro to discuss each in three paragraphs of the body. They called their game baggataway, which translated into “little brother of war.”. The Cold War antagonism between the United States and the Soviet Union reflected in the games between 1952 and 1992 resulted in technological improvements in equipment, venues, and training, the erasure of the amateur code that had hitherto excluded professional athletes, and the acceleration of female participation in sports. Here is how you do that: Your first paragraph of the body section is ready. Elias and Dunning developed a theory about a “civilizing process” whereby people learned to control emotion and aggression in sports to reduce injury. You’ve just written your 5-paragraph essay! This sample Sports Research Paper is published for educational and informational purposes only. “Writing Services” As I have already Introduction Examples Of Research Paper had some bad experiences with writing services, I asked to provide me with a draft of the work. Social theory as noted by Delaney and Madigan (21) defines expression of ideas on human behavior in the context of a social world. For pastimes, the elite hunted on horseback with falcons and played shuffleboard in their castles, while the peasants pursued crude games of football between villages, as well as bowling, field hockey, and games of quoits in the stables. Hot, desert climates cautioned against excessive exposure of the body. One criterion for consideration as a sport is that the activity should incorporate the so-called competitive element. Their endorsement of products has helped to create an international market for sports equipment, affected labor markets in Asia, and enhanced the growth of companies such as Nike that market the majority of sporting gear and equipment in the global market. Our professionals will help to come up with the best paper no matter which theme(s) you choose.