Philippines' leader Duterte also claims that Beijing promised him an early vaccine. The launching of the EU-supported ASEAN Customs Transit System later this year is one example. 12/12/2019 - I am excited that we agreed yesterday on an important milestone in the EU’s fight against climate change: we adopted the European Commission communication on the "EU Green Deal". 31/10/2020 - HRVP Blog - Since the beginning of my mandate, I have been working on a new EU Global Human Rights Sanctions Regime. 02/07/2020 - In the almost ten years since civil war began in Syria, I have followed closely its appalling developments and the horrors that the Syrian people have gone through. Borrell se ha mostrado muy prudente. 18/09/2020 - Several outlets - On 12 September I had the pleasure to discuss with my ASEAN counterparts how we can strengthen cooperation between the EU and ASEAN. 28/12/2020 – HR/VP blog – Especially during the Covid-19 “infodemic”, we have seen how widespread and how damaging foreign interference and disinformation can be for our security, our democracy and our societies. We look also forward to finalise an Air Transport Agreement with ASEAN as soon as possible. With the prolonged and worsening COVID-19 crisis, the fight against terrorism and radicalisation, and the growing international tensions in the region and worldwide, it is more important than ever for the EU to deepen its ties with a country like Pakistan. The memories of this war, at the heart of our continent, will remain with us forever. 26/02/2021 - Josep Borrell, 73, does the interview on the 12th floor of the Berlaymont building in Brussels. I Alemanya ho està fent de manera molt forta. We want to engage Africa’s youth are determined to build their own future, ideally in partnership with others. Agnes Szucs | 30.03.2021. The crisis is largely due to the dysfunctioning governance in the country. On the elections, he stressed that they should "contribute to the settlement of the conflict" and "held in accordance with UN Security Council resolution 2254, under supervision of the UN, and seek to satisfy the highest international standards". 03/10/2020 - Borrell pediulles máis unidade ás forzas políticas españolas. 28-09-2020 Share ... With this blog, I intend to take a step back and contribute to building a European common strategic culture. 03/11/20 - HR/VP Blog - There is never any justification for callous killings such as those that have taken place recently in France and Austria. 04/11/2020 - Josep Borrell, alto representante de la UE para Asuntos Exteriores, ha valorado los primeros resultados que nos llegan de las elecciones americanas. The event represents the greatest concentration of global policymakers in one place and is the high point on the diplomatic calendar. But what is the relationship between these events? 24/04/2020 - A health crisis at the outset, the coronavirus pandemic soon turned into an unprecedented economic and social crisis. 29/10/2020 - HR/VP video blog - We need to strengthen our partnership because our political, economic and security future is at stake when it comes to our relations with Africa, a young and dynamic continent. For me, for instance, it is a longstanding one. HR/VP Josep Borrell explained us why this partnership matters so much to the EU. That so many Commissioners travelled was clear proof of the priority that relations to Africa represent for the new European Commission. A decisive issue for our common future. However, in April ASEAN leaders announced the setting up of a COVID-19 Response Fund, an ASEAN Regional Reserve of Medical Supplies for Public Health Emergencies as well as consular assistance to ASEAN nationals. EU leaders are ready to engage on important avenues of cooperation including the modernisation of the Customs Union, the relaunching of high-level dialogues and people-to-people contacts, plus strengthened cooperation on migration management. How different will depend on the choices we make today. 07/03/2020 - At the end of my visit to Ethiopia and Sudan – which was my first travel in my new function as EU High Representative to Africa – I travelled last weekend to North Darfur. The economic, social, ecological and security challenges facing the region have been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. This announcement could be a tipping point in the global fight against climate change. (behind paywall). 22/02/2020 - The European Union's high representative for foreign affairs and security policy on building a common foreign policy. He highlights the key achievements of FPI of helping to turn EU foreign policy into action on the ground and sketches the future prospects for FPI in the coming decade. However, even if Russia and China seem to join forces to face the “Western world”, the future geopolitical landscape of a multipolar world is not simple. 04/05/2020 - Josep Borrell, the EU's High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, spoke to FRANCE 24 about the Covid-19 pandemic, which has particularly affected his home country of Spain. 29/06/2020 - HR/VP Josep Borrell hoped that Tuesday’s donor conference on Syria will match last year’s pledge of 6 billion euros. 03/12/2020 – HR/VP blog – There has been a lot of discussion lately, and also some controversies, on the concept of strategic autonomy. 161 Followers, 46 Following, 17 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Josep Borrell (@josepborrell) And for this we need both the will and the means to do, including defence means. Please login to access this functionality. Borrell ha dit que del seu resultat en depèn que els Estats Units ajudin a la Unió Europea a construir un ordre multilateral. Er sieht Bedrohungen für Europa aus anderen Gründen. The German government recently adopted Indo-Pacific Guidelines, a useful contribution for that purpose. “Dinanzi a certi comportamenti dobbiamo ricorrere alla nostra cassetta degli attrezzi, cioè rapporti commerciali e sanzioni” (Behind Paywall), 05/09/2020 - Vodja evropske diplomacije Josep Borrell o trenjih med ZDA in Kitajsko, globalnem pozicioniranju EU ter napetostih v soseščini. Europe. In addition to the written blog posts, the HR/VP’s personal Blog will as of now feature regularly vlogs on pertinent EU foreign policy issues presenting his view. As any observer, I am influenced by my own perspective. 22/09/2020 - For weeks, people in Belarus have taken to the streets to protest the fraudulent Presidential elections and the wave of repression that followed. But following the mishaps that accompanied his trip to Moscow in early February, the European Union’s top diplomat has been under pressure. Insgesamt müsse Europa endlich die "Sprache der Macht" lernen, auch gegenüber den USA. Last Sunday, once again the massive demonstrations were asking for the departure of Lukashenko. On 18 and 19 March, I visited IRINI’s Headquarters in Rome, the air base Sigonella and one of our four ships currently at sea - the FGS Berlin. In a blog post, Josep Borrell said the shock expulsion of three EU diplomats during his two-day visit to Moscow, showed that Russia "did not want to seize this opportunity to have a more … What European foreign policy in times of COVID-19? We need commitment at the highest political level to make the EU a stronger security actor in a world of fast-changing threats. 28/02/2020 - Tout le monde parle de la Chine en Afrique, mais la présence européenne y est beaucoup plus importanteLe haut représentant de l’UE Josep Borrell détaille la stratégie de la nouvelle Commission européenne pour le continent, considéré comme une priorité. But the summer of 2020 has been exceptionally busy, with a seemingly never-ending series of crises: in Lebanon, Belarus, Mali and the Eastern Mediterranean. "There was silence [in Friday's press conference] from the high representative [Borrell] because he was very vocal in the negotiations with Mr. Lavrov", which included "high levels of tension", the spokesman told media. 21/01/2021 - El alto representante advierte que China y Rusia convierten las vacunas en instrumento de su presencia internacional. Il s'interroge ici sur les conséquences de la crise actuelle pour la position de l'Europe dans le monde. 05/01/2021 – HR/VP blog – Over the last weeks, we have witnessed a serious humanitarian crisis concerning hundreds of migrants in Bosnia and Herzegovina. 30/06/2020 - Several outlets - For many of us in Europe, the relationship with Israel and Palestine is quite personal. 06/12/2020 – HR/VP blog – Earlier this week, the EU and ASEAN took the decision together to establish a Strategic Partnership. 27/11/2020 – HR/VP Blog – During Monday’s Foreign Affairs Council with Development Ministers, we focused on the growing levels of debt that emerging and developing countries are facing due to the economic impact of the pandemic. However, his strong character and occasional irascibility have sometimes worked against him. We have to understand these different positions if we want to look for a common ground. Foreign Affairs Council: Press remarks by High Representative Josep Borrell Check against delivery! 30/03/2021 – HR/VP Blog – Last week, the European Council opened what could be a new chapter in EU-Turkey relations. Crises that cannot be addressed by one Member State alone but require consolidated, joint action. 04/10/2020 - Si queremos existir «tenemos que apostar por ser más Europa», sostiene. To shape our priorities, we consulted last year with people, businesses, organisations and governments of 33 countries from across our shared region. 12/06/2020 - The EU has a strategic interest in having stable and successful neighbours: we can only be secure and thrive if our neighbours do. There is a glimmer of hope that we need to build on. At the launch of the Gender Action Plan III, HR/VP Josep Borrell underlines the EU’s commitment to put gender equality, including the empowerment of women and girls at the heart of its external policies. 25/11/2020 – Brussels – European Commission. 14/07/2020 - Several outlets - Five years after the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action was concluded, it is on life support, following the US's reinstatement of sanctions and Iran's return to enrichment activities. 15/10/2020 - Last week, together with Commissioner Janez Lenarčič, I travelled to hand-over anti-COVID-19 material to the African Union Centre for Disease Control; to discuss with our African Union counterparts how to strengthen the EU-AU partnership in a post-pandemic world; and to underscore our support for the on-going reforms in Ethiopia, at a difficult moment. De son nom complet Josep Borrell i Fontelles, c’est le Haut Représentant de l’Union Européenne pour les affaires étrangères et la politique de sécurité : autant dire qu’il occupe un poste éminemment stratégique à Bruxelles, où … 21/06/2020 - Rising international tensions and conflicts at the doorstep of Europe urge us to take our collective security into our own hands. 30/06/2020 - HR/VP Josep Borrell on the conflict and humanitarian crisis in Syria and EU support (on the occasion of the fourth Brussels Conference on “Supporting the future of Syria and the region”, co-chaired by the European Union and the United Nations, 22 to 30 June 2020). He stresses how Africa is changing and how the EU and the African Union can be strong partners for multilateralism. Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R), I gave to my counterparts and to the public in the region the strong message, Access to the culture of the host country/language courses, Day care, schooling & family related issues. But this year is far from normal, and “UNGA week” is going virtual with events held online – a familiar format for us all in recent months. So far, the Maduro government has refused to postpone them. He granted this interview to Professor J.H.H Weiler, Co-Editor-in-Chief of the European Journal of International Law (EJIL) and the International Journal of Constitutional Law (ICON). 28/02/2020 - It felt a bit like a “Commission school trip”, but it was a powerful signal. (behind paywall), 05/06/2020 - Josep Borrell ha comentat les últimes mesures de la Unió i del Banc Central Europeu: "Fa no massa dies semblava difícil imaginar un programa de rellançament econòmic d'aquesta dimensió. HR/VP Josep Borrell underlines the importance of strong EU international engagement at a time of crisis. L'alt representant de la UE ha demanat que els Estats Units puguin tornar a l'acord de París sobre canvi climàtic o a l'acord nuclear amb Iran. It is also fully mobilised to help forge a global, multilateral response strategy and assisting those in fragile and conflict-affected countries. 28/03/2020 - HR/VP Josep Borrell on the European Council meeting and what the EU will do to overcome the coronavirus crisis - in solidarity and for the benefit and protection of EU citizens to limit the spread of the virus and to provide urgent assistance to those in need. The future of space is one and I was glad that on 21 January I could open the 12th European space conference. As a long-time friend of Lebanon, the EU will stand by their sides in their efforts to build a more prosperous and democratic Lebanon. The country suffers from a deep political crisis with enormous humanitarian consequences. It was a sad moment for us, for European citizens – and, indeed, for many British citizens. They are the beating heart of the EU’s common security and defence policy and often the face of the EU in crisis-zones around the world. 04/03/2020 - High representative and EC Vice president Josep Borrell is in Zagreb. In particular, we should deepen our cooperation with fellow democracies to counter the rise of authoritarianism. To summarise, while others choose to undercut multilateralism, ASEAN – like the EU – wants to ensure that trading systems and security are governed by rules and based on international agreements, not on the idea that “might makes right”. 26/05/2020 - Entrevista con el canciller de la UE, Josep Borrell. Tackling these together is a key challenge for our external policy. 28/02/2021 – HR/VP Blog – EU leaders have held a timely discussion on the future of EU security and defence. And neither ASEAN nor the EU are ready to become part of any “sphere of influence.”. 18/12/2020 – HR/VP blog – Tensions in the Eastern Mediterranean and relations with Turkey have been one of the greatest EU challenges in 2020 and this will likely remain the case for 2021. The situation is desperate for the local population and the conflict is unsettling dynamics both within Ethiopia and the whole region. 14/10/2020, Africa Week, S&D Group, Brussels. 13/11/2020 – HR/VP blog – With the BioNTech vaccine announcement, we are beginning to see light at the end of the COVID-19 tunnel. 30/01/2021 – HR/VP Blog – On 1 January 2021, Brexit took full effect, with the UK becoming a ‘third country’. 01/12/2019 - HR/VP Josep Borrell presents himself and his agenda at the occasion of taking office as the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy/Vice-President of the European Commission. After last Sunday's Presidential elections, Alexander Lukashenko and the Belarussian authorities must stop the repression against the Belarus people and open negotiations with the wider society. 16/04/2020 - Only if the European Union is there for the people will it have a future: A discussion with Foreign Affairs Commissioner Josep Borrell on burning EU flags, competition with China and Europe's weight in the world, 16/04/2020 - Nur wenn die Europäische Union für die Menschen da ist, hat sie eine Zukunft: Ein Gespräch mit dem Außenbeauftragten Josep Borrell über brennende EU-Fahnen, die Konkurrenz mit China und Europas Gewicht in der Welt (Bitte beachten Sie, dass Sie abonniert sein müssen, um diesen Artikel zu lesen) (behind paywall). Und macht ein Angebot in Richtung Washington. Today we have set out what the EU can do to strengthen and modernise the global system of rules and institutions on which we all depend. 24/01/2020 - Yesterday, I met the EU Special Representative for to Horn of Africa, Alexander Rondos. It is time to clarify what exactly we mean with this concept and how it can help Europeans to take charge of themselves in an increasingly harsh world. Today, the bridge is a point where many Venezuelan refugees start the journey to look for a better future. E l'Europa cosa fa? The frontline in eastern Ukraine has been calm for almost two months now, the longest period since the war started. 04/09/2020 - On Tuesday, I visited Libya, meeting the authorities of the war-torn country. However, this could change under the impact of both the current crisis and the growing strategic rivalry between the United States and China. The European Union shares many common views with this organisation. Lately, four major Member States advocated making security and defence a top priority for the Union. 09/09/2020 - These days, there is much talk about "Global Europe": how to make the Union a truly global player in a world marked by the strategic rivalry between the US and China, the questioning of multilateralism plus health and environmental crises. The EU cumulatively contributes also 50% of the €1.2 billion ASEAN Catalytic Green Finance Facility. 19/07/2020 - Water is life. 28/05/2020 – United Nations, New York 13/11/2020 – HR/VP Josep Borrell closes the annual EU Ambassadors’ Meeting. 18/06/2020 - Tomorrow, European leaders will discuss the proposal for a new EU budget, also known in our jargon as the “multiannual financial framework (MFF)” for the years 2021-2027. 09/11/2020 – HR/VP Blog – The victory of Joe Biden as the President-elect has been warmly welcomed in Europe. Free Instagram Followers 27/11/2020 - Several outlets - Today we bring together the 42 Member States of the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) at its fifth Regional Forum of Foreign Ministers, which is a special one as it happens 25 years after the launch of the Barcelona Process. 17/11/2020 - Several outlets - There is never any justification for callous killings such as those that have taken place recently in France and Austria. On blog, Josep Borrell pleads for cooperative, mutually beneficial relationship between bloc, Turkey 28/02/2020 - During my recent visits to the Western Balkans, I had the opportunity to meet exceptional and impressive people from all walks of life. An EU-ASEAN Strategic Partnership: how did that happen and what does it mean? All parties should refrain from the threat or use of force and from any provocative actions. 07/12/2020 - Die Welt - Strategische Autonomie ist für Europa essentiell. The EU cannot allow countries to unilaterally undermine international law and maritime security in the South China Sea. Taking action on human rights is not only the right thing to do. 07/02/2021 – HR/VP Blog – I went to Moscow this week to test, through principled diplomacy, whether the Russian government was interested in addressing differences and reversing the negative trend in our relations. Blog de Josep Borrell sobre sus actividades y la política exterior europea. 16/07/2020 - On Wednesday, I participated, together with Presidents Charles Michel and Ursula von der Leyen, in the 15th EU-India Summit with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi via VTC. 17/12/2019 - At the beginning of this week, I had the honour of chairing in my capacity as High Representative the ASEM, the “Asia-Europe Foreign Ministers Meeting”. The impact of climate change, security issues and rivalries are growing, as is the need for cooperation and multilateral agreements. We must and will strengthen our ties. Instead, they should resolve disputes through peaceful means, such as the dispute settlement mechanisms under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). 18/10/2020 - HR/VP blog - At our last Foreign Affairs Council, we took stock of our relations with Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) at a time when this region is going through a dramatic crisis because of COVID-19. We live in a permanent ‘battle of narratives’ about the issues that determine our future. This book ‘European foreign policy in times of COVID-19’ tells the story of the main events until the end of 2020. But there will never be a vaccine for the other looming threat to humanity: climate change. A substantial political change is a precondition for further development of the relations between the EU and Belarus. 24/12/2020 - Project Syndicate / Several outlets - In 2020, people around the world experienced life in slow motion, even as political developments accelerated. The EU will have also to work more in depth on his own Indo-Pacific policy in the near future. Why Europe’s Digital Decade Matters (with Margrethe Vestager), Chile y la Unión Europea: una visión común del futuro, Unidos contra el virus (with Ursula von der Leyen), Time to talk with Russia rather than about Russia, Europe Must Become a Global Climate Power (with Werner Hoyer). HR/VP delivered the closing remarks at the 10th anniversary of the Service for Foreign Policy Instruments (FPI). We have no hidden agenda, only a clear and public one: to defend the rules-based international system. The health crisis as such has been quite well managed by the ASEAN countries. 24/06/2020 - Several outlets - The coronavirus has taken over our private and collective lives.