If you are in a position to support us, please subscribe now. It's predicted that countries will miss the target by a wide margin unless drastic steps are taken rapidly. A new reply to this comment has been posted. In this situation would also fall, under their own weight, sooner rather than later, the old British Commonwealth of Nations, the Organization of American States, the Commonwealth of Independent States created by the Russian Federation after the Soviet Union's demise, with its recent Eurasian Economic Community, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, currently without any counterweight, and even the European Union, preceded by its Euro Zone and nascent fiscal union, and the probably hundreds of dependent organizations, treaties, and multinational projects.That the "Recent stock market sell-off foreshadows a new Great Recession" in the U.S. as foreseen by professors Steven Pressman of Colorado State University and Robert H. Scott III of Monmouth University in their article of March 19, 2018 in THE CONVERSATION, may very well be. Please provide more details about your request. Brussels, 11/12/2019 - 21:36, UNIQUE ID: 191211_20. Bürger der „Sparsamen Fünf“ fürchten Missbrauch der EU-Milliarden. That is why we need a Global Green Deal. You should receive an activation email shortly. And to get that right, we don’t need fewer economists; we need more." Sie ist die Tochter des ehemaligen Ministerpräsidenten von Niedersachsen Ernst Albrecht (1930–2014) und dessen Ehefrau Heidi Adele geb. | Mobile version, Opinion: EU Green Deal can spark a decarbonization revolution, Opinion: In times of climate change, panic rules, Greta Thunberg named Time Person of the Year, UN has warned of a collective failure to act, At least 50% reduction in EU carbon emissions compared with 1990 levels by 2030, A "carbon border tax" on polluting foreign firms in selected industries in 2021, €100 billion earmarked to help countries transition from fossil fuels. China’s antagonistic response to concerns over the use of forced labor in Xinjiang suggests that its leaders believe that the Chinese market is simply too lucrative for Western firms or governments to abandon. Read more: Opinion: EU Green Deal can spark a decarbonization revolution. Discussions to arrive at consensus among experts has been made almost impossible, because ideological pressure groups and politicians have been too deeply involved.The time line. Project Syndicate's 2013 article "Gaming US Fiscal Reform" by Mohamed A. El-Erian, brings to mind that the dissonance between academia, big business, and government in the U.S. is of such magnitude that the innovative grand bargain in Congress required to permanently avoid the fiscal cliff, as the People rightly expect, will never happen without a repeat of the Grand Depression of the 30s, because it would demand far-reaching changes in the current economic, social and political model tantamount to a new Social Contract, given the long-standing inequitable distribution of production, and gross imbalances in welfare, these being unstoppable changes which are not envisioned and much less discussed in the halls of power, and which must seemingly be, by their very nature, de facto. Stromeyer (1927–2002). Noch kann Ursula von der Leyen mit ihrer Arbeit als EU-Kommissionspräsidentin nicht beginnen. Von der Leyen, who has put climate issues at the center of her presidency, described the plan as Europe's "new growth strategy. European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen announced on Thursday that they have reached a trade deal with the United Kingdom. But disrupting or dismantling working domestic or international financial, economic, or legal institutions, systems, or treaties, that have held the world together for seventy years, and purport to do so indefinitely, without having a clue as to what would take their place, simply because someone feels the impulse to leave his mark in history, would have been unthinkable a year ago.BREXIT's opting out of the world's largest trading accord, which remains very sound, having been extremely successful, for some sixty-two years, based on magic thinking, at best, and perhaps merely to gain political notoriety, instead of reforming or restructuring it from within, would also have been considered patently absurd, till less than four years ago, and is today beginning to be perceived that way by a growing part of the people of the UK. Please note that the link will expire twenty-four hours after the email is sent. So will es der "Green Deal", den EU-Kommissionschefin von der Leyen heute vorstellte. Werner Hoyer is President of the European Investment Bank. Von der Leyen’s Green Deal was doomed from the start. Dr. Camilla Bausch kommentierte live für den Nachrichtendienst WELT während Ursula von der Leyens Rede zum europäischen Grünen Deal (EGN) auf dem Weltwirtschaftsforum in Davos. Between 1900 and 2020 ( 120 years) the concentration of CO2 has increased by 125 ppm (from 290 - 415). They may be overplaying their hand. Such research and development is both necessary and an enormous market opportunity. We know that if our industrial, energy, transportation, and food systems do not change, we could face a catastrophic temperature increase of more than 3°C this century. To tackle the investment challenge, the EIB, the world’s largest multilateral lender, has become the EU Climate Bank, aligning all of its activities with the objectives outlined in the Paris agreement. The president of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, promised on Wednesday (16 September) that the Green Deal will lead the investment plan needed in Europe for a future-orientated "true recovery". Contact We must translate our climate-policy leadership into market leadership to secure a Global Green Deal.Let’s get to work.UNQUOTE***March 27, 2021The world is pleading for a transcendental New Deal of justice and welfare. Between 1990 and 2018, greenhouse gas emissions in the EU have decreased by 23%, according to the bloc's own figures, while the economy grew by 61%. The EU Commission and the EIB is set up to serve the EU and not the World.The pragmatic approach would be, for example in the case of polluting coal fired power plants, to address all parties in the World operating such Power plants.Propose plans to solve their CO2 pollution.First I would invest in comprehensive Research to see if pollution can be avoided.If that is not possible the coal Power plants should be replaced by either nuclear or gas Power plants.If you manufacture these new Plants in series they will become cheaper.There will be social cost, such a miners loosing their jobs. Bürger der „Sparsamen Fünf“ fürchten Missbrauch der EU-Milliarden. Five years ago, 196 countries came together and signed the Paris agreement, committing to keep the average global temperature within 2°C – but preferably 1.5°C – of its pre-industrial level. Von Tagessätzen bis über 2.000,00 Euro und dreistelligen Millionenbeträgen für die Consultants ist die Rede, auch davon, dass seit 2017 der deutsche Bunderechnungshof mit dem Finanzgebaren der vorsichtig formuliert „glücklos“ agierenden Ex-Ministerin befasst ist. And we have climate-adaptation expertise to share, along with flood-control technologies, advanced weather forecasting tools, and resilient infrastructure. Corresponding with a temperature increase of 3,8-6,8 degrees. But at the Commission’s daily press conference on Wednesday, chief spokesman Eric Mamer said von der Leyen “should have been seated exactly in the same manner as the president of the European Council and the Turkish president.” Von der Leyen “was clearly surprised” by the seating arrangements “as you can see in the video,” Mamer said. Clearly, acceleration of socioeconomic inclusion and concerted investment for development to make it possible must be envisioned and constructed on a global scale without further delay. ", Von der Leyen said an economic growth plan based on fossil fuels and pollution was "out of date and out of touch. So far, this commitment has yet to be matched by sufficient action. Ursula von der Leyen is President of the European Commission. Our second priority is to invest in breakthrough green technologies like never before. It appears that you have not yet updated your first and last name. Any system without a carbon tax will result in self-interested political decisions that will create great political advantages and financial benefits for some and not solve the problem. Such a system would have to be considered under a philosophy that would include the likely possibility that the capitalization imbalance between the northern hemisphere, and the southern hemisphere, developed countries and the underdeveloped, and between OECD countries and the rest, suggests that something may be failing in the capital markets’ capacity to arbitrate investments: It would seem that it does not function effectively, and that the not so uncommon perception of increasing relative backwardness of the Third World is true. There needs to be more accountability for failed performance inside the union and greater attention to policy incentives. As part of the European Green Deal, we will present a Biodiversity Strategy for 2030. We will be lucky to achieve 3 degrees - as virtually no nation is going to spend on behalf of others to solve this problem and there is no mechanism to force others to spend. ***My Comment to:Project Syndicate – THE WORLD’S OPINION PAGEWhy We Need More Economists – October 8, 2019 Roger E.A. Geplant ist ein kompletter Umbau von Energieversorgung, Industrie, Verkehr und Landwirtschaft. To do so, we need to invest in circular technologies that reuse resources, rather than constantly producing or importing new goods and extracting ever more raw materials. The question is, what can be done to prevent it, or to stem it, where, how, and on what scale? Ex-EZB-Chefvolkswirt fürchtet Spaltung der Euro-Zone With economic development comes higher demand for electricity, and thus a responsibility to adopt greentech solutions and plug the world into clean grids. Beim gestrigen Berliner Energiewende-Dialog hat EU-Kommissionspräsidentin Ursula They will all need European technology and investment to get there. Green Deal: Ursula von der Leyen bestätigt Verschärfung des 2030-Klimaziels In ihrer Rede zur Lage der Europäischen Union vor dem Europäischen Parlament am 16. Through her Political Guidelines, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen has presented a bold vision for a greener Europe. Als EU-Kommissionspräsidentin Ursula von der Leyen im Dezember den „Green Deal“ präsentiert hat, hat sie vom „Mann-auf-dem-Mond-Moment“ für Europa gesprochen. ... and the majority of lawmakers have so far supported the European Green Deal as it is. To receive another confirmation email, please click here. But funding alone won’t get us to where we need to go. The circular economy has huge potential not only to reduce our dependency on scarce resources, but also to create jobs. thinks the country's antagonistic response to Western concerns over forced labor in Xinjiang will backfire. If you are not already registered, this will create a PS account for you. Indeed, it appears that the world has reached a point where the paradigms of national and supranational government in the fields of finance, industry and commerce, justice, and security, at both levels, established at the end of World War II through global institutions such as the United Nations, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, have on the one hand reached a certain level of philosophical irrelevance, and on the other, a level of practical incompetence, a la Peter Drucker. As a subscriber, you will enjoy unlimited access to our On Point suite of long reads, book reviews, and insider interviews; Big Picture topical collections; Say More contributor interviews; Opinion Has It podcast features; The Year Ahead magazine, the full PS archive, and much more. The 1940-2020 Era of American moral and financial leadership has come to an end for lack of vision and an over-emphasis on solving all its problems via military influence.Europe has been rebuilt with a massive financial support from the US via the Marshal Plan and the Nato military umbrella, and it's been able to afford developing a social network that should become a model for the West. Project SyndicateMarch 22, 2021A GLOBAL GREEN DEALby Ursula von der Leyen & Werner HoyerQUOTEWe need to embrace the idea of a “circular economy.” As matters stand, we are taking more out of our planet than it can afford to give us, and the effects of this overreach will become increasingly dramatic and destructive with each passing year. Ursula von der Leyen stammt aus der Familie Albrecht und wuchs bis 1971 in Brüssel, anschließend im südöstlich von Hannover gelegenen Ilten auf. It now must continue to lead by example while also doing more to help others achieve their climate ambitions. The circular economy has huge potential not only to reduce our dependency on scarce resources, but also to create jobs. BlackRock und der „Green Deal“ We use cookies to improve our service for you. Von der Leyen noted 170 business leaders and investors from small and medium-sized enterprises to the world’s biggest companies asked her in a joint letter yesterday to set the target at 55% at least. Europe has the tools, the skills, and the knowledge to lead by example. This will likely have the perverse effect of increasing inequality between the people in the various layers of society in all countries, and between countries, with severe disruptive and destabilizing effects in both spheres. News Von der Leyen urges 'green deal' for a more united EU. Das ist das Ziel des "Green Deal" von Kommissionschefin Ursula von der Leyen. Erst ab Mitte Februar soll Licht ins Dunkel kommen. To find out more, read our updated Cookie policy, Privacy policy and Terms & Conditions. To confront the immediate challenges that lie ahead, our two organizations are convening governments, international institutions, and investors on March 24, 2021, for a landmark event: “Investing in Climate Action.”. It is time to raise our ambitions and accelerate progress. September 2020 hat die Kommissionspräsidentin bestätigt, dass die Brüsseler Behörde eine Anhebung des CO2-Reduktionsziels der EU von 40 auf "mindestens 55 Prozent" gegenüber 1990 vorschlägt. "We want to be the front runners in climate friendly industries, in clean technologies, in green financing," von der Leyen said. It has also developed global technology leadership in wind energy systems and urban development.Europe now needs to find the voter support and balance to pay for both its own defense system and generate global systemic change in both energy and financial systems to effect the necessary changes for 7.2 billion people to live on Planet Earth in an environmentally sustainable manner.The cost will be steep, and European total tax burdens are already some of the highest in developed world. All in the quest for comprehensive environmentally-friendly development to secure peace and prosperity on a global scale.No individual has the right to arbitrarily or autocratically and needlessly devolve, or deflate, or destroy, this crucial multilateral societal structure, and worse for the sake of self-aggrandizement, a condemnable purpose not only crassly counter-productive and irrational from every point of view, but a clear and present betrayal of humanity, in peace time, much in the vein and in the nature of war-time crimes against humanity. First, we need to ensure that the most advanced clean technologies are embraced everywhere. But some of Biden's biggest priorities, like his ambitious infrastructure program, are facing opposition from both sides of the aisle. If you can't find this email, please check your spam folder. FarmerOctober 19, 2019The World is Pleading for a Transcendental New Deal of Justice and Welfare© Enrique Woll Battistini 2019Roger E.A. The European Commission now is following through on this commitment with concrete policy changes, and the European Investment Bank is backing the effort with its financial power. But which will be greater, the force behind this injunction or the force behind consumerism? Aber ist das überhaupt möglich? Among other things, the EIB has committed to support €1 trillion of investments in climate action and environmental sustainability in the next decade. Also, clearly the basically unfettered capitalism of today is a failed socioeconomic system that is exterminating the poor and enriching the rich at an increasing pace and will lead in short order to civil unrest, and soon after, to global revolt, warfare and total social chaos. As Europe continues to show, the Green Deal is not just an environmental policy; it is an economic and geopolitical necessity.Five years ago, 196 countries came together and signed the Paris agreement, committing to keep the average global temperature within 2°C – but preferably 1.5°C – of its pre-industrial level. The European Commission, which originates EU policy, splits and chops proposals and distributes them among siloed teams of experts, who then draft the legislation. Social policy is divorced from trade policy, just like finance is divorced from greenhouse gas reduction targets. This, unless note is taken at the corresponding political decision-making echelons, of the fact that who should take credit, or be given credit, for production, is far less important than who should receive its benefits; that intellect or capital developed and contributed through personal effort or through shared enterprise, should continue to be creditworthy, and praiseworthy, and still be considered mostly responsible for the level and quality of production at this time, but should no longer be the prime criteria for its distribution, which is an entirely different matter, the truth of which shall become more evident as the machine-contribution to production rises and the human contribution in all terms declines and the return on capital increases. • Ursula von der Leyen is president of the European commission Covering these costs should also be part of the project.