“This is Europe’s man on the moon moment,” she said in a video statement. Dort zeichneten sich noch diverse Differenzen ab. Extreme climate-related events cost the EU's economy €12bn annually. The first steps under the Green Deal Financing the green transition. Der European Green Deal, der im Dezember 2019 in Brüssel vorgestellt wurde, soll die europäischen Volkswirtschaften in den kommenden 30 Jahren umkrempeln und unabhängig von fossilen Brennstoffen machen. Our exclusive news stories and investigations. Der komplexe Strukturwandel setzt aber voraus, dass die Industrie in Europa wettbewerbs- und zukunftsfähig bleibt. Watch our editor-in-chief Koert Debeuf explain the reasons in this 30-second video. Wichtigstes Ziel des Entwurfs: Die Europäische Union soll bis 2050 klimaneutral werden! Bislang lautete das Ziel lediglich 40 Prozent. 55% angehoben werden. Doch der Green Deal geht darüber hinaus. Ursprünglich bedeutet der aus dem Kartenspiel kommende Begriff „ new deal “, dass die Karten neu gemischt und neu verteilt werden, d. h., es findet ein Neuanfang statt. G20 countries are responsible for about 80 percent of all global emissions, of which about 10 percent are attributable to the EU. Hintergründe zum European Green Deal. The regular budget is worth EUR 1.07 trillion and the remaining EUR 750 billion is a recovery instrument called NextGenerationEU. „Vom Krisenmodus in eine neue Geschwindigkeit der Zusammenarbeit mit der europäischen Industrie kommen,“ so eröffnete Kommissionspräsidentin von der Leyen die diesjährigen EU Industry Days. your membership gives you access to all of our stories. Giving her first 'state of the union' address to the European parliament, the Commission president described the tougher goal as "ambitious, achievable and beneficial for Europe". Es gibt mehrere Ansätze. Sicher ist aber, dass die Aufgabe extrem anspruchsvoll wird und ein Erfolg keineswegs gesichert ist. EU leaders agree on 55% climate target for 2030 'Europe is the leader in the fight against climate change,' declared the president of the European Council Charles Michel after leaders finally reached a compromise (Photo: European Union) By Elena Sánchez Nicolás Brussels, 11. Wichtig ist ein klimapolitisch optimiertes Zusammenspiel der verschiedenen Verkehrsträger. The European Green Deal launched by Ursula von der Leyen's Commission is a colossal transformation that involves the economy, industry and society. Bis 2050 soll Europa klimaneutral werden, also netto keine Treibhausgasemissionen mehr in die Atmosphäre ausstoßen. In the context of the Paris Agreement, and therefore using … Der europäische Grüne Deal ist unser Fahrplan für eine nachhaltige EU-Wirtschaft. Im Dezember letzten Jahres hat die EU-Kommission erste Details des EGD unter großem öffentlichem Interesse verlautbart. The agreement on the updated 2030 target came in the run-up to the fifth anniversary of the Paris Agreement, when countries are required to increase their climate efforts to limit global heating to "well below two degrees". The concept of individual state-targets has been previously backed by Denmark, Luxembourg and Sweden, among others. impact assessment, Q2 2021) Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism and a proposal for (CBAM) as own resource (legislative, incl. The European Council approved the European Union’s EUR 1.82 trillion seven-year funding package and sent it to the European Parliament. Dezember 2019 rund 50 Maßnahmen des European Green Deals vor. impact assessment, Q2 2021) Why Iran desperately wants a new nuclear deal. Die neue Europäische Kommission hat mit dem „European Green Deal“ die Themen Klimaschutz, Ökologie und Nachhaltigkeit in den Mittelpunkt ihrer politischen Agenda gerückt. The European Parliament in fact recently called for a higher, 60-percent, emission-cut in the next decade. The Package will cover everything from renewables to energy efficiency first, buildings, as well as land use, energy … The 2030 commitment comes a day before a U.N. climate summit, where the EU will announce the new goal, establishing the bloc's claim … Student or retired? The European Parliament in fact recently called for a higher, 60-percent, emission-cut in the next decade. Nachts zuvor noch hatten die EU-Staats- und Regierungschefs um Zielhöhe, Fragen seiner praktischen Umsetzbarkeit und Finanzierung gerungen. Feb 11, 2021. The European Green Deal provides an action plan to. This would mean a cut in 'real' emissions of 50.5 percent to 52.8 percent. European Green Deal . European seems to be most attached to their cars. Member states were unable to agree on the new climate target in October - when concerns over the economic impact of the new climate target mounted, especially among central and eastern countries who called for "further analysis" at national level. „Green Deal“ Europas Kampf gegen den Klimawandel Für EU-Kommissionschefin Ursula von der Leyen ist die Begrenzung der Erderwärmung eines der Top-Themen ihrer Amtszeit. Der BDI hat seine Kernforderungen und Erwartungen an die deutsche Präsidentschaft kompakt zusammengestellt. Die EU-Kommission strebt mit dem Green Deal ein klimaneutrales Europa bis zum Jahr 2050 an. As announced in its work programme for 2021, published at the end of last year, the European Commission has started working on the so called “Fit for 55 Package”, which includes initiatives and revisions of existing directives to be aligned with the new 2030 target and ultimately with the long-term goal of climate neutrality by 2050. Influential. European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen outlined the European Green Deal on Wednesday, vowing to “leave no-one behind” in the race to achieve a climate neutral economy by 2050. The European Green Deal is a programme outlined in the political guidelines of the incoming President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen. The negotiations lasted the entire night, since a binding commitment to a more ambitious goal is a sore issue for Hungary, Poland and the Czech Republic, who came to Brussels asking for "more clarity" and guarantees. The European Commission (EC) has put forward a plan to cut greenhouse gas emissions in the EU by 50-55% by 2030 under its new Green Deal — substantially more than the 40% reduction planned so far — and for the EU to become climate neutral by 2050. EU leaders finally agreed early Friday (11 December) to increase the bloc's emission-reduction target to 55 percent by 2030 - paving the way to update the bloc's contribution under the UN Paris climate agreement before the end-of-year deadline. Das neue Ziel soll in einem europäischen Klimagesetz festgeschrieben werden. Die europäische Wirtschaft steht vor einem umfassenden Umbau. Die EU-Kommission ist dem Vorschlag ihrer Chefin, der deutschen Kommissionspräsidentin Ursula von der Leyen, gefolgt. Only 11 percent of citizens said that giving up their car would be the easiest choice to make to fight climate change. UN Secretary General to meet with Nordic Council on COVID-19, Well-designed Deposit Return Schemes can help reach Single-Use Plastics Directive targets. Im März wird ein Vorschlag für ein Klimaschutzgesetz zur gesetzlichen Verankerung der Klimaneutralität bis 2050 vorgelegt werden. The European Commission (EC) has put forward a plan to cut greenhouse gas emissions in the EU by 50-55% by 2030 under its new Green Deal — substantially more than the 40% reduction planned so far — and for the EU to become climate neutral by 2050. If you have any thoughts on this story, we would love to hear it. Bis 2050 soll die EU komplett klimaneutral werden. The European Green Deal is a programme outlined in the political guidelines of the incoming President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen. While some fear EU leaders are unlikely to strike a deal on the new climate target without first solving tensions over the rule of law and the seven-year budget, others remain optimistic. By including land and forest removals, the commission thus changes the 1990 baseline by which the emission reductions are measured - a move that could undermine accountability efforts. EU leaders agreed on Thursday evening to increase the EU's climate ambition for the next decade "collectively". Live on EUobserver from 10:00 (CET). Dezember 2019. "Europe is the leader in the fight against climate change," declared the president of the European Council Charles Michel after leaders finally reached a compromise. The European Environmental Agency's latest report predicts that Europe will not achieve its 2030 climate and energy targets "without urgent action during the next 10 years". The compromise on the new target allows EU environment ministers to adopt a general agreement on Europe's first-ever climate law next week, paving the way for the European Council and the European Parliament to start trialogues and reach an agreement "swiftly", according to the conclusions. Commission demands equal treatment of EU presidents, Hundreds of thousands log on for 'spare' Belgian vaccinations, EU Parliament probes Czech MEP on China ties, Italy's mafias - boosted by Covid, now eyeing EU's billions, Report: The prevalence of men who use internet forums characterised by misogyny. The 55% figure will be subject to a … Ein entsprechendes Gesetz (E… Die bisherige Zielsetzung … Der European Green Deal beschleunigt daher den Übergang zur Kreislaufwirtschaft in Europa. Ihr … The fund supports 10 lower-income member states to green their energy systems. The new commission also wants to ramp up medium-term targets, cutting emissions by 50 to 55 … EU Emissions Trading System(EU ETS) to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the power sector, industry and flights within the EU Die Finanzierung von privaten und öffentlichen Investitionen in den Klima- und Umweltschutz erfordert sehr hohe Investitionen in den unterschiedlichsten Sektoren. Join the Nordic climate debate on 17 November! "It is important not to be fooled into thinking that a net target of 55 percent is sufficient," MEP Jytte Guteland, the parliament's key negotiator on the climate law, said on Friday. Billionen von Euro sind hierfür notwendig. Er unterstützt und beschleunigt den bereits begonnenen Umbau und macht daraus ein umfassendes Konzept für die Zukunft. The agreement calls for European Union countries to cut their collective greenhouse gas emissions by 55 percent from 1990 levels, a more substantial reduction than previously proposed. Nachhaltigkeit als Grundprinzip der Europäischen Union ist nicht neu. As a result, the social systems of production and consumption must be transformed. Welche Folgen und Chancen, aber auch Risiken ergeben sich mit dem EU Green Deal für die Industrie? The plan should ensure a level playing field and stimulate innovation, competitiveness and jobs, A European Green Deal 1 Fit for 55 package Revision of the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS), including maritime, aviation and CORSIA as well as a proposal for ETS as own resource (legislative, incl. The 'Choosing Green' debate will address some of the most important and most complex key areas relating to the global green transition. »This is Europe’s man on the moon moment« - mit viel Pathos stellte die Präsidentin der Europäischen Kommission, Ursula von der Leyen, am 11. The European Green Deal aims to transform the 27-country bloc from a high- to a low-carbon economy, without reducing prosperity and while improving people’s quality of … The EU's updated 2030 climate-target plan, due to be presented by the European Commission, have been criticised for including land and forest carbon sinks in its emissions-reduction goal. Zum Wiederaufbauplan, den EU-Präsidentin Ursula von der Leyen präsentieren wird, sagt BDI-Hauptgeschäftsführer Joachim Lang, dass die EU den Industriestandort Europa nachhaltig mit weiteren Impulsen stärken muss. Der BDI fordert, all dies zusammen zu denken und Recovery- und Klimaschutzmaßnahmen intelligent in einem „Smart Deal“ zu kombinieren. EU leaders called particularly on G20 countries to come forward with "their own ambitions targets and policies" ahead of the UN COP26 climate talks, postponed to 2021 due to Covid-19. Dabei ist ein großer Teil des gigantischen Müllbergs vermeidbar. Mai 2020 Im Dezember 2020 hat der Europäische Rat das neue verbindliche Ziel der EU gebilligt, die Treibhausgasemissionen bis 2030 intern netto um mindestens 55 % im Vergleich zu 1990 zu verringern. If you have any thoughts on this story, for the first time so-called 'carbon sinks', unable to agree on the new climate target, a common position on linking the rule of law to the €1.8 trillion seven-year budget and recovery fund, countries are required to increase their climate efforts, global leaders meet virtually for the Climate Ambition Summit, No 2030 climate-target deal would 'cost EU leadership', EU's new 2030 climate target slammed on 'accounting trick', EU's 2030 climate target left for December summit, EU agency: 'Europe will not meet 2030 climate goals', Europeans to fly less even after Covid-19, EU bank finds, EU sets out plan to mitigate 'unavoidable' climate events, EU life expectancy figures tell story of pandemic year, EMA: blood clots are rare side-effect of AstraZeneca vaccine, Digital platform for EU 'future conference' launches on 19 April, Egypt's Sisi warns of potential conflict with Ethiopia, G20 to explore global minimum corporate tax, Third of Covid survivors suffer neurological or mental disorder, Northern Ireland violence blamed on 'dishonest' Brexit, Live: Join the Nordic climate debate 'Choosing Green', Timmermans 'disappointed' with ongoing CAP reform, Digitalisation can help us pick up the green pace, COVID19 is a wake-up call in the fight against antibiotic resistance, The Nordic Region can and should play a leading role in Europe’s digital development, Nordic Council to host EU webinars on energy, digitalisation and antibiotic resistance, EU Code of Conduct can showcase PPPs delivering healthier more sustainable society, Women benefit in the digitalised labour market.