One story. There are a ton of sites out there that deliver the news and keeping track of them all can be hard to do. That’s at least mostly true. However, those who can read between the lines can find the latest good stuff faster than most other places. Can’t open Google News app. Welches widget für Android nimmst du dafür? On your Android phone or tablet, open your Google News app. The Google Feed (formerly known as Google Now)feature on the Android devices is considered great by some users, and annoying by others. Here are the best news apps for Android! It doesn’t offer content. See the news that matters to you with a personalized feed you create in just a few taps. Here comes a little shameless self promotion! Thus, it’ll show you what’s happening right now. For that, we have to turn to the Google Play Store. Power users can sign up for the subscription. You may unsubscribe at any time. Some people live by their Google Feed cards, while others find them annoying and intrusive. News feeds from different sources allow you to follow the news from your favorite news site. Reddit bills itself as the front page of the Internet. Dazu kommen zahlreiche weitere Einstellungsmöglichkeiten zur Personalisierung des Widgets. Some people live by their Google Feed cards, while others find them annoying and intrusive. MackAndroid. You open the app, select the topics you care about, and receive a feed with news curated by Microsoft employees. It … You can expand this list by adding your own RSS/Atom sources. Most people focus on the worldwide news. Um RSS Feeds zu abonnieren, wird in der Regel eine RSS App verwendet (siehe: Die besten RSS Reader Apps für Android). techniques. Stay informed with latest world & local news personalized for your interest. Aggregator is a less popular, but still very powerful option for RSS readers on Android. 14.05.2019 05:06 | von Emre Peker. Microsoft News is a surprisingly decent news aggregator for Android. Here’s how to turn the feature on or off. Make your research workflow efficient and enjoyable. Some news sources lean a certain way politically and have misreported news to that end. It has the basic features. Instead of having a TV producer or a newspaper editor determine the most important stuff for us and then buying into their product, we are now free to roam the waves of the Web to find the news that matters most to us. On top of TV stations, many cities will have local newspapers with apps as well. Google-News-App personalisieren: So geht´s Deine E-Mail-Adresse wird nicht veröffentlicht. However, it nails the basic experience very well. Je nach Android-Version finden Sie manchmal auch nur einen Papierkorb vor. Stay up to date on your interests • The For You tab delivers the top stories across all your favorite topics and sources in one place. Das Tool ist Teil der Google-App, die standardmäßig auf jedem Android-Smartphone vorinstalliert ist. You can create a custom feed with your favorite news sources, sites, and other places. Check that you’re connected to Wi-Fi or mobile data. EN ... A smart news app built for every phone, everywhere • Google News is designed to meet the needs of users with different phones and levels of connection. It has hashtags, trending topics, and some other discovery features. There is truly a lot of news here if you want to read it. However, you can personalize your news sources on its app so that is great. Google News & Wetter (Android, iOS) Google News & Wetter konzentriert sich ganz auf das Wesentliche. Typically, whenever you open the Google app, the Discover feed will refresh automatically to show you new content. Google … From all the different sources, the way it used to be. It boasts a collection of 450,000 podcasts. The official app is good enough at its job. My news feed on google chome is gone. Download Google News apk for Android. I noticed these news notifications only recently and can't really say what triggered their display. Außerdem lassen sich die Kartentypen anpassen, damit Sie noch relevantere Anzeigen erhalten. Da ich keine Verwendung hierfür habe. … But the Feed is great if you just take the time to customize it. Google feed is a great way to read personalized news. Wir zeigen, wie: Informationen zu Google News-Benachrichtigungen Meldungen speichern, um sie später zu lesen That includes reviews, news, best lists, op-eds, and whatever else our team happens to cook up. Im Browser. Apart from that, Yahoo News is … It includes 28 pre-made topics for those who don’t want to dig and find their own sources. Learn more. Read full articles, watch videos, browse thousands of titles and more on the "Headlines" topic with Google News. The Nextcloud News Reader App makes it possible to synchronize feeds between Android and the Nextcloud News App. It also has additional features for things like discovery. Flipboard differs from Feedly by being a little more flashy. Leider konnte ich … Google feed is a great way to read personalized news. Zwar kannst Du Google News auch auf iOS-Geräten instal­lieren, der Funk­tion­sum­fang ist dann aber weniger automa­tisiert. The bad news is that it isn’t as configurable as we would like. Experience the power of RSS. AP News is a reasonably decent news app for Android. Sometimes these apps are great. You get a news reader that you can customize to your tastes. The community can be a little vapid sometimes. The app features offline support, a decent selection of topics, and it’ll track what you read. Some Android launchers include a pane for the Discover feed on the Home screen. Diese Kunstwerke könnt ihr anschließend über alle möglichen Kanäle teilen und euren Freunden schicken. On your Android phone or tablet, open your Google News app. Important: Some of these features might not be available in all languages and countries. Price: Free / $3.99 per month / $29.99 per year. It has offline support, a decent reading experience, and some discovery features as well. Keep up with the topics and trends you care about, without the overwhelm. Get app updates from Google Play. Typically, whenever you open the Google app, the Discover feed will refresh automatically to show you new content. Mehr zu Google Play Store: News, Tipps, Videos, Tests, Specials, Galerien. - Dark/Light Theme - podcast support - support for Android Auto - Offline reading - Cache images offline - Background synchronization - Customizable Listview - Customizable font - Mark as read while scrolling - Widget - and many more! Öffnen Sie auf einem Android-Smartphone oder -Tablet die Google App . Google has already been presenting news cards in the Google app for some time now. After restarting your device, enable the Google app but do not tap on Yes, I'm in'. Juli 10, 2016 • Das funktioniert teils erstaunlich gut und sorgt für einen Schnellstart ins Nachrichtenlesen. Wer die Google-Anwen­dung noch nicht vorin­stal­liert hat, kann dies ganz ein­fach über den Google News helps you organize, find, and understand the news. It doesn’t have many power user features. Some Android launchers, specifically the Pixel Launcher, include a special pane on your left-most Home screen for the Discover feed. Die meis­ten Android-Nutzer sind mit einem Google-Account angemeldet und nutzen den Google-Brows­er Chrome, der solche Dat­en sam­melt. Bei der Installation sind 40 News-Feeds voreingestellt. Your feed will then show their latest posts. App doesn’t refresh. Once you’ve taken the time to really set it up, it’s an excellent way to get news you care about quickly. Android Google Widget (Mein Feed) für das Smartphone deaktivieren So schaltet ihr nervige Push-Up Nachrichten des neuen Google Stream aus Seit einem kürzlichen Android Update auf meinem Motorola G3 bekam ich permanent diverse Wetter-Benachrichtigungen über die Android Benachrichtigungszeile angezeigt, die auf Dauer doch sehr genervt haben. Google News is great for that, as it is very up to date and brimming with the latest news from publications from all over the world. Apart from that, Yahoo News is … It’s not the best for politics, but it’s better than most. The service syncs between the app and the web automatically for cross-platform support. Try disabling your Google app and then restart your device. Tippen Sie neben dem Thema oder der Quelle, die Sie wiederherstellen möchten, auf "Einblenden" . Google Discover ist beliebt, da der Feed Nachrichten und Informationen an einem Ort anzeigt. Dafür stehen Widgets in zwei verschiedene Widgetgrößen zur Verfügung (4×1 und 1×1). The best way to start is to search for a blog, magazine or newspaper you like to read and add it to your Feedly. The Google Feed, which started its life as Google Now many moons ago, is a quick way to access stories that Google thinks will appeal to you. You can change your settings to find more stories you want. It works a lot like Feedly. They focus more on things happening around your community. Das Tool ist Teil der Google-App, die standardmäßig auf jedem Android-Smartphone vorinstalliert ist. I want to get all the news back like it was before please, I want all the articles and stories back. Google News is a personalized news aggregator that organizes and highlights what’s happening in the world so you can discover more about the stories that matter to you. It offers unlimited storage, a tag system to help stay organized, text-to-speech article reading, and additional features for PC. Wer das nicht möchte, kann die Funktion aber deaktivieren. The Google Discover feed is a dashboard for weather forecasts and news stories related to your interests. There are better podcast apps (Castbox, Pocket Casts, Doggcatcher, etc) and there are better RSS apps (Feedly and Flipboard). Jet­zt ist er auch offiziell für alle Android- und iOS-Nutzer ges­tartet. Feature suggestions or general feedback, Android app. Follow topics in your feed and hide news and other sources you don’t want to see. Google möchte Nutzern seiner gleichnamigen App für Android und iOS einen deutlich verbesserten Newsfeed bieten. To get new stories, open your app and swipe down on the screen. Find Discover. Android-App kostenlos: „Cleaner by Augustro“ gratis statt für 59 Cent . mit scrollbaren RSS-Widgets machen. Its entire news feed revolves around your interests. It’s also completely free if that helps. Tippen Sie auf das Dreipunkt-Menü Einstellungen Interessen Ausgeblendet. You simply follow the sources you like. You can also quickly visit the feed through the Google widget. Additionally, you can subscribe to almost any news source that you like. The optional monthly subscription adds a few additional features and removes ads. If we missed any of the best news apps for Android, tell us about them in the comments! While any news app may display news headlines there, the most likely candidate for that on Android is Google News as it comes included on most devices alongside many other Google applications. When Now evolved into the Google Feed, however, this change was much less accepted. This news app will help you to be aware of all the events happening in the world. Pocket is one of the more unique news apps. Es kann aber auch jede andere RSS-Feed URL eingegeben werden. 15 best Android browsers for surfing the web. Neben den Widget-Größen 4×2, 4×4 und 4×4 für Android Smartphones bietet das Scrollable News Widget auch verschiedene Tablet-Größen an (5×2, 5×3, 5×4 und 5×5). It’s a little heavy unless you pay the subscription price. It’s good for some stuff, bad for others. Price: Free / $4.99 per month / $44.99 per year. Neben den Widget-Größen 4×2, 4×4 und 4×4 für Android Smartphones bietet das Scrollable News Widget auch verschiedene Tablet-Größen an (5×2, 5×3, 5×4 und 5×5). Just like Google News, Yahoo News has a web portal where you can find local and world news, section-wise coverage, and real-time weather information on the homepage. It’s not as in-depth as something like Feedly. Wer’s braucht, bekommt die App für Android und iOS kostenlos im jeweiligen Store. Can’t open Google News app. If the app closes or specific content is blank, learn how to clear your app’s cache and data. We do have an official app. No Comment, Mai 23, 2016 • It works a lot like Feedly. It sources its news from itself along with hundreds of sources both local and nationwide. The UI is serviceable and clean and you can find news on a variety of topics, including sports, entertainment, travel, technology, and more. Here’s how to turn the feature on or off. Please note that this will delete all the preferences of the Google App including the widgets. It’s free to use with no in-app purchases. It includes fun animations, large images, and a UI that gives it the appearance of a digital magazine. The app loads fast and offers a simple and clean reading experience. 6 best Android parental control apps and other methods, 15 best Android emulators for PC and Mac of 2021, 15 best free Android apps available right now, 15 best Android games available right now. Damit haben sie die Neuigkeiten noch schneller im Blick. Wir zeigen, wie: The ads are a bit annoying, but it’s nothing too serious. Gehen Sie dazu auf die Seite Aktivitätseinstellungen und aktivieren Sie es. While the news sources are quite good, there is no way to customize the feed on the web and that is a bummer. You can change your settings to see more headlines at once and make story thumbnails smaller. Deep dive into science, entertainment, fashion, sports, finance or whatever else you care about. Your local news apps are usually not half bad. You can create a custom feed with your favorite news sources, sites, and other places. Ich würde gerne auf dem Homescreen das GoogleFeed Widget auf der linken Seite entfernen. Die Google–App öffnen; Unten rechts auf die drei Linien tippen; Im Menü links Einstellungen wählen News Break is one of the most popular news apps for Android on the Play Store. The app contains a list of popular sources and categories. Tippen Sie rechts unten auf das Dreipunkt-Menü Widget anpassen. If not, though, there’s another shortcut for quick access. Der Google-Feed hat seinen Ursprung in der Google-App. Antworten. However, you can personalize your news sources on its app so that is great.