Λέξεις-κλειδιά: Εξελικτική Θεωρία, συμπεριφορικά πρότυπα, επιλογή γένους, ανταποδοτικός αλτρουισμός, ενδοειδεακή επιθετικότητα, πόλεμος, κοινωνική συμμόρφωση, Πείραμα Σπηλαίου Robbers. Chapter 1 examines Gothic Revival in Europe, especially in Britain, France and Germany. The reception of Classical Geopolitics and of the views of its main proponents (Mahan, Mackinder, Spykman, Ratzel, Kjellén, Haushofer, French School of Geopolitics) in Greek bibliography is also examined in detail. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. Ο θρησκευτικός/πολιτισμικός παράγοντας ως παράμετρος μιας ενδοκρατικής ή διακρατικής συγκρούσεως συνδέεται με την ποσοτική και ποιοτική αύξηση του μεγέθους της βίας. Ιστορία και γεωπολιτική της νεώτερης Ελλάδος: Από το 1821 στο σύγχρονο Μακεδονικό Ζήτημα. The Greek Marxist scholar Georgios Skleros (1878-1919) introduces in Greek bibliography of the early 20th century a primary realist hermeneutical approach. Interactive teaching and learning resources on Antarctica from RGS-IBG in partnership with BAS and supported by UK FCO. We also review the alternatives considering effective management of mass migration towards the EU and submit relevant policy proposals. The paper of the conference examines the geopolitical dimensions of the establishment of safe zones or de-escalation zones in Syria according to the provisions of Memorandum on the Creation of De-Escalation Areas in the Syrian Arab Republic signed by Russia, Iran and Turkey on May 4, 2017. Zoroastrianism as a creed is based on a clear distinction between notions of Good and Evil. Egypt and Greece are two pivotal countries in the Eastern Mediterranean. Sparta due to the militarized nature of its society and the high degree of mortality among men relied on women to a greater degree, thus allowing for a more relaxed social model concerning women’s rights. The rise of Greek-Turkish rivalry during the 1950s and 1960s and its climax, the 1974 Turkish invasion of Cyprus, caused Greece’s withdrawal from NATO structure from 1974 to 1980. Turkey's ambition is to appear as the leader of Muslims. Has it always been covered in ice and why is it a frozen continent today? Ἡ πρώτη θεμελιώδης θέση τοῦ συγγραφέως, ἡ ὁποία ἐπαναλαμβάνεται καὶ στὴν δεύτερη διδακτορικὴ διατ... Ἡ πρώτη θεμελιώδης θέση τοῦ συγγραφέως, ἡ ὁποία ἐπαναλαμβάνεται καὶ στὴν δεύτερη διδακτορικὴ διατριβή του μὲ τίτλο Ἱστορία τῆς ἑλληνικῆς Γεωπολιτικῆς, εἶναι ὅτι στὸ ἐσωτερικὸ ἑνὸς κοινωνικοῦ συνόλου οἱ ἑκάστοτε ἰδεολογικὲς ἀντιλήψεις ἀποτελοῦν κατ’ οὐσίαν ἀντανάκλαση τῆς ὑφισταμένης γεωστρατηγικῆς ἰσορροπίας καὶ κατανομῆς ἰσχύος σὲ ἕνα γεωπολιτικὸ σύστημα, Μετανάστευση και κυρίαρχη εθνική κουλτούρα: Θρησκεία, πολιτική, πολυπολιτισμικότητα. 1. The recent U.S. government approval to sell arms to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) raised objections by politicians and NGOs, even when the sale forms part of a greater strategy to promote stability in the Middle East. It has a unique landscape, distinctive ecosystems and is one of the world’s true wildernesses. 3. Power transition theory is a structural and dynamic approach to world politics. Historical and philological data show that in Athens the numerical abundance of men led to restrictions for women. Recent sessions have explored topics including the dynamics of commodity economies, push and pull factors in international migration, and Canadian climate policy in a warming world. Ευρωπαϊκή νεογοτθική παράδοση και ελληνική αρχιτεκτονική, 1830-1900. The author examines the various manifestations of Greek geopolitical thought: the initial primary formulations of the 19th century (mainly connected to Anthropogeography), the views held during the early 20th century, the Interwar Period and the Cold War, up until the modern period. Greece entered NATO in 1952 to address the revisionism of the Balkan communist states during the ... Greece entered NATO in 1952 to address the revisionism of the Balkan communist states during the Cold War. India and Greece often face common external threats instigated by revisionist states that undermine the territorial integrity and national security of India and Greece either through direct military pressure or indirectly by instrumentalization of populations. The author examines the various manifestations of Greek geopolitical thought: the initial primary formulations of the 19th century (mainly connected to Anthropogeography), the views held during the early 20th century, the Interwar Period and the Cold War, up until the modern period and Systemic Geopolitical Analysis. To browse Academia.edu and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. They constitute a set of opportunities and constraints, meaning a structure independent of agency. Το άρθρο εξετάζει την θρησκευτική παράμετρο του ζωροαστρισμού για την επίταση της ελληνοπερσικής συγκρούσεως κατά την αρχαιότητα. Sex ratio according to Demography is the analogy of males to females in a population. Turkish interference is receding on all fronts due to the decisive stance adopted by a network of states composed of Egypt, Greece, Saudi Arabia and the UAE. The chapter examines the geopolitical importance of the Aegean Sea for Greece during the period 1830-1922, with special reference to the general strategic importance of the Aegean Sea and Greek strategy during the periods 1830-1912, the Balkan Wars, WWI and up to the Asia Minor Campaign (1919-1922). Bilateral relations between Egypt and Greece have steadily grown to become a power bloc in the Eastern Mediterranean that comprises diplomatic, military, financial and cultural ties. The Mediterranean is the joint focal geopolitical space of both countries that often face similar or even identical regional challenges. Zoroastrianism was widely adopted as official state religion by the authorities of the Persian Ac... Zoroastrianism was widely adopted as official state religion by the authorities of the Persian Achaemenid Empire in the late 6th century BC. Sir Halford John Mackinder (15 February 1861 – 6 March 1947) was an English geographer, academic and politician, who is regarded as one of the founding fathers of both geopolitics and geostrategy.He was the first Principal of University Extension College, Reading (which became the University of Reading) from 1892 to 1903, and Director of the London School of Economics from … India and Greece are two pivotal states in the great landmass of Eurasia controlling focal points... India and Greece are two pivotal states in the great landmass of Eurasia controlling focal points of elevated geopolitical importance. It is also home to cutting edge science, unprecedented international collaboration and growing numbers of tourists. Geopolitics and War. Erdogan is openly threatening Greece, and Islamist mercenaries he backed in Syria say they're ready to repay the favor by fighting against Greece. This difference between the two city-states can be attributed to the differential sex ratio. Τα θρησκευτικά συστήματα καθολικής κυριαρχίας ταυτίζονται με τις κύριες μονοθεϊστικές θρησκείες, όπως ο Χριστιανισμός και το Ισλάμ, καθώς και με θρησκείες, στις οποίες απαντά σαφής αντιστικτική παράθεση εννοιών, όπως ο ζωροαστρισμός. Greece as a frontline state during the Cold War had a high strategic value. ), Οι συνταγματικοί και πολιτικοί θεσμοί των βαλκανικών κρατών (Πεδίο 2015), [Review] Ιωάννης Θ. Μάζης, Μεταθεωρητική κριτική Διεθνών Σχέσεων και Γεωπολιτικής: Το νεοθετικιστικό πλαίσιο (Παπαζήσης 2012), Ioannis E. Kotoulas, Greece as a NATO Member: An Historical Overview and Parallels to Georgia (poster), Ιωάννης Ε. Κωτούλας, Γεωπολιτική και Διεθνείς Σχέσεις στο έργο του Γεωργίου Σκληρού (poster), Ioannis E. Kotoulas, Safe Zones in Syria and Their Impact on Refugee and Migration Flows (poster), Ioannis E. Kotoulas, Greece as a NATO Member in the New Geopolitical Environment (poster), Ioannis E. Kotoulas, Arab Spring and Migration Flows towards Greece (poster). Introduction. Greece is a part of Rimland, the spatial unity of Nicholas Spykman's model, that surrounds the focal area of Heartland controlled by the main land power. Κάτι ανάλογο, δεν υφίσταται μέχρι στιγμής στην ημεδαπή-τουλάχιστον-βιβλιογραφία. The total length of the study exceeds 410,000 words and 1,124 pages with 2,900 footnotes and over 100 pages of Bibliography. Demographic engineering is state manipulation of populations usually in a multi-ethnic state in o... Demographic engineering is state manipulation of populations usually in a multi-ethnic state in order to promote territorial control in specific geographic areas, economic advancement or alteration or preservation of ethnic or religious/cultural demographic balance. Strategic overextension has failed in the recent past and now Turkey sees the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict as a prospect for a regional demonstration of power. Παρουσίαση του βιβλίου μου Ιστορία και γεωπολιτική της νεώτερης Ελλάδος (Λειμών 2019) στο Foreign... Παρουσίαση του βιβλίου μου Ιστορία και γεωπολιτική της νεώτερης Ελλάδος (Λειμών 2019) στο Foreign Affairs Hellenic Edition. The paper examines possible influence of Zoroastrian beliefs on the manifestation of the Greco-Persian Wars in the early 5th century BC. Regional security challenges and energy cooperation projects in the Mediterranean emphasize its renewed geopolitical importance on a global scale. The Mediterranean is the... Egypt and Greece are two pivotal countries in the Eastern Mediterranean. It is also home to cutting edge science, unprecedented international collaboration and growing numbers of tourists. This weaponization of migrant flows was part of an organized attempt of the Erdogan regime to undermine Greek state sovereignty in its border regions and to exert diplomatic pressure on the EU. [The University of Georgia] Greece as a NATO Member, Parallels to Georgia. Greece is a member of NATO and the European Union, while Cyprus, a state with ethnic Greek population is another EU member working in unison with Greece. [Leipzig University] Repositiniong in a Globalizing World: The Case of Greece in Comparative Perspective. The three pillars of the version of geopolitics proposed here are:11 • Geographical conditions must not be seen as an irreversible fate. Πανεπιστήμιο Αιγαίου/Τμήμα Γεωγραφίας, Εργαστήριο Ανάλυσης και Οπτικοποίησης Χωροχρονικών Δεδομένων, Κείμενα Εργασίας αρ. In this context of enhanced bilateral and regional cooperation Egypt and Greece can reap the fruits of a power nexus that shall prove to be hegemonic in the Eastern Mediterranean and safeguard stability and prosperity for all actors involved. The first was introduced by then foreign minister Ahmet Davutoglu and was based on the notion of "zero problems" in Turkey's immediate neighbourhood and greater periphery. Geopolitics (from Greek γῆ gê "earth, land" and πολιτική politikḗ "politics") is the study of the effects of Earth's geography (human and physical) on politics and international relations. Η σχολαστικά συγκροτημένη, από μεθοδολογικής άποψης, αυτή μελέτη διαρθρώνεται –πλην της «Εισαγωγής στα Προλεγόμενα» και των «Προλεγομένων»-σε τέσσερα μέρη, τα οποία ανταποκρίνονται στην κριτική διακριτών λειτουργιών τής γνωστικής επιστημολογικής προσέγγισης των Διεθνών Σχέσεων και της Γεωπολιτικής. The conference announcement analyses the fundamental geopolitical observations by Skleros, as well as his geostrategic views in the greater historical context of Megali Idea (=Great Idea), i.e. If the imperialists insist on launching a third world war, it is certain that several hundred million more will turn to socialism, and then there will not be much room left on earth for the imperialists. Κανελλοπούλου-Μαλούχου (επιμ. Hear groundbreaking research from leading scholars and practitioners at our weekly seminars. An historical overview of Greece's membership in NATO and an examination of the geopolitical para... An historical overview of Greece's membership in NATO and an examination of the geopolitical parameters of Greece as a part of Rimland. Turkish foreign policy over the last decade can be roughly distinguished into two essential phases and relative strategic frameworks. 30 March 2021. Chapter 2 analyzes Greek classicism and modern Greek architecture of the 19th century in general formulating an interpretative model of aesthetic and ideological perceptions concerning Gothic Revival in Greece. the attempt to unify administratively historical Greek space. A macrohistorical analysis concerning Greece's membership in NATO. Reports and data from various sources increasingly demonstrate the strategic deployment of Syrian... Reports and data from various sources increasingly demonstrate the strategic deployment of Syrian militants, both Islamists and typical mercenaries, on the warzone of the Caucasus. The dissertation analyzes the adoption of Gothic revival architectural elements in Greek architecture of the 19th century. Turkish interference in multiple fronts is receding rapidly both in Libya and in Syria, while in ... Turkish interference in multiple fronts is receding rapidly both in Libya and in Syria, while in the seas of the Eastern Mediterranean Turkey faced the diplomatic network of Egypt and Greece. The Greek city-states of ancient Athens and Sparta are used as case studies. Here it is 4.8km deep, about as deep as the Alps are high! How big is this continent and how does its size compare to other parts of the world? Εξετάζουμε την επαναληπτικότητα των συμπεριφορικών προτύπων των ανθρωπίνων κοινωνιών στην ιστορικ... Εξετάζουμε την επαναληπτικότητα των συμπεριφορικών προτύπων των ανθρωπίνων κοινωνιών στην ιστορική διαχρονία ως στοιχείων συνδεδεμένων με την γενετική υποδομή και την επίκτητη μετάδοση του πολιτισμού και την διάδραση ανάμεσα στην πολιτισμική εξέλιξη και το γεωφυσικό περιβάλλον. 17. World-Class Events. Skleros examines in his works such issues, as power relations of ethnic groups in multi-ethnic states and the relevance of power (of a state or a non-state actor) with demographic dynamics. ... Αρχιτεκτονική και ιδεολογία: Νεοκλασική και νεογοτθική αρχιτεκτονική στην Ελλάδα τον 19ο αιώνα. Θεμελιώδη συμπεράσματα είναι ότι η ανθρώπινη κοινωνικότητα βασίζεται στην συγγένεια και τον ανταποδοτικό αλτρουισμό, ότι η κλίση των κοινωνικών συσσωματώσεων προς τον πόλεμο αποτελεί εξελικτική λειτουργία και ότι η συμμόρφωση με πρότυπα συμπεριφοράς είναι εγγενής. The author uses extensively primary and secondary bibliographical literature in his approach. The total length of the study exceeds 410,000 words and 1,124 pages with 2,900 footnotes and over 100 pages of Bibliography. Η ανάλυσή του αναφορικά με την ισχύ των εννοιών, την αποτελεσματικότητα των όρων, την επιστημονικότητα των μεθόδων, και τη νομιμότητα των θεωρητικών συγκροτήσεων στο νεοθετικιστικό πλαίσιο των «Θεωριών των Διεθνών Σχέσεων» είναι εξοντωτική. From primitive days of newsgroups, listservs and the introduction of early chat rooms, social media has changed the way we communicate, gather and share information, and given rise to a connected global society (Morrison, 2015). Now Turkey attempts to regain some of its lost credibility by meddling in another conflict, this time in the Caucasus, as the country’s economy has entered a downward spiral. Greece and Egypt have also close cooperation in the context of international organizations and in the framework of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership. [Leipzig University/University of Athens] Greece's Transatlantic Relations. History of Greek Geopolitics carried out at the Faculty of Turkish and Modern Asian Studies of th... History of Greek Geopolitics carried out at the Faculty of Turkish and Modern Asian Studies of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, is a thorough and highly detailed study of the history of Greek geopolitical thought from the 19th century until today with appropriately rich documentation for the first time in Greek bibliography.