It’s available on Netflix. And, why have a title of "Freaks" and a subtitle including "One of Us," no less, and not appear to be referencing Tod Browning's classic 1932 film? Er handelt von der Restaurantmitarbeiterin Wendy, die plötzlich von ihren Superkräften erfährt. Freaks: You're One of Us Soundtrack Music - Complete Song List | Tunefind The government tries to lock away people with abilities and drug them to suppress the forces. Freaks You’re One of Us 2 – Sequel Possibilities for the Netflix Superhero Movie. Stattdessen entpuppt sich der Film weder als feinfühliges Drama mit Superheldinnen-Action noch als Blockbuster mit komplexen Figuren. September 2020 um 20:52 Uhr bearbeitet. German Netflix movie Freaks: You’re One of Us hopes to gabba-gabba itself into the ever-crowded superhero sweepstakes. Freaks: You're One of Us is a German superhero movie that really focuses in on the interpersonal drama between people with latent superhuman abilities, their families and society at large. Stars: Cornelia Gröschel, Tim Oliver Schultz, Wotan Wilke Möhring. Then she uses her skills and threatens her boss to get a promotion. The film is a cooperation between ZDF's Das Kleines Fernsehspiel and the streaming platform Netflix. At this point, Freaks: You’re One of Us is slightly entertaining, and a quick Netflix watch but do not expect anything approaching the Marvel or DC Cinematic universes. Freaks: You're One of Us (German: Freaks – Du bist eine von uns) is a 2020 German superhero film directed by Felix Binder, written by Marc O. Seng and starring Cornelia Gröschel, Tim Oliver Schultz and Wotan Wilke Möhring. When she meets the homeless Marek, her life changes. Dies überzeugt sie, die Tabletten abzusetzen. Search for: Categories. Des Weiteren sagt er zu ihr „Du bist eine von uns.“, dann springt er von einer Autobahnbrücke und wird überfahren. Freaks – You're One of Us 2020 TV-MA 1h 32m Sci-Fi Dramas Tipped by a mysterious tramp, a meek fry cook discovers she has superpowers — and kindred spirits — … Er handelt von der Restaurantmitarbeiterin Wendy, die plötzlich von ihren Superkräften erfährt. Dies sieht ihr Arbeitskollege Elmar, der ebenfalls Kräfte hat. Find all 21 songs in Freaks: You're One of Us Soundtrack, with scene descriptions. Elisa von Hof urteilte im Spiegel: „Der Film hätte also ein mutiger Arthouse-Film werden können, der dem Superhelden-Kino nach zwei Dutzend aufpolierten Marvel-Epen endlich seine Mainstreamigkeit abkratzt. In Frankreich landete der Film auf Platz 1, in Deutschland auf Platz 4 und in den USA auf Platz 9. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. She was barely 11 years old when the actress got her first role in a TV series. The film follows Wendy (Cornelia Gröschel), a mom and fast food worker who discovers she has super strength and invulnerability, powers that her … Maybe these Germans haven't absorbed enough, or the right sort, of American culture. This convinces her to stop taking the pills. Audience Reviews for Freaks: You're One of Us. Am nächsten Abend trifft sie Marek wieder, der unbeschadet ist. Freaks: You’re One of Us trailer was released on 12 August 2020 and has close to a million views on YouTube. Together they try to get to the bottom of the origin of their abilities and discover a government conspiracy. Freaks: You’re One of Us (2020) Full Movie [In German] With Hindi Subtitles | Web-DL 720p HD. Her colleague Elmar, who also has powers, sees this. Netflix released their new German movie, Freaks You’re One of Us, on 2 September 2020. [4],–_Du_bist_eine_von_uns&oldid=203833690, „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“. Listen to trailer music, OST, original score, and the full list of popular songs in the film. After downloading Freaks – You’re One of Us (2020), if you have something to share with visitors about Freaks – You’re One of Us (2020) torrent, just leave your comment & one … Spoilers for 'Freaks – You're One of Us' First impressions of Netflix's latest German production 'Freaks - You're One of Us' is that it is an action, comedy, sci-fi superhero movie. Freaks – You're One of Us 2020 | | 1h 32m | Comic Book and Superhero Movies Tipped by a mysterious tramp, a meek fry cook discovers she has superpowers — and kindred spirits — and uncovers an unsavory, widespread conspiracy. It'd be like having seen this German "Freaks," but knowing nothing of, say, Weimar cinema or Werner Herzog. "Netflix Greenlights First German-Language Films", "Freaks: You're One of Us review – a promising alternative superhero movie that does not sustain momentum",, Short description is different from Wikidata, Pages containing links to subscription-only content, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 19 March 2021, at 08:17. Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 20. Tipped by a mysterious tramp, a meek fry cook discovers she has superpowers — and kindred spirits — and uncovers an unsavory, widespread conspiracy. Starring: Cornelia Gröschel, Tim Oliver Schultz, Wotan Wilke Möhring. Freaks: You’re One of Us Personally I have had little exposure to German films, so when I saw the title of the new film “Freaks: You’re One of Us” I found myself intrigued. But minutes into it, one realizes that it is not quite like the superhero movies that were used to … Freaks – You're One of Us 2020 | TV-MA | 1h 32m | Comic Book and Superhero Movies Tipped by a mysterious tramp, a meek fry cook discovers she has superpowers — and kindred spirits — and uncovers an unsavory, widespread conspiracy. It poses some interesting questions, unfortunately the territory is largely explored by X-Men, which the film very heavily borrows from in premise. Gemeinsam versuchen sie, dem Ursprung ihrer Fähigkeiten auf den Grund zu gehen und entdecken eine Verschwörung der Regierung. Diese nimmt sie aufgrund eines Ereignisses in ihrer Kindheit, wo sie unerklärlich am Tod des Schulrektors beteiligt war. Freaks – You're One of Us 2020 | TV-MA | 1h 32m | German Movies Tipped by a mysterious tramp, a meek fry cook discovers she has superpowers — and kindred … [1][2] The film is a cooperation between ZDF's Das Kleines Fernsehspiel and the streaming platform Netflix. Freaks: You’re One of Us (German) Movie Name: Freaks – Du bist eine von uns (2020) IMDb Rating: 5.3/10. I discovered the film was German made when I noticed the actors’ voices were dubbed. Felix Binder directs a modestly budgeted comic-bookish maybe-would-be … It seems like Freaks is Germany’s first step at creating a German superhero universe. He advises her to stop taking the pills that her psychiatrist prescribes for her. Post Tagged with: "Freaks: You’re One of Us" German / Hindi Subtitles / Other Language. [2], Auch der Filmstarts-Kritiker Daniel Fabian sah in Freaks ein „über weite Strecken kurzweilig und charmant“ geratenes Drama, das mit zahlreichen Anspielungen und der authentisch spielenden Hauptdarstellerin Cornelia Gröschel zu unterhalten wisse. Freaks – Du bist eine von uns ist ein deutscher Superheldenfilm des Regisseurs Felix Binder aus dem Jahr 2020. Wendy arbeitet in einem Schnellrestaurant und lebt zusammen mit ihrem Mann und ihrem Sohn in einer unbenannten Vorstadt. Freaks: You're One of Us (German: Freaks – Du bist eine von uns) is a 2020 German superhero film directed by Felix Binder, written by Marc O. Seng and starring Cornelia Gröschel, Tim Oliver Schultz and Wotan Wilke Möhring. Since then, Cornelia has appeared on stage and on the silver screen, now trying her hand, playing Wendy in Netflix movie Freaks: You’re One of Us. She takes them because of an event in her childhood where she was inexplicably involved in the death of the school principal. Freaks: You’re One of Us is full of so many plot holes and illogical turns that even I, who can normally suspend disbelief for almost anything, found it troublesome. Sep 23, 2020. [1], Thomas Kielhorn vom RedaktionsNetzwerk Deutschland war hingegen der Ansicht, der Film könne sich „durchaus sehen lassen“ und überzeuge vor allem mit seinem Humor, wenn die Macher auch nur „sehr zaghaft auf den Spuren amerikanischer Comicreihen“ wandeln würden. Diese versucht, Personen mit Fähigkeiten wegzusperren und unter Drogen zu setzen, um die Kräfte zu unterdrücken. Tipped by a mysterious tramp, a meek fry cook discovers she has superpowers -- and uncovers an unsavory, vast conspiracy. Directed by Felix Binder. Quality: 720p (Web-HD) Language: English | German (Dual Audio) Director: Felix Binder. The trailer gives the looks and feels of the Netflix movie with the cast showing off their characters and their amazing powers, but for more, you will have to wait till 2 September 2020. Der Film wurde unter deutschen Filmkritikern mit gemischtem Feedback angenommen. Der Film ist eine Kooperation des Kleinen Fernsehspiels des ZDF und der Streaming-Plattform Netflix, wo er am 2. The film is making some moves on the streaming platform’s charts, and audiences are responding to … Netflix dropped the trailer for the upcoming German superhero action-comedy film Freaks - You're One of Us. She discovers her powers and hurls her attackers into the air for several meters. September 2020 veröffentlicht wurde. With piercing blue eyes, sweet smile, and striking hair, Cornelia Groschel has endeared herself into the German cinema and small screen viewers’ hearts. She then goes on to find out about more people like her and uncovers a conspiracy that has concealed the existence of such people in the process. Freaks: You’re One of Us. Sondern als deutsche ‘X-Men’-Kopie mit weniger guten Effekten …“. Freaks: You’re One of Us is a German superhero movie released by Netflix on September 2, 2020. With Cornelia Gröschel, Tim Oliver Schultz, Wotan Wilke Möhring, Nina Kunzendorf. 2020 | 16+ | 1h 32m | German Movies. Er rät ihr, die Tabletten, die ihre Psychiaterin ihr verschreibt, abzusetzen. Freaks: You’re One of Us is a German language sci-fi/fantasy tale of superhumans who discover their powers after an encounter with one of their own. The next evening she meets Marek again, who is unharmed. Danach verwendet sie ihre Fähigkeiten und bedroht ihre Chefin, um sich eine Beförderung zu beschaffen. Der Film ist eine Kooperation des Kleinen Fernsehspiels des ZDF und der Streaming-Plattform Netflix, wo er am 2. [3], International landete er zum Start in 59 Ländern in den Film-Top-Ten von Netflix. ‘Freaks: You’re One of Us’, a German superhero movie, follows the journey of Wendy, a modest fast-food worker, as she discovers that she actually possesses superpowers. Genres: Action | Drama | Fantasy | Sci-Fi. After she leaves the diner after her next shift, she is attacked. Als sie den obdachlosen Marek trifft, ändert sich ihr Leben. September 2020 veröffentlicht wurde. Freaks – You're One of Us. Nachdem sie nach ihrer nächsten Schicht das Schnellrestaurant verlässt, wird sie überfallen. This article related to a German film of the 2020s is a stub. Sie entdeckt ihre Kräfte und schleudert ihre Angreifer für mehrere Meter in die Luft. He also says to her "You are one of us", then jumps off a highway bridge and is run over. Wendy works in a diner and lives with her husband and son in an unnamed suburb in Germany. Freaks – Du bist eine von uns ist ein deutscher Superheldenfilm des Regisseurs Felix Binder aus dem Jahr 2020.