Colonial Day, the annual anniversary of the signing of the Articles of Colonization, has arrived. Rather, they seem to rely their large Raidersquadrons to provide protection from enemy batteries. All units ordered to rendezvous at Ragnar Anchorage for regroup and counter-attack. 6. Another Eight is shown as a Cylon leader when both main character Eights are elsewhere. The size of the force is assumed by Admiral Nagala taking command of the fleet following the loss of 30 Battlestars and Picon Fleet Headquarters at the start of the attack. Forty years before the fall, the Cylon War came to a close with a stalemate. Known at the time as Leoben Conoy and posing as an arms smuggler, his rapid deterioration from exposure to radiation in Ragnar's atmosphere got the attention of Commander Adama, who was able to confirm him as a Cylon agent. Most of these missiles are fired from launchers located within the "arms" of a basestar. Adama spends the next few years feeling guilt over the incident, which has him thinking it caused the Cylon attacks (TRS: "Hero"). During that time, they start removing the bodies of the dead, and attempt to capture healthy females for experimentation in farms. Colonial Heavy 798 and Colonial press members hear of news that Caprica has been nuked along with three other Colonies. Picon Fleet Headquarters put the Colonial Fleet on general alert when Basestars were detected over Picon, but it too was destroyed in the bombardment. Caprica Insurrection, Skirmish over the Red Moon | This event occurs in a deleted scene of the Miniseries. The original of the Number Ones, known as "John" or "Cavil", launched a rebellion against the Centurions and the Final Five, robbing the former of free will with a telancephalic inhibitor and wiping most out in favour of newer, inhibited machines, and rendering the Five amnesiac and sending them out into Colonial society under the belief they were human. Here, the attacking Raiders try to shut down Galactica and her Vipers, but since she has no networks, the shutdown command has no effect. Admiral Thorn was to collect survivors around the colonies during the Battle at Virgon, and then hold out in Red Horse Nebula until the Atlantis arrived. One copy meets with the Number Six on Caprica, passing details about the Colonial computer systems from her to the Cylon fleet, while another meets Ellen Tigh at a bar on Picon minutes before the attack begins, to see if she has changed at all. Roslin was the only member to submit an authentication code, thereby designating her as his successor, President Roslin and the shuttle was renamed Colonial One. Basestars appear to have no point defense weaponry. [2] Coinciding with this was the development of the Command Navigation Program as a networked system to be installed universally in all military craft. The stresses involved in jumping directly from the pod result in structural failure, leading to explosive decompression of the entire pod, and the destruction of any remaining museum pieces. 8. During Galactica's resupply efforts, a Number Two was found hiding on the station. Out of three missiles fired, Galactica pilot Kara Thrace manages to shoot down two, before the last one strikes the battlestar. Consequently, it was decided that the entire refugee convoy should abandon the Cyrannus star system entirely and depart for a new home far away from the Cylons, with Galactica protecting it. Battle [edit | edit source] The Cylon attack force was split into two groups. Admiral Nagala †Vice Admiral Helena CainCommander William Adama United Colonies of Kobol and Outcome 5. The Cylon experiment fails, and they abandon the Colonies. Standoff Between Galactica and Pegasus | Operation Raptor Talon (First Cylon War). Rate. Fall of the Twelve Colonies At the onset of the attacks, there were many civilian transports and passenger liners in the space lanes near Caprica. [6] Warned by a Messenger about a potential Cylon agent on the ship, Dr. Baltar accused a civilian PR manager, Aaron Doral of being such an agent, and accused him of planting a device in the CIC. Battle of Kobol | [3], Soon after the initial attacks, the civilian spacelines were shut down by the Colonial Government to keep civilian ships out of the combat areas. The two races which had fought for twelve years with the goal of annihilating the other to guarantee their own survival. With the help of the Final Five, eight new humanoid Cylon models were created to realise the Centurions' goal of evolving into biological forms. When a Raider located the fleet, it was decided that all FTL-capable ships evacuate to Ragnar, and refused to give coordinates to the sublight ships.[6]. It takes the Cylons all but three minutes to access the defense mainframe and shut it down, leaving the Colonies and the Colonial Fleet defenseless (TRS: "The Plan"). After this news is broadcast, Admiral Nagala takes command of the battlestar Atlantia, and begins a counter attack near Virgon’s orbit, as per a system plot by Lt. Gaeta aboard the battlestar Galactica. Around 20+ sublight ships, including a Botanical Cruiser are left behind, and destroyed (TRS: "Miniseries"). The Fall of the Twelve Colonies (also known as The Fall, the Cylon attack, Cylon holocaust or Second Cylon War) is a devastating, genocidal attack by the Cylons, designed by John Cavil to eliminate the human race, and seek revenge on the Final Five for creating the humanoid Cylons in their image. One is destroyed during Operation Raptor Talon, and the second is … Approximately 3 hours from Caprica, the Cylon attack commences. [3] Pegasus successfully escaped the shipyards by performing a blind jump, which it was able to do due to its computer networks being down ahead of a refit. Other models choose to replant cities and live life much as the Colonials did before the attacks. Battlestar Galactica is an American science fiction media franchise created by Glen A. Larson. Like Colonial weaponry, the Cylon missiles can carry both conventional and nuclear warheads. Rate. Battle of Ragnar Anchorage | Rate. The Fall of the Twelve Colonies, also known as the Second Cylon War was a massive Cylon campaign against Colonial space which saw the indiscriminate destruction of civilian and military targets alike with the objective of total annihilation of mankind. While Galactica and its fleet are momentarily able to escape the Anchorage, they are hounded by the Cylons, who jump to the fleet's location every thirty-three minutes. 28.5 billion dead (including civilians) [3] When news of Atlantia's destruction was received, Commander William Adama of the Galactica assumed command of the fleet and ordered all remaining ships to rendezvous with Galactica at the Ragnar Anchorage, where it was to resupply. Among the evacuated survivors were Earth Cylons Tory Foster and Ellen Tigh, with several more humanoid Cylons. Just as the Cylons are sending in a new wave of Raiders, the battlestar recovers its birds, and jumps to join the fleet (TRS: "Miniseries"). The expanded structure was "home" to the humanoid and Centurion Cylons after … The battlestar is heavily damaged in the opening salvo and there are many casualties, however, thanks to DRADIS interference, the Cylons were not able to confirm its destruction, and continued their assault on the other battlestars and support ships docked at the yards. The Cylons occupy the Colonies for up to nine months after the attacks. Casualties Cain boards Galactica with an armed escort and welcomes the crew "back to the Colonial Fleet." Plot. Battle of the Algae Planet | The closest the show came was Graham Beckel's Commander Jack Fisk, the conflicted first officer to Cain, who quickly came across as tortured by the actions of his superior officer. Six years prior to the attacks, Commander William Adama, aboard the battlestar Valkyrie, is tasked by Colonial admiralty to launch a stealth plane across the Armistice Line into Cylon held space. Note: A portion of the information listed below is taken from the official, "quasi-canon" Battlestar Galactica Map of the 12 Colonies. Not wanting to give the Cylons time to realize their mistake, Cain orders a blind jump away from the combat zone. During the Fall of the Twelve Colonies, The Colony was moved close to the Cyrannus star system, and the Basestar fleet jumped from there to the colonies in the attack. After losing the Fleet Headquarters, President Richard Adar offers the Cylons a complete and unconditional surrender. Battle of the Binary Star System | Piloted by Daniel Novacek, the bird is discovered by an unknown contact, and is shot down by Adama to prevent his pilot from being potentially captured by Cylon forces. Battle of the Ionian Nebula, Ambush on Cylon rebels | Rate. There have been at least two battlestars to bear the name Columbia in the Colonial Fleet. Number Six is without a doubt, the most important Cylon character in Battlestar Galactica. The Colonial officer on duty is shaken when a vessel docks with the station and two Centurions enter the meeting room, followed by a Number Six model. The Colonials would maintain control of their space, but would recognise Cylon sovereign territory past the designated Armistice Line. 9. A group of Basestars arrived over Ragnar, having detected Doral's beacon. During these efforts, the shuttle received the Case Orange alert signal, signifying the deaths of President Adar and most of the cabinet. However, the gesture is ignored by the Cylons, and they continue their assault. As they received the information from the attacking Raiders that the Colonial Forces were still operating, the humanoid Cylons looked at each other shocked that their easy victory and attack on the 12 Colonies might have just become much harder if this fleet of Colonial Battlestars is able to send a transmission to the rest of the Colonial Fleet, thus causing the entire attack to fail and for them to launch a counter-offensive against the Cylon homeworld, the Colony, … Overjoyed at the prospect of peace, President Adar immediately ordered the Colonial Fleet to rendezvous with the Cylons so a treaty could be signed. The civilians are thrilled to see friendly forces, however, their joy is short lived. [3] However, the Cylon fleet was kept out of the star system itself until the penetration of CNP had been verified, coincidentally on the 40th anniversary of the Armistice. I'm going to rewrite this summary later, the story should be much better. Summary. The first shots were fired at the Armistice Station, a diplomatic space station. Fall of the Scorpion Fleet Shipyards | Valerii is able to recover at least three homeless Vipers, and numerous transports, her last being a tylium transport, before the Cylons jump in and scan their caravan. Season: OR . Its information is regarded as official, but as story bible information it is canon unless contradicted on the series. The ship re-emerges several plotted jumps away from the Colonies. The battlestar Pegasus, under the command of Rear Admiral Helena Cain, is docked at the Scorpion Fleet Shipyards at the onset of the attacks undergoing a system refit, which left its computer networks offline. The attack force was hidden … 85 crew members are lost when damage to the fire suppression system necessitates the venting of the pod's atmosphere to prevent the fuel lines from igniting, thus preventing the destruction of the ship. During the attack on the Twelve Colonies, the Cylons choose to undermine the Colonia… [3] While rescue workers deployed Raptors to dig people out of the ruined cities, a massive Centurion invasion army landed via Heavy Raiders with orders to shoot survivors on sight. This incurs a cat and mouse game that lasts for days after the fall, until the passenger vessel being tracked by the Cylons is destroyed (TRS: "33"). "The Plan" confirms that there was a 14 hour gap between Caprica Six meeting her mysterious contact in the Miniseries (revealed to be a Number One) and the opening bombardments. [3] The battle was a catastrophic failure, as the CNP hack was still not made aware and no explanation could be given for the frequently-reported computer failures. The first shots were fired at the Armistice Station , a diplomatic space station. The Battlestars and their Viper wings were quickly disabled by CNP hacking, allowing the Basestars to concentrate on the planet itself, firing MIRVs at the more densely-populated areas such as Caprica City. This structure was built around the original ship of the Final Five (Islanded in a Stream of Stars podcast). [4], Over Caprica, the Colonial Fleet was immediately made aware of the Cylon strike force and three Battlestars moved in to intercept, Valkyrie and Yashuman amongst them. Battlestar Galactica Battlestar Galactica takes place roughly 40 years after the end of the first Cylon war, fought between the end of the Caprica prequel and the start of the re-imagined series. There are likely tens of thousands of survivors spread throughout the colonies. At one point, the ship stopped at The Temple of Hopes. It's not long before Roslin takes the effort to round up the survivors and form a caravan to help get the civilians out of harms way, and sends out Sharon Valerii in search of more ships. [6], With no surviving Battlestars or cruisers arriving at Ragnar after several hours, Commander Adama was convinced the war was over and that Galactica's inevitable destruction would doom the refugee fleet. From here, Adama takes command of the fleet, and orders the ship to prepare for an FTL jump to Ragnar to re-arm (TRS: "Miniseries"). As these ships were not prepared for long journeys, some began to lose power. Vice Admiral Helena CainCommander William Adama. Overview Colonial Day is due, and Laura Roslin is using the occasion to institute an interim Quorum of Twelve; then Tom Zarek, duly selected as the representative of Sagittaron, stands for the post of Vice President, a position Roslin is determined he will not hold. Cylons This was later determined to be correct, that he was in fact a Number Five Cylon, who had planted a transponder to allow the Cylons to detect the ship. Lacking networking, they were more successful in fighting the Raiders, though Galactica was still damaged by a nuclear detonation and was forced to sacrifice 85 crewmembers in depressurising the burning compartments close to the hangar deck. The entire fleet was destroyed and Nagala killed onboard Atlantia. The low-tech battlestars were scrapped in favour of more advanced warships, with the exception of Galactica which was preserved as a recruiting symbol due to its historical significance. [3] Viper Mark VIIs were also susceptible to hacking and were shot down individually by Raiders. Seven, all known among the Cylons themselves by number, were revealed to the humans in the course of their early conflicts after the Cylon attack on the Twelve Colonies. None of the Final Five are killed, and are all reunited in the Fleet. With the Colony's weapons offline, Galactica launches its remaining Vipers, while at least fifteen Raptors jump directly from the starboard flight pod in a flanking position to board the Colony. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. With the arrival of the Final Five, humanoid Cylon refugees from Earth, the Colonial Cylons agreed to call off the war and make a deal with the Colonial Forces. [5] As a result of the CNP hacking, Colonial Fleet lost thirty Battlestars, approximately a quarter of their fleet strength, in the opening minutes. The Cylons begin their attack by first jumping to the Armistice Station. Twenty years following the Armistice, during the 1980s, the Colonial Fleet went through a period of massive re-armament on the intuitive but otherwise baseless belief at the time the Cylons were preparing a strike force. That miniseries led to a weekly television series, which aired u… The fleet loses at least 30 battlestars (Among these, Yashuman and Valkyrie) in the opening wave, which according to Kara Thrace, is a quarter of the fleet. The expanded structure was "home" to the humanoid and Centurion Cylons after … the Galactica's crew immediately sets out to re-arm the ship, not wasting time. President Roslin comes aboard and asks for Galactica's protection, a notion Adama later strikes down, still hoping and preferring to take the battlestar into combat, until he realizes the Cylons followed them to Ragnar, and are now waiting for them to re-emerge from the gas giant. After deliberating with the President and his executive officer, Saul Tigh, Adama orders the fleet to prep for a jump to the Prolmar Sector, far beyond the Red Line, where he hopes the civilians will be safe. Cyrannus star system In the forty years, the Cylons went through radical changes. As Starbuck claims 30 is a "quarter" of the fleet, the fleet over Virgon is no more than 90 ships, and could be much less due to over variables (e.g. Surviving humans quickly began suffering the effects of radiation exposure, which limited the viability of resistance efforts. Whereas the Colonials prefer artillery-style guns, the Cylons favor chemically-propelled missiles. By: Frost Metal 0-1. Yashuman and Valkyrie were in orbit over Caprica during the initial attack and were disabled within moments of the Cylon arrival. ... Rate. The surviving members of the resistance are evacuated to Galactica shortly afterward (TRS: "The Plan", "Resistance", "The Farm", "Downloaded", "Lay Down Your Burdens, Part II"). Galactica suffers crucial damage to the port flight pod... ... leaving the crew no choice but to vent the pod to fight the fires, Battle of Medra | After the blast clears, the ship's port stern thrusters get stuck on, pushing the battlestar into an uncontrollable lateral counterclockwise spin. Great Cylon Turkey Shoot | Error: please try again. By: zagor03. This page was last modified on 30 April 2017, at 17:50. Unknown; light In the fleet we start with close to 50K. After the Colonial Government shut down these lanes, these ships became trapped and were attacked as they were found by the Cylons. Full 15 minutes of the epic soundtrack to Galactica's final battle. John prepared for over twenty years to wipe out mankind as a final act of revenge against the Five, disgusted in their creation of him in a limited, human-like body; officially the Cylon plan was to attack as revenge for the Cylons' original enslavement, with knowledge of the Five being wiped from the other Cylons' memories. Four years later, the surviving Colonials launch an assault that seals the fate of the Cylon race, settle a newly discovered planet, and eventually abandon the last vestiges of Colonial civilization (TRS: "Daybreak, Part II"). Rescue on Caprica | An additional small caravan of civilian ships, led by the transport Scylla, are able to survive on their own for a few weeks after the attacks. This structure was built around the original ship of the Final Five (Islanded in a Stream of Stars podcast). This was ROUGH. During the attack on the colonies there was a fleet of Battlestars that didn't fall to the Cylons. 7. AA fire from Galactica offering a degree of anti-missile protection. It is Number Six after all, who after seducing Gaius Baltar opens the 12 Colonies to invasion. This infiltration of Colonial systems combined with the "complete surprise" that the Cylons achieve enables them to sweep the Colonial Fleet aside with minimal losses, a triumph beyond their most optimistic projections (TRS: "Downloaded").