Sta per uscire un suo nuovo… Continue Reading →, L’ultimo episodio della settima stagione è stato ricco di rimpatriate e rivelazioni molto attese non solo dai fan della serie, ma anche dagli attori stessi. First episode The Looney Tunes gang aren’t the only Warner Bros. characters in Space Jam: A New Legacy. The Last of Us: Pedro Pascal e Bella Ramsey nella serie HBO, House of the Dragon ha il suo Re Targaryen, House of the Dragon: si aprono i casting per uno dei principi Targaryen, Inizia il casting per “House of the Dragon”, George Martin aggiorna sugli sviluppi di Winds of Winter, Dopo 6 anni Jack Gleeson tornerà a recitare sul grande schermo, Lena e Liam in Masters of the Universe, Kristofer in The Witcher. EURON Grejoy actor Pilou Asbæk had said fans will not be disappointed with the Game of Thrones season 8 finale tonight. He is best known for his roles in the Danish TV show Borgen and the films A Hijacking, Lucy and "Ghost in the Shell (2017)". Pilou Asbæk’s birth took place on 2 March 1982 in Copenhagen, Denmark. I think if Yara is dead, she’s of no use. He wants something to negotiate with, always. *Speculazioni spoilerose in arrivo* Wilf Scolding ha postato un selfie all’hotel Europa… Continue Reading →, La settima stagione di Game of Thrones è finita, i membri del cast torneranno presto a lavorare sulle riprese dell’ottava stagione. Jon Snow: ulteriori conferme da HBO e speculazioni sul nome! er vilde med ’Borgen’, som Pilou Asbæk siger. Pilou Asbæk: Age, Parents, Siblings. "; Pilou Asbæk has played Euron Greyjoy on HBO's hit series since the sixth season. Oggi Entertainment Weekly, proprio pochi minuti fa, ha rilasciato ben sedici nuove immagini, tra copertine e immagini di altro genere, dedicate ognuna ad un protagonista e/o antagonista della… Continue Reading →, Due post recenti su Instagram ci hanno mostrato che due attori sono arrivati a Belfast e la presenza di uno in particolare potrebbe portare a qualcosa di interessante. Fox News talks to actor Pilou Asbæk about ‘Game of Thrones’ and what it is like to play Euron Greyjoy. Cosa ne pensa il cast di GoT del finale della settima stagione? The trailer shows Søren Malling, who plays Jens Møller, the Head of Homicide investigating a case. Pilou Asbæk played the role on Game of Thrones (HBO) People weren't exactly fond of Theopn after the way he sold out the Starks to the Boltons and led to Sansa, whom he had grown up with like siblings, get repeatedly raped by the monstrous Ramsey. Here’s everything … NUOVE IMMAGINI UFFICIALI per i personaggi di Game of Thrones! Sophie spiega perchè Sansa ha mentito a Jon, e si becca uno spoiler! Euron Greyjoy e il suo lieto fine: intervista a Pilou Asbæk, Lena Headey nutriva dei dubbi sulla decisione di Cersei riguardante Euron, L’ultima première di Game of Thrones a New York. HBO: Come sei entrato a far parte dello show nella… Continue Reading →, Euron Greyjoy (Pilou Asbæk) è tornato, con le sue minacciose navi dalle vele nere, un taglio di capelli molto più bello, e un nuovo completo di pelle nera, per corteggiare la regina di Westeros, Cersei Lannister, e cercare di ottenere… Continue Reading →. Anschließend erhielt er k… © 2021 Game of Thrones – Italy. Birthplace Pilou Asbæk is a Danish actor, whose birth name is Johan Philip Asbæk. Pilou Asbæk: "Jeg er dubbed i Game of Thrones"! [1], His name is pronounced "Pe-lou As-beck".[2]. Game of Thrones Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. That’s the reason why he’s not 100% evil. Johan Philip "Pilou" Asbæk is a Danish actor. Belfast: la presenza di un attore suggerisce nuovi flashback nell’ultima stagione. [NEWS] Peter Dinklage aveva una band punk e altre news sul cast! List of references to Game of Thrones in other media, Telltale video game navigation sub-portal, Miguel Sapochnik - co-showrunner/director,,æk?oldid=456361. After Tyrion informs her of Varys' plot, she has Drogon burn Varys. Euron himself was subsequently killed […] The case is based on real-life disappearance and death of Swedish journalist Kim Wall. Get a closer look: curiosità sugli oggetti di scena, L’Euron di Pilou Asbæk: un nuovo tipo di villain, Pilou Asbæk racconta il ritorno di Euron Greyjoy nella première “Dragonstone”. Pilou Asbæk, l'attore danese che interpreta Euron Greyjoy in Game of Thrones, ha rivelato alcuni dettagli in merito a possibili piani del suo personaggio He loves the game more than he loves the result. Il est surtout connu pour son rôle du spin doctor Kasper Juul dans la série danoise Borgen, une femme au pouvoir et celui d'Euron Greyjoy dans la série américaine Game of Thrones. Johan Philip "Pilou" Asbæk is a Danish actor. Game of Thrones veteran Pilou Asbæk reflects on his time as Euron Greyjoy, the most arrogant dragon-slayer on the high seas. Pilou Asbæk If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device. Pilou Asbæk né le 2 mars 1982 à Copenhague, au Danemark, est un acteur danois. Pilou Asbæk: I think he wants to keep her for fun. Euron Greyjoy Pilou Asbæk wuchs in Kopenhagen als Sohn des seit den 1970er Jahren bekannten Künstlerpaares Patricia Asbæk und Jacob Asbæk auf. GAME Of Thrones star Pilou Asbaek has given fans a look inside his very stylish flat. Varys wants Jon to take the Iron Throne, but Jon refuses to betray Daenerys. The actor, who played Euron Greyjoy in … His name is pronounced "Pe-lou As-beck". Who is Pilou Asbæk? Prima, però, vediamo cosa fanno intanto alcuni di loro, partendo da Peter Dinklage! He is known for his role as troubled spin doctor Kasper Juul in the Danish television political drama Borgen, and as Euron Greyjoy in the television series Game of Thrones. In an interview with INSIDER, Asbæk reflects on his "bummed" reaction to when he realized the show-version of Euron was much different, and also his gratitude for being part of such a big series. Diamo ad essi un’occhiata più da vicino. External Links Johan Philip Asbæk, known professionally as Pilou Asbæk, is a Danish actor. HBO: Can you tease what’s next for Euron for the rest of the season? Speculazioni: Il piano B di Cersei, cosa potrebbe cambiare? He got the nickname "Pilou" at a young age. Ieri sera a New York si è tenuta l’ultima première di SEMPRE per Game of Thrones! Oltre al cast “ancora vivo” nella serie tv, ci sono stati TANTISSIMI Guest delle… Continue Reading →, Man mano che ci avviciniamo al fatidico aprile le news si moltiplicano! Non ne può più di fare il villain. He is best known for his role as Kasper Juul, a troubled spin doctor in Borgen and as Euron Greyjoy in Game of Thrones. HBO: Perché la storia di Euron ha avuto il… Continue Reading →, Cersei Lannister non era l’unica riluttante ad andare a letto con l’odioso Euron Greyjoy. In Game of Thrones, he portrays Euron Greyjoy in the sixth, seventh and eighth seasons. Entertainment (UK) Game of Thrones; Television (UK) Celebrity (UK) Nach dem Schulabschluss traf er Bill Pullman, der gerade "Dear Wendy" drehte, und beschloss ebenfalls Schauspieler zu werden, sodass er ein Schauspielstudium an der Statens Teaterskole begann, wo er 2008 graduierte. Pilou Asbæk e il ruolo di Euron nelle prossime stagioni Durante un press tour per il film Ghost in the Shell, Pilou Asbæk ha svelato alcuni dettagli riguardo al futuro del suo personaggio di Game of Thrones, Euron. (Spoiler alert: This story assumes you've seen Game of Thrones, Season 8, Episode 5 – The Bells) Playing bad can feel so good! But who is the actor and what did he reveal exactly? Role Dort schrieb und inszenierte er seine ersten eigenen Theaterstücke. The actor looked back at 10 years of the hugely popular HBO show. Pilou Asbæk is saying goodbye to Euron Greyjoy. Han mener selv, at han blev kaldt til casting, fordi han havde spillet med i ’Borgen’. The studio has invited their entire roster, including Drogon … Game of Thrones' Pilou Asbaek (aka Euron Greyjoy) Used to Be Nikolaj Coster-Waldau's 'Manny' this link is to an external site that may or may not meet accessibility guidelines. Johan Philip Asbæk, dit Pilou Asbæk [pʰiˈlu ˈ æ spɛk] est un acteur danois, né le 2 mars 1982 à Copenhague. Danish actor Pilou Asbaek made a joke about his character Euron Greyjoy while celebrating the 10th anniversary of Game of Thrones on Instagram. Pilou Asbaek portrayed the character Euron Greyjoy, who tried to hunt his nephews Yara and Theon, who allied with Daenerys Targaryen and took over the Salt Throne. "Home" Nella premiere della stagione 8 di Game of Thrones,… Continue Reading →, Questo giorno sembrava così lontano ma alla fine… Eccolo qua! 'Game of Thrones' Star Pilou Asbæk on Becoming a Maniac as Euron Greyjoy. Sinossi (non ufficiali) episodi 8, 9, 10 della sesta stagione. Game of Thrones star Pilou Asbæk has defended the show's controversial finale, saying the ending was "perfect". L’attrice Lena Headey, che interpreta la spietata autoproclamatasi regina di Westeros, è stata altrettanto dura da convincere. Prior to getting this dream job, Asbæk loved watching the show. As Hibberd notes, Euron, who usurps the throne of the Iron Islands and wages war against his niece Yara (Gemma Whelan) and nephew Theon (Alfie … In the summer of 2008, he graduated from the Danish National School of Performing Arts. In Game of Thrones, he portrays Euron Greyjoy in the sixth, seventh and eighth seasons. All rights reserved. The actor looked back at 10 years of the hit show (Picture: HBO) Game of Thrones star Pilou Asbaek has spoken about the legacy of the show as it turns 10, saying that fans have only just stopped giving him hate for his role as Euron Greyjoy. NEW YORK – “ Game of Thrones " star Pilou Asbæk is … Date of Birth He is best known for his roles in the Danish TV show Borgen and the films A Hijacking, Lucy and "Ghost in the Shell (2017)". In questa stagione Euron Greyjoy ha già stupito tutti – guardaroba da bad boy incluso: nuovi costumi e l’arma che ha… Continue Reading →, L’attore che dà il volto a Euron Greyjoy parla della strategia di Euron e del suo nuovo look da rockstar, e racconta come è stato girare la battaglia sulle navi. Danish actor Pilou Asbæk joined the cast of HBO's "Game of Thrones" for its sixth season, when the character of Euron Greyjoy joined the fray. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Pilou means "little Phillip" in French. SPOILER ALERT! Copenhagen, Denmark Euron Greyjoy (Pilou Asbæk) è tornato, con le sue minacciose navi dalle vele nere, un taglio di capelli molto più bello, e un nuovo completo di pelle nera, per corteggiare la regina di Westeros, Cersei Lannister, e cercare di ottenere… Continue Reading → Gli Easter Egg nell’episodio 6×05 – “The Door”. 2 March 1982 He co-presented the Eurovision Song Contest 2014 in Copenhagen alongside Lise Rønne and Nikolaj Koppel. 'A War' star Pilou Asbaek says he's thrilled to be joining the cast of 'Game of Thrones,' but warns he won't be divulging any plotlines. Pilou Asbæk, who plays Euron, recently talked to SYFY WIRE about his recent roles as Villains and Game of Thrones.. Discussing what was it like bringing his Game of Thrones-run to a close, he says, “I came on board in Season 6, so I had two seasons, mostly.Like Stanislavski, the father of all theater, said, “There are no small roles, only small actors.” Pilou Asbæk, l’interprete di Euron Greyjoy, è stato intervistato dall’HBO su “The Bells”, il quinto episodio dell’ottava stagione, e ha parlato anche del suo brutale duello con lo Sterminatore di Re. Er besuchte das Internat Herlufsholm in der Nähe von Næstved. Game of Thrones star Pilou Asbæk is a part of a real-life Danish crime drama The Investigation, that circles around one such case. Pilou Asbæk er en af de fem danskere, som enten stadig er eller har spillet med i ’Game of Thrones’. Una bella mazzata anche per chi ha letto i libri.. Quattro nuovi arrivi nel cast di House of the Dragon! Ecco alcuni pensieri da parte del cast sui momenti più significativi da “The Dragon and… Continue Reading →, Props (oggetti) di scena vari e sempre meglio studiati in Game of Thrones! Una sola cosa è certa: date a quest'uomo un ruolo in una commedia romantica. Johan Philip Asbæk, known professionally as Pilou Asbæk, is a Danish actor. But now, he says he hasn't watched a single new episode since season five. Pilou Asbæk, who plays Euron Greyjoy on “Game of Thrones,” discusses Euron’s death, why his aim got so much worse, and the show’s Instagram policy. Warning: Spoilers ahead for "Game of Thrones" season eight, episode five, "The Bells. Game of Thrones star Pilou Asbaek has spoken about the legacy of the show as it turns 10, saying that fans have only just stopped giving him hate for … Read more on La video intervista a Pilou Asbæk I think for him, it’s about the game. E ovviamente il finale di Game of Thrones. For de to bagmænd bag serien, Dan Weiss og David Benioff. News dal set, contratti degli attori e nuova foto SPOILER (anche per i lettori), Casting call: prime indiscrezioni sulla settima stagione. IMDb Page. Lo Spiegone: chi sono i genitori di Jon Snow? Il interprète le rôle d' Euron Greyjoy dans la sixième, septième et huitième saison de Game of Thrones. Despite his globe-trotting role in the epic HBO series, the Danish actor, 35 – who plays ruthless pirate …