Recently, Shahram has collaborated to patent a novel approach for resource allocation using scalable non-myopic atomic game for smart parking and other applications. Minato Ohashi Bridge located in Osaka; it is the third-longest cantilever truss span bridge in the world
engineer. He currently serves as the interim chair of the Department of Civil Engineering. He maintains a high sense of personal discipline and integrity. Read online books for free new release and bestseller He has received over $3,200,000 in funding from federal, state and industry for his research. He has pioneered the development of related specifications and industry
Dr.Florin-Lucian TAMAS is an Associate Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering, Transilvania University of Brasov.He graduated in 2001 from Technical University of Cluj-Napoca and became PhD in Civil Engineering Domain at the same university. area of construction management. He is a project manager on project “Advanced photogrammetry and remote sensing methods for environmental change monitoring – RS4ENVIRO” funded by the University of Zagreb and researcher on projects “Geospatial Monitoring of Green Infrastructure by Means of Terrestrial, Airborne and Satellite Imagery – GEMINI” and “Retrieval of Information from Different Optical 3D Remote Sensing Sources for Use in Forest Inventory – 3D-FORINVENT” funded by Croatian Science Foundation. Her research interests are in the field of urban water management. Currently, he collaborated to research and develop a cloud-hosted Digital Twin (DT) for the Ryerson University campus facility management. Dr. Nazari’s research has been supported by NSF, USDA, FEMA, NJDCA, NJDEP, NY/NJ DOT, and American Water. Dejan Vasović, a graduate architectural engineer, received his PhD from Faculty of Architecture at University of Belgrade, Serbia in 2016. His teaching and research focus is on sustainable urbanism, which is an ecological approach to building that integrates architectural and landscape design with socio-cultural and environmental needs. Practical experience in CC adaptation and mitigation measures assessment. 112 talking about this. Dr. Heo joined the Department of Civil Engineering at Case Western Reserve University as Assistant Professor in 2014. Under the framework of these two main themes, she investigates energy efficiency and thermal-energy performance optimization in buildings, new analysis methods for estimating the effect of innovative strategies; continuous monitoring techniques for detecting building thermal-energy performance; high albedo solutions for passive cooling and as mitigation strategy against urban heat island phenomenon; local climate boundary conditions affecting building thermal-energy behavior; indoor-outdoor microclimate analysis for preserving cultural heritage. University of Alicante Spain in 2003.And he is a Visiting Researcher at Centro Internazionale “Città d’Acqua” Venice, Italy (2001) and at Centre for Earth and Environmental Science Research “Sustinable Hub” Kingston University in London, UK(2011). Brian is a Fellow of Engineers Australia, the Institution of Structural Engineers, Institution of Civil Engineers, American Society of Civil Engineers and the International Association of Bridge and Structural Engineering. Dr. Stefan is a dual Ph.D., graduate from Chung Hua University, Hisnchu, Taiwan R.O.C. Previous to that he was the Dean of Art, Design and Architecture at the University of Huddersfield, UK. and wood structures, and he has authored or co-authored more than 200 publications based on his
Contact, © GSCAEE-2021 All rights reserved.Privacy Policy | Terms of Use, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Southern University of Science and Technology, Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography, Lusophone University of Humanities and Technologies, Construction Research Centre, National Research Council, Birla Institute of Technology and Science Pilani. Germany is well represented in the archaeology ranking, with 16 top German universities featured, led by Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, which climbed four places to rank joint 11th. MARK BOMBERG, D.Sc(Eng) of Warsaw U, Poland, and Technology D. of Lund U, Sweden,is a ResearchProfessor at Mechanical and Aeronautical Dept. Degree in Structural Engineering from PUC-Rio in Brazil. Aushilfe (m/w/d) Kasse Mode, Sport & Lifestyle Stellennummer 6339 an unserem Standort in Posthausen, veröffentlicht am 31.03.2021 laboratory. From 1983 to 1990 he was a research assistant in the Geological Engineering Department at METU. Get the latest student and graduate news straight to your inbox. Department of Civil Engineering at Kyoto University, Japan, besides his teaching and supervision of
2 Ravnikar, Edvard; Nova revija, 35/36, 1985. He is serving on the editorial board of Composites: Part B Journal and Guest Editor for special issues on Infrastructure Applications for several journals including Composites Part B: Engineering, Reinforced Plastics and Composites Journal, Materials & Design, Journal of Smart Structures, and an Editor in Advances in Civil Engineering Journal and others. 2020). Currently, he is a Professor at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio), in Brazil. He is the PI of over 40 research projects funded by federal, state agencies and private industry. The methodologies, techniques and design guidelines, resulting from his research, have been incorporated in to various codes and standards, as well practical applications, in the US and around the world and are instrumental in minimizing the destructive impact of fire in the built infrastructure. Grimm Award (Canada Masonry Design Centre), the Collingwood
Evaluation and gaps identification of policies and legislation significant for water / environmental sector and cross – cutting issues for integrated water resources management at the national and transboundary level. His primary research contributions focus on the constitutive modelling, analytical, and experimental investigations of reinforced and prestressed concrete structures. He develops complex quantitative and computational models with the purpose of providing enhanced knowledge needed to better understand interactions in coupled human-natural systems and water-energy-food nexus, and how they are shaped by climate, environmental, economic, social and political changes. management. His PhD developed an integrated modelling platform (GEO-CWB) to address and quantify future water vulnerability in large catchments. In period 2009-2013, as the Assistant Mayor of the City of Belgrade (City Architect), he was involved in the planning and implementation of numerous city projects. engineering activities with work periods in Peru and Japan. Ali teaches at both at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels in electrical and electronic engineering. Viktor Pirmana earned his bachelor degree in development economics from Padjadjaran University, Indonesia (2001), a Masters degree in labor economics from Padjadjaran University, Indonesia (2006) and has been working as researcher at Center for Economic and Development Studies (CEDS) since 2000, Center for Sustainable Development Goals Studies (SDGs Center) of Universitas Padjadjaran since 2016, and lecturer at Faculty of Economic and Business, Padjadjaran University since 2008. Before joining the University of Leeds (UK), Dr Heitor worked as a Senior Lecturer in the University of Wollongong (Australia), and previously in industry for a brief time in infrastructure construction. Ali Joined University of Western Sydney as a postdoctoral researcher in University of Western Sydney, School of Engineering in 2001 and became a lecturer in 2002. She gained her PhD in Civil Engineering in 2013 and she has been working and teaching in different educational centres such as the School of Gardening and Landscaping Castillo de Batres (University Camilo José Cela) or the Architecture School and the Civil Engineering School of the Polytechnic University of Madrid. Olga is also a research affiliate at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and an Expert of the Innosuisse, Swiss Innovation Agency, in the field of ICT. Program |
Dr. Rohman which is currently Head of Construction Management Laboratory, graduated
In 2010, Dr. Pijush joined in the Center for Disaster Mitigation and Management at VIT University as an Associate Professor.
Listener will get networking opportunities to exchange and gain new knowledge, while interacting with the intellectuals and academics in the field. He is a licensed professional engineers and on the advisory board and panel of several international networks on flood and drought. He is holder of international agreements with: - EscuelaTécnica Superior de Ingeniería de Edificación - UPV (Valencia), referent Prof. Luis Palmero Iglesias; - Polytechnic School of the University of Patras (Department of Architecture), referent Prof. Katherine A.Liapi. She has published more than 20 papers in reputed journals and has been serving as an editorial board member of repute. Yang’s research focuses on highway bridge engineering, specifically regarding precast concrete bridges. Germany has 13 entrants in the environmental science ranking, with the Technical University of Munich leading the way at 51-100 in the world, up from 101-150. Professor Ana Belén Berrocal Menárguez , currently works at the Department of Civil Engineering: Transports and Territory. Committee |
Infrastructure Engineering published in 2000. The conference will be an ideal forum for engineers, architects, constructors, environmental scientists and managers who have a practical and scientific interest in building a sustainable future, and exchanging ideas and experiences from around the world. The city's Gothic Quarter bears witness to the splendour enjoyed by the city from the 13th to the 15th centuries. Since 1983 works at Faculty of Architecture Cracow University of Technology. She serves as a member of the teaching board of the Doctorate school of Energy and sustainable development where she is mentoring several PhD students. He has been teaching several course
Dr Arashpour’s research has demonstrated sustained leadership that is evidenced by his work with the Department of Treasury and Finance for developing Victorian Digital Asset Strategy (VDAS-2018) and Victorian Offsite and Modular Construction Guide (2019-2020). Dr. Pijush is the recipient of the prestigious CIMO fellowship (2009) from Finland, for his integrated research on the design of railway embankment. M.Sc Emmanuelle Stefânia Holdefer Garcia received a Bachelor´s Degree in Civil Engineering in 2015 and a Master’s of Science Degree in Infrastructure and Geotechnics from Federal University of Santa Catarina – UFSC in 2017, in Brazil. Now she is a postdoctoral fellowship at Braunschweig Pavement Engineering Centre, TechnischeUniversitätBraunschweig. His teaching experiences include high diploma degree, bachelor degree, and Master degree in irrigation engineering and water resources engineering such as reinforce concrete, design timber and steel structure, and irrigation and environment for the irrigation field. The former Assistant Editor of, Sabrina wrote and edited articles to guide students from around the world on a wide range of topics. In 1968, the Virginia General Assembly merged MCV with the Richmond Professional Institute, founded in 1917, to create Virginia Commonwealth University. Furthermore, he was awarded an outstanding service and patent plaque for “Scientific Work at National and International Platforms alongside Contributions for the Recognition of TRNC” with a unanimous decision of the Journalists Society of Turkey and the plaque were presented by the President of TRNC Eroğlu. In 2010, he was elected as Member of YÖDAK by TRNC Parliament and he was assigned as the General Coordinator of Water as part of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources Project. He received his Ph.D. degrees in civil engineering from State University of New York (SUNY) at Buffalo, and current National Science Foundation (NSF) projects include Mobile Automated Rovers Fly-By (MARS-FLY) for Bridge Network Resiliency (NSF-CNS-1645863); High Data Density Short Range Wireless Telemetry for Next Generation IoT Applications (NSF-CSR- 1813949), Aerodynamic Intelligent Morphing System (A-IMS) for Autonomous Truck Safety and Productivity in Severe Environments (NSF-S&AS-1849264); Fly-By Image Processing for Real Time Congestion Mitigation (USDOT STRIDE 2018-046). He is an EIT member of Professional Engineering of Ontario (PEO). Since 2019, the editor-in-chief of 'Wiadomości conservatorskie - Journal of Heritage Conservation'. She teaches construction courses and supervises both undergraduate and graduate students. At Purdue, he is pursuing his research studies in Transportation and Infrastructure Systems at Purdue under the supervision of Professor Samuel Labi. He has over 200 peer reviewed publications and his current research leads work in the areas of Blockchain, IoT, Big Data and FinTech applications in construction, use of new business models, skill profiling and performance in construction leading to Industry 4.0. His research and professional services have
Viktor Pirmana research interest is in the area of Environmental Economics, labor market development, poverty and inequality, and regional economics. In addition to the academic and research activities, she started her entrepreneurial activity as Co-Founder of Expert Proiect (2015), a company specialized in consultancy and design in civil and geotechnical engineering with focus on bringing to the market renewable energy solutions for a sustainable urban development. Assoc. the civil construction industry. He has mainly focused on organic PCMs, such as paraffin and bio-PCM, and on granular and monolithic aerogel. In 2000 he worked as a Research Associate in the research group of
Dr. Uddin is the Research director of the Sustainable Smart Cities Research Center at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) and example of scholarly Activitiesinclude: CAMPUS WIDE: “Birmingham 2020: Roadmap to a Model City” - including all UABSchools/colleges; STATE-WIDE: “Alabama Machine Learning Initiative in Sensing under ExtremeEnvironments” - including all 7 engineering and science programs in Alabama; andINTERNATIONAL: USA-UK-Ireland Collaborative Research funded by NSF, and organized NSF SponsoredInternational Workshop on Disaster Risk Mitigation. Prof. Patrizia Piro is a Full Professor at the Department of Civil Engineering of University of Calabria (Italy). in Texas and State of Washington, USA. Has 18 years of experience in teaching Civil Engineering, Construction Management and Built Environment Subjects in Malaysia for various franchised Universities. Engineers, JSCE. Eight more top German universities are featured in this ranking. He graduated in 2000, with a B.Tech. Dr. Ioanna Papayianni is a Professor Emeritus at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTh), Greece. Her main interests are: combined sewer overflows, water pollution, flood risk mitigation, water saving, urban stormwater management, water treatment, urban drainage, low impact development, soil science, experimental analysis, and numerical modeling. One of the books, Boundary Element Techniques: Theory and Applications in Engineering, was translated to Japanese, Russian and Chinese. lime and cement). His research emphasizes the use of interdisciplinary approaches to address the engineering problems in geosystem and civil infrastructure. Chongchong Qi is a professor in School of Resources and Safety Engineering at the Central South University. Dr. Berardi is a Professor and the Director of the BeTOP lab and group at Ryerson University in Toronto (Ontario, Canada), and has been Nominated as a Canada Research Chair in Building Science for the period 2020-2025. world in the field (11,423 Citations, h-index=59, by Google Scholar, by August 10,
Finally, professor Ana BelénBerrocalMenárguez has been awarded by the City Council of Madrid in the XX Architecture, Urban Planning and Civil Works, Communication and dissemination section (2005) for the book Vegetation Guide for urban environments (Ed. How Much Does it Cost to Study in Germany? Dr.Iulia Prodan is a University Lecturer at Technical University of Cluj-Napoca. Dr.Hassan Azad, currently an assistant professor at the University of Florida, is a scholar known forhis research, teaching, and practices in the areas of architecture and technology and especially architectural and environmental acoustics. Dr. Amirul Khan is a lecturer (Assistant Professor) in environmental Fluid Mechanics with extensive experience in innovative computational approaches for wall-bounded turbulent flow simulation applied to the indoor built environment and outdoor environments. To date, he has produced more than 13 PhD graduates, 16 Master of Science students, 286 journal articles, 196 proceeding, 21 books, 10 chapter in book. Check the applicable basis of university comparison that you prefer. He has served as a Senator for Purdue’s Graduate Student Government and has served as President of Purdue’s Civil Engineering Graduate Student Advisory Council. He has been in involved in research and practice in steel structures covering a wide spectrum of interests, including advanced analysis and design of structures subject to earthquakes, fires and explosions. Among the awards and recognitions, he is a recipient of Case School of Engineering Faculty Research Award in 2019 and 2012 respectively, and Faculty Innovation Award in 2018. For professional service, he serves on the editorial board of a few journals, as chair of the ASCE Geo-Institute Engineering Geology and Site Characterization committee, as president/immediate past president of the International Association of Chinese Infrastructure Professionals, asChair of Case School of Engineering Executive Committee. subjects ranging from construction project management, time and cost management, as well as risk
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He is also Senior Consulting Engineer at G&P Water and Maritime Sdn Bhd in Malaysia. Dr. Arditi and his research associates have published close to 400 research papers in refereed national and international journals and in peer reviewed conference proceedings with an h-index of 62. Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Master´s thesis. He’s also a writer of fiction, having been awarded the Gulbenkian Foundation/Branquinhoda Fonseca Literary Prize, to his novella Amor de Miraflores. Scalzi Award (TMS), the C.T. Belarbi completed his undergraduate studies in Algeria before joining the US in 1984 to further his studies in Houston, Texas. He is also a fellow of Institution of Structural Engineers in UK, an Honorary Fellow of Hong Kong Institute of Steel Construction and the first class Professional Engineer in China. He published over 222refereed papers and 7 books; has more than 1000 research citations and 40,000 reads on Research Gate (Berlin). Mike's career spans Engineering, Manufacturing, Creativity, Design, Architecture and the Built Environment, engaged in inter and multidisciplinary research at a global level. UNIVERSITY. The Technical University of Munich is Germany’s best-performing representative in the chemistry ranking at 27th (up five places this year), and 42 more German institutions are featured. Lima, Peru; He also works in EQELS Co., Ltd. EIRL Consultants dealing with bridge and tunnel
of India, Public Works Department, Govt. Dr. David Arditi is currently a Professor of Civil and Architectural Engineering at the Illinois Institute of Technology. 2 referees'name for letter of recommendation (At least one from academic / thesis advisor and the other one from instructors from your university.) Ioanna has been awarded with several distinctions (CANMET/ACI, EUROPA NOSTRA etc) for her participation and contribution in projects related to byproducts utilization in sustainable constructions as well as restoration of monuments of high cultural value. Dr.Keoduangchai also participated in research activities both domestic and international such as the groundwater project: enhancing the resilience and productivity of rainfed dominated systems in Lao PDR through sustainable groundwater use, lead by the International Water Management Institute 2012-2016, Application of community-based arsenic removal unit (SARSAC) for provision of safe water in affected provinces of Cambodia and Laos (2012-2014) and others. Lin received her Ph.D. in Civil and Environmental Engineering from Princeton University in 2010. Eigentumswohnungen zum Kauf in Franken - Alle Kaufangebote in der Region finden Sie bei Saeed’s teaching is in the areas of BIM, digital and sustainable built environment. The model systems developed by Dr. Sahu are disseminated in top-tier transportation journals and are available for policymakers requiring freight demand quantifications at the disaggregated levels of establishments and Ports.Dr. In the studio, he challenges students to balance theory and practice through the use of participatory methods in order to foster collaboration in the shaping of sustainable urban form. You can read advice on how to study medicine in Germany here. His expertise on turbulent flow modelling allowed him to lead and co-lead several inter-disciplinary research projects including a CONFAP-Newton Fund award, EU-GeoTech, EPSRC HECOIRA and UKRI GCRF COVID-19 grant. He was also Chair of the UK Architectural Review Group which published the report, “Pathways and Gateways: the structure and regulation of architectural education”, in 2013. During this period, he carried out his studies with the most prestigious scientist’s at the most prestigious universities and institutions of the USA such as the University of Vermont, VT, California Polytechnic University Pomona, CA, Yale University, New Haven CT and Brooklyn College, Brooklyn, NY. She has published numerous journal papers, and presented in many prestigious conferences in traffic/transport engineering. Dr. Khanal manages the Transportation Engineering program at Boise State. Of the six top universities in Germany in the civil engineering ranking, four are the joint highest-ranked at 51-100: KIT, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie, RWTH Aachen University, and the Technical University of Munich. Germany has just two entrants in the veterinary science ranking, led by Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, which retains its position of 25th this year. International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering, IABSE, and Japan Society of Civil
He also ranked 18th in GP bibliography among more than 12,000 researchers. UNIVERSITY. Germany has five top performing arts schools, led by the specialized college of music Hochschule für Musik und Theater Hamburg, up 14 places to rank 36th. Given these outstanding personal attributes, it is therefore no surprise that he maintains a very high standard of professional relationships with staff and his peers, and works well in a team environment.”, Albina Cuomo gained her degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering in 2007 andhas completed herPhDfrom Civil and Environmental Engineering at University of Salerno (Italy) in 2012. For the past 5 years Dr Maluk has actively contributed to the development of new fire safety engineering and civil engineering programs at The University of Queensland. Each workshop lasts for 1 hour intensive and interactive discussion about a topic. Washington DC (2012). roads, rail and ports) for enhancing performance/resiliency against climate change. He also serves as Director of the Centre for Complex Hydrosystems Research at the University of Alabama. In 1990 he received his Ph.D. degree in Geological Engineering Department. been recognized with several awards. He is one of the scientists most cited in the
He was awarded Shamsher Prakash Research Award (2011) by IIT Roorkee for his innovative research on the application of Artificial Intelligence in designing civil engineering structure. Dr.YeongAe Heo received her PhD from Civil and Environmental Engineering at University of California, Davis in 2009. Top Universities in Germany by Subject main image, QS World University Rankings by Subject 2020, QS World University Rankings by Subject 2019, Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen (RWTH Aachen University), Mechanical, Aeronautical & Manufacturing Engineering, Top Engineering Schools in the UK in 2020, Top Universities in Australia for Computer Science in 2020, QS World University Rankings by Subject: Methodology, Out Now: QS World University Rankings by Subject 2021. He holds a PhD from University of Salford, UK. His research area is lying in the area of projects success, construction sustainability and
In 2015, he has contributed to the preparation of the Report on “The preparation and Realization of the TRNC Higher-Education Strategy Document and Action Plan”. Basically, more complex assignments will cost more than simpler ones. His research emphasis is on harnessing data revolution, predictive science, machine learning, data analytics, remote sensing and high-performance computing in the context of Earth system and hydroclimate science. research. Dr. Stefan is a dual Ph.D., graduate from Chung Hua University, Hisnchu, Taiwan R.O.C. Dr. Hamid Moradkhani is the Alton N. Scott Endowed professor hydrology in the Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering at the University of Alabama. It was last updated in March 2021. In January 2010, he was appointed as Associate Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Systems. Anna Laura Pisello graduated cum laude in Building Engineering at Polytechnic University of Milan, Italy, in 2009. concluded and five ongoing Ph.D. dissertations and of twenty-seven concluded and five ongoing
Dr. research activities He conducted research on experimental evaluation of high strength of materials such
and a Ph.D. in Solid Mechanics. Master of Science in Water Resources Engineering from the University of Guelph, Ontario Canada, PhD in Environmental/Water Management Engineering from the Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad, Serbia. He has expertise in mathematical modelling, numerical optimisation methods and high-performance computing. He is the founder and Director of the Construction Engineering and Management Program. He is the Chairman of the Australia Regional Group of the Institution of Structural Engineers and the Australian Group of the International Association of Bridge and Structural Engineering. She also chaired the ASCE Technical Committee
Remark: Your referees's official e-mail address are needed. She has been involved in more than 30 national and international research projects and more than 40 consultancy projects in collaboration with private and public organizations.