Áñez claims to believe that every cocalero is a “terrorist,” but the cocaleros associated with MAS have led the country in creating solutions based on grassroots control of the enormous legal market for coca leaves, a medicinal, nutritional, and spiritual foundation of Andean society. Their desires are often enforced by paramilitary groups of long standing with open fascist sympathies. L’ancienne présidente est amenée à La Paz en présence du ministre de l'Intérieur, Carlos del Castillo. Their rage against indigenous women is ferocious. Bolivia’s Post-Coup President Has Unleashed a Campaign of Terror. She escaped an attempted gang rape and was forced to go into hiding. Most women in Bolivia want quality health care that is free of charge for all, an initiative that had just been instituted by MAS before the coup, but which is — unconstitutionally — being dismantled by the current government, along with much of the MAS program.In concert with US designs, Áñez falsely accused, imprisoned, and harassed Cuban doctors, then broke relations with Cuba unilaterally. After Lidia Gueiler Tejada, she became Bolivia’s second female president. Des blocages des routes ont également lieu le 3 août[58]. Jeanine Añez es la esposa de Héctor Hernando Hincapié, quien se ‘quemó’ en las elecciones a Senado. In anticipation of the closing date of her interim presidency, January 22, Añez sent some seventy thousand soldiers to cities and towns all over the nation, attempting to ban the public broadcast of Morales’s speech that marked the constitutional end of his presidency. When Evo Morales was forced to resign the presidency last November, Bolivia received its second female head of state in its history. https://caracol.com.co/emisora/2019/11/13/ibague/1573669806_123220.html Áñez was previously a senator from the northeastern department of Beni from 2010 to 2019. Beliau sebelum ini ialah senator pembangkang dari Beni. When it comes to women’s rights, the Morales-led government of 2006 to 2014 made more progress than any other presidency, yet some urban and international feminists accuse MAS of irremediable sexism. Cindy Forster is a professor of Latin American studies at Scripps College. Le mouvement se poursuit, alors que le gouvernement tente de reporter de nouveau le scrutin. Áñez has decreed special privileges for police and military forces across the country. The legislators had wanted to question López minutely about the massacres over which he presided. Those who criticise Áñez or question her claims to represent women face censorship and violence. A failed politician from Colombia, he is nevertheless a high-level political operator in Colombia and, like Áñez, comes from a rural area deeply enmeshed with the narcotics trade. Under her rule, these armed bands attacked mothers and wives who wished to present their testimonies of the Senkata massacre to representatives of the United Nations and Inter-American Commission on Human Rights. Le 17 janvier, le Tribunal constitutionnel prolonge son mandat et celui du Parlement élu en 2014 jusqu'à l'investiture des nouvelles autorités élues[79]. Le lendemain, elle est placée en détention provisoire pour quatre mois et transférée dans une prison pour femmes[107]. Luis Arce entre en fonction le 8 novembre suivant[99]. Áñez, when she proclaimed herself president in La Paz, had long since given her blessing to paramilitaries or “shock groups” across the country. After Lidia Gueiler Tejada, she became Bolivia’s second female president. Into that agreement, the pro-coup people inserted a false statement that both sides had accepted Áñez as interim president. Le gouvernement déclare l'état de calamité publique pour pouvoir contracter un prêt d'urgence de la banque centrale[59]. The kidnappers wore civilian clothes. Elle justifie sa candidature, alors qu'elle s'était engagée à ne pas se présenter, par la division de la droite[81]. She claims to be the key player against femicide, even though it was MAS who launched an extraordinary campaign to halt violence against women — a campaign cut short by the coup regime. From 2010 to 2019, Anez served as a senator in Beni’s northeastern department. Elle retire dans la foulée sa candidature à l’élection présidentielle de 2020. But Áñez swears the security forces have not fired a single bullet. In the February 8 Peace and Civility Accords proposed by Evo Morales, women’s rights were again central. Elle qualifie également Evo Morales de « pauvre Indien accroché au pouvoir »[9] et s'oppose au projet de celui-ci de construire une route à travers le territoire indigène et parc national Isiboro-Sécure (finalement retiré). Áñez’s actions have a broader context in the region. Even so, concessions have been wrung from the de facto government. It is an open secret that a team of CIA and State Department personnel advise the interim president’s every move. One woman, a graduate student in feminist studies who voiced her opinions on social media, was subject to death threats. Despite her own narrative, supported by corporate media in Bolivia and internationally, Áñez was never in line for presidential succession. Censorship of progressive media began in the run-up to the coup and escalated onward, with some fifty community radio stations attacked, as well as popular print media. [ 22 ] [ 23 ] El 29 de enero de 2020, fallecía en la ciudad de Santa Cruz de la Sierra el exalcalde de la ciudad de Trinidad (1996-2000) Tadeo Ribera a sus sesenta años de edad, víctima del cancer . He was trying to avoid a campaign of terror from the right – but under Bolivia’s new ultraconservative president, Jeanine Áñez, that terror is still escalating. Le gouvernement bolivien appuie en janvier 2020 la réélection de Luis Almagro à la tête de l'Organisation des États américains (OEA)[70]. Even so, Hernando Hincapié roundly criticised Uribe for not being sufficiently right-wing, since as president, Uribe failed to “renovate the Supreme Court and left us a cancer.”Áñez’s political party, the Movimiento Demócrata Social, is called centre-right, but the party is the voice of lowland business magnates who promoted the division of the country, which most would define as an act of treason. Like many MAS cadre, Escalante had not lived in his home since the coup repression started. Photo: Reuters/David Mercado. Characteristic of the battle unfolding between elite and indigenous women, the Bartolina Sisas had told the police they would be allowed to reenter Chapare if and when they asked forgiveness of the people for the deaths and injuries they had caused the day of the Sacaba massacre. Le pays est confronté à des problèmes financiers en raison de la pandémie de Covid-19 et son gouvernement est pointé du doigt pour sa gestion de la crise[58]. Un décret est pris le 15 novembre, après la mort de neuf producteurs de coca[1], pour autoriser l'armée à intervenir lors des manifestations et exonérer de responsabilité pénale les policiers et militaires participant à ces opérations. Again, the interim president denied the government hurt anyone. A failed politician from Colombia, he is nonetheless a high-level political operator in the country of his birth. She was Bolivia's second female president after Lidia Gueiler Tejada. Elle a été ainsi affaiblie par sa mauvaise gestion de la pandémie de Covid-19 et de ses conséquences économiques, ainsi que par son usage à outrance de symboles catholiques et ses tentatives de poursuites judiciaires envers les cadres du Mouvement vers le socialisme[94],[95],[96]. Les différents partis parviennent finalement début juin à un accord fixant le scrutin au 6 septembre[84]. Gtres. After the evacuation, and in language uncommonly harsh for Cuban diplomacy, their foreign minister called Áñez “a liar, a coup-maker and a self-proclaimed president.” The doctors were forced to return to Cuba to protect their physical safety, but their absence, together with the defunding of government-provided health care, has already wrought devastation before the pandemic. Photo: Reuters/David Mercado. Jeanine Áñez entre dans le palais présidentiel en tenant une Bible, déclarant : « La Bible est de retour dans le palais », puis prête serment dans la foulée[31]. MAS legislators forced the removal of her defense minister, Fernando López Julio — an extraordinary feat. In Chapare, homemade barricades closed off all the roads to protect against Áñez’s security forces. Tiempo después conocería a su segunda pareja de nacionalidad colombiana Héctor Hernando Hincapié Carvajal, aunque con este último Jeanine nunca llegó a tener hijos nuevamente. Today, Bolivia’s health system is in shambles, and the country has among the lowest rates of testing for the COVID-19 virus anywhere in the Americas. Parlementaire . Jeanine Áñez Chávez (Trinidad, Beni, 13 de juny de 1967) és una advocada, presentadora de televisió i política boliviana.Va ser la presidenta autoproclamada de Bolívia, des del 12 de novembre de 2019, per designació constitucional arran de les irregularitats i presumpte falsejament de les eleccions per l'anterior president Evo Morales que van dur el país a un cop d'estat. Elle forme un nouveau gouvernement, limité aux fonctions régaliennes, notamment des Finances, de l'Intérieur et de la Défense[32]. Élue seconde vice-présidente de la Chambre des sénateurs en 2015, elle assure en raison de cette fonction la présidence de l'État à partir du 12 novembre 2019, à la suite des démissions controversées d'Evo Morales et des autres potentiels successeurs prévus avant elle dans l’ordre constitutionnel. Plusieurs ministres sont aussi contaminés[58]. Technically an “interim” president, Jeanine Áñez has sought to consolidate her grip on power, and in the six months since receiving the presidential sash from the army, she has waged a ferocious war on the country’s most marginalised sectors — among them the indigenous populations and the country’s poor and working-class women. Fin janvier, alors que les manifestations reprennent, des contingents de 70 000 militaires et policiers sont déployés dans les grandes villes[53]. Food for nursing mothers and young children, free universal education, and dietary supports for the elderly were all critical MAS policies for many years, embraced by women, who benefited directly from them.

Le 14 novembre, la ministre de la Communication du gouvernement intérimaire annonce que sera utilisé un article du Code pénal pour interdire la diffusion de nouvelles pouvant pousser à la sédition[70]. En quelques mois, les dépenses de l’État bolivien en importation d’armes pour équiper la police sont multipliées par 18 par rapport à l'année 2019[39]. Elle devient seconde vice-présidente de la Chambre des sénateurs le 19 janvier 2015[6]. Elle termine en troisième position, avec 13,3 % des voix, derrière les candidats du Mouvement Troisième Système (41,8 %) et du MAS (22,2 %)[104]. Le projet de restitution des actions de l’entreprise publique d’électricité Elfec (nationalisée en 2010) à un ancien actionnaire privé, la Cooperativa de Teléfonos de Cochabamba, suscite des tensions au sein même du gouvernement et conduit à la démission de trois ministres[57].