In 2012, tourism contributed with 12.5% of the country's GDPand … [34] In 2010, the number of visitors rose to 2.1 million, barely exceeding the 2008 peak,[10] and a record was reached in 2012 with 2.34 million visitors, a 6.9% increase over 2011.[26]. More recently, controversy took place with the construction of the Sardinal-El Coco-Ocotal aqueduct by private developers, as the community of Sardinal protested violently because they fear that scarce drinking water will be diverted for the tourism developments whose owners are financing the pipeline. By the second millennium BC sedentary farming communities already existed. An kapital hini amo an syudad han San José. In 2007 the Constitutional Court order the national and 34 local governments to stop dumping sewage into the Río Grande de Tárcoles, to restore the watershed to its unpolluted condition and to adopt an integrated solution to the wastewater problem. [19][20] This is the largest percentage of protected areas in the world. Le Costa Rica (prononcé [kɔs.ta ʁi.ka] ; littéralement « Côte riche »), en forme longue la république du Costa Rica, en espagnol República de Costa Rica, est une république constitutionnelle unitaire d'Amérique centrale ayant un régime présidentiel. lebten nach Robert Carmack bis zu 400.000 Menschen im heutigen Staatsgebiet. [19][20], Costa Rica was absent from the list for several years because World Vision considered the country among the world's most notorious destinations for sexual predators. [12] United States convicts, Italians and Chinese immigrants also worked in the construction of the railroad. [64][67], American tourists prefer Costa Rica, together with Mexico and Panama, for dental services or cosmetic surgeries. Costa Rica (wat da letterlyk "ryke kust" wil zegg'n in 't Spoans), officieel de Republiek Costa Rica, Spoans República de Costa Rica, is e land in Centroal-Amerika dat in 't noôrd'n grenst an Nicaragua, in 't zuudoôst'n an Panama, in 't west'n an de Still'n Oceoan en in … Ametlikke randu on riigis peaaegu 20. The program evaluates the environmental quality of coastal areas, in terms of the quality of the beaches and sea water, access and quality of drinking water, water and waste management, security, and environmental education. Costa Rica offers 30% to 50% savings as compared to U.S. costs for quality dental and cosmetic surgery services, and is attractive for those U.S. citizens without health insurance or seeking procedures not covered by their health insurance plans. [16] In 2006, 54% international tourists visited national parks or protected areas, visiting at least two such natural refuges, and it goes up to three for European visitors.[40]. Costa Rica has enjoyed greater peace and political stability than other Latin American nations. Sie reicht mindestens bis 8000, möglicherweise bis 12000 v. Chr. The country did not have a strong native civilization to begin with. [66], Costa Rica is particularly attractive to American tourists because of its proximity and short flight, the quality of medical services and its health care system, and lower medical costs. [26] These include the white-headed capuchin, the mantled howler,the endangered Geoffroy's spider monkey[26][27] and the Central American squirrel monkey. The largest lake in Costa Rica is Lake Arenal. The country has many microclimates depending on elevation, rainfall, and the geography of each region. Costa Rica (spansk: Costa Rica), officielt Republikken Costa Rica (spansk: República de Costa Rica) er et land i Mellemamerika.Landet grænser op til Nicaragua mod nord, Panama mod sydøst, Stillehavet mod vest, det Caribiske Hav mod øst og Ecuador ved den sydlige del af øen Isla del Coco.Hovedstaden og den største by er San José med cirka en tredjedel af landets befolkning i storbyområdet. [74] Developers and the government authorities have explained the aqueduct is public, and that it will benefit not only the tourism developments but also the surrounding communities. The Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve is home to almost 2,000 plant species. (August … The President of Costa Rica is the head of state and government of Costa Rica.The President is elected in direct elections. [36] Tourists from North America and European countries made up 60.8% of all international visitors, and visitors from Central America represented 30.8%. Uun't nuurden leit Nikaraagua an uun't süüden Panama. [10] According to a 2007 report by ECLAC, tourism contributed to a reduction in poverty of 3% in the country. [28], Costa Rica is a center of biological diversity for reptiles and amphibians. It became Costa Rica's first major export. Costa Rica. Costa Rica was de grote verrassing op dit WK het behaalde de kwartfinale en ging als groepswinnaar door naar de volgende ronde ten koste van oudwereldkampioenen Engeland en Italië en voor oudwereldkampioen en regerend kampioen van de Copa América Uruguay dat samen met Costa Rica door ging naar de tweede ronde. The national team has played in four FIFA World Cup tournaments. Rail transport in Costa Rica is primarily under the stewardship of Incofer (Instituto Costarricense de Ferrocarriles), an autonomous institution of the state. Stat dl' America Zentrela danter Nicaragua y Panama cun n bon livel de svilup economich y n turism scialdi svilupà. On September 15, 1821, after the last Spanish defeat in the Mexican War of Independence (1810–21), the authorities in Guatemala declared the independence of all of Central America. The aim of the Camino de Costa Rica is to establish a world class long-distance trail and through its success in bringing hikers from all over the world, to improve the economic situation in the rural areas of Costa Rica. [21][22][23], Costa Rica successfully reduced deforestation. He was elected in 2014. This is a list of the mammal species recorded in Costa Rica.Of the mammal species in Costa Rica, one is critically endangered, four are endangered, six are vulnerable, and three are near threatened. [48], Developed in 1997 by the Costa Rican Tourism Board, the public agency responsible for tourism development and regulation in the country, a voluntary Certification for Sustainable Tourism Program (known as CST) was introduced in order to turn "the concept of sustainability into something real" by "improving the way in which the natural and social resources are utilized, to motivate the active participation of the local communities, and to support the competitiveness of the business sector. / 9.933°N 84.083°W / 9.933; -84.083. Costa Rica [k'osta r'iika] (varem ka Kostariika) on riik Kesk-Ameerikas Vaikse Ookeani ja Kariibi mere vahel. [85] This is largely because prostitution is not illegal but many of the activities surrounding it are indeed illegal,[86] such as pimping. The tourism boom began in 1987, with the number of visitors up from 329,000 in 1988, through 1.03 million in 1999, over 2 million in 2008, to a historical record of 2.66 million foreign visitors in 2015. All of them have been widely regarded by the international community as peaceful and transparent. (August 2012) Map of Costa Rica. Costa Rica sijaitsee Keski-Amerikan kannaksella, sen pohjoispuolella on Nicaragua ja kaakkoispuolella Panama.Sen koillisrannikkoa huuhtelee Karibianmeri ja lounaisrannikkoa Tyynimeri.. Costa Rican läpi kulkee kaksi vuorijonoa. Capitela : San Jose Chësta plata ie stata mudeda l'ultimo iede ai 17 ago 2020 dala 16:30. Uun't uasten as a Kariibik an uun't waasten a Pasiifik. [71] Towns such as Jacó where tourism and real estate development has grown ten-fold since 2004 suffered a backslash in September 2008 when the government blamed the local government of Garabito for high levels of bacteria on the beach.[72]. It had a very loose authority over its provinces, especially the poor and remote Costa Rica. Incofer owns the national railway infrastructure and operates virtually all freight and passenger services, which consist primarily of commuter trains through the highly populated Central Valley. Despite enormous difficulties with construction, disease, and financing, the railroad was completed in 1890. The squirrel monkey is found only on the Pacific coast of Costa Rica and a small part of Panama. The 2017 TTCI report also notes Costa Rica's main weaknesses are price competitiveness (108th) and ground and port infrastructure (99th), with quality of the roads ranking 123th and ground transport efficiency 108th between 138 countries analyzed. Because of its natural beauty and political stability, it is nicknamed the "Switzerland of Latin America". El presidente de Costa Rica es el jefe de Estado y jefe de Gobierno de la República de Costa Rica.El presidente dirige el poder ejecutivo del Gobierno de la República y es quien ejerce el mando supremo de la Fuerza Pública. [77][78][79][80] Despite the government and industry efforts, child sex trade has become a problem. Jahrhundert n. Chr. Most of the indigenous population was absorbed into the Spanish colony. Christopher Columbus sailed to the eastern shores of Costa Rica during his last trip in 1502,. [70], Another source of pollution is due to dumping untreated sewage into rivers that feed into the beach towns. [64] During 2010, the number of patients rose to 36,000 international tourists, with 40% of them receiving dental care services. Costa Rica, op Spuenesch: República de Costa Rica, ass e Staat a Mëttelamerika.. Struktur vum Land. Karib-tengeri és csendes-óceáni partvidékét keskeny síkság kíséri. A country in Central America. A historical record of 2.5 million international visitors arrived in the country in 2014, up 4.1% year-on-year, and the corresponding receipts rose to US$2.636 billion in 2014, up 8.3% from the previous year. Costa Rica ([ˈkostɑ ˈrikɑ], spanisch für „reiche Küste“, deutsch früher auch Kostarika) ist ein Staat in Zentralamerika, der im Norden an Nicaragua und im Süden an Panama grenzt. It was not long before Spanish settlers turned to the hills, where they found rich volcanic soil and a better climate.[11]. The indigenous people of Costa Rica belong to the Intermediate Area. Im Osten ist er durch die Karibik und im Westen durch den Pazifik begrenzt. Uun't nuurden leit Nikaraagua an uun't süüden Panama. [28] Including many orchids. Ticos, as the people of Costa Rica are called, use the phrase pura vida (“pure life”) in their everyday speech, as a greeting or to show appreciation for something. Cal ressaltar la província de Limón com la de més riquesa cultural. In dat jaar werd weer een nieuwe vlag aangenomen, die het zes jaar volhield. Costa Rica is home to many plants and animals. The Public Force of Costa Rica is the country's law enforcement force, which performs policing and border patrol functions. Dei fleste vulkanane finst i den nordlege og sentrale delen av landet. List of cities and towns by alphabetical order. Está inserida nas 100 cidades mais promissoras do Brasil, podendo tornar-se, em breve, um pólo regional turístico. Costa Rica sijaitsee Keski-Amerikan kannaksella, sen pohjoispuolella on Nicaragua ja kaakkoispuolella Panama.Sen koillisrannikkoa huuhtelee Karibianmeri ja lounaisrannikkoa Tyynimeri.. Costa Rican läpi kulkee kaksi vuorijonoa. Wikimedia Commons has media related to Costa Rica. All four of Costa Rica's Olympic medals were won by the sisters Silvia and Claudia Poll in swimming. The year can be split into two seasons: the dry season (known as summer), and the rainy season (known as winter). Costa Rica es un state in Central America.. Li nómine del land significa costa rich.. Li país have 4 253 877 habitantes. Im Osten ist er durch die Karibik und im Westen durch den Pazifik begrenzt. A Costa Rica (pronunciado em português europeu: [ˈkɔʃtɐ ˈʁikɐ]; pronunciado em português brasileiro: [ˈkɔstɐ ˈʁikɐ]; pronunciado em castelhano: [ˈkosta ˈrika]), oficialmente República da Costa Rica (em espanhol: República de Costa Rica), é um país da América Central, limitado a norte pela Nicarágua, a leste pelo mar do Caribe, a sudeste pelo Panamá e a oeste pelo Oceano Pacífico. Official name: Republic of Costa Rica. One species is considered extinct. Costa Rica, oficial Republica Costa Rica (în Spaniolă: Costa Rica, República de Costa Rica), este o țară din America Centrală, mărginită de Nicaragua la nord, Panama la sud - sud est, Oceanul Pacific la vest și de Marea Caraibilor la est. [83][84] Also it was reported that about 80% of the sex tourists are from the US. [45][47] In 2009, out of 81 applicants, only 61 beaches won the distinction, and just two obtained the maximum 5 stars, Playa Blanca in Punta Leona and Playa Langosta in Santa Cruz. zurück. Coffee was first planted in Costa Rica in the early 19th century. 25 plaatsen die je moet zien in dit prachtige land. D'Land huet eng Fläch vun 51.100 Kilometer carré, wouvun 100 Quadratkilometer Insele sinn. Sitindêye : 51 100 km2 The peninsula was formed geologically by a faulting system that extends north into California . Ecotourism is extremely popular with the many tourists visiting the extensive national parks and protected areas around the country. [24], The combined effect of the global economic crisis and the 2009 flu pandemic resulted in a reduction of tourists arrivals in 2009 to 1.9 million visitors, an 8% reduction as compared to 2008. Name Province Population; Aguacaliente (San … Costa Rica. Costa Rica, oficialmente República de Costa Rica, es una nación soberana, organizada como una república presidencialista unitaria compuesta por 7 provincias.Ubicada en América Central, posee un territorio con un área total de 51 100 km².Limita con Nicaragua al norte, el mar Caribe al este, Panamá al sureste y el océano Pacífico al oeste. At lun hää sööwen prowinsen. In 2012, most visitors came from the United States (39.3%), Nicaragua (20.2%), Canada (6.5%), Panama (3.9%), and Mexico (2.9%). By 2018, the rural population had declined from 40% inhabitants (2000) to 27% inhabitants, poverty at 25% was significantly higher than among the urban population, and income was more than 40% lower. [9] Costa Rica was called "the poorest and most miserable Spanish colony in all America" by a Spanish governor in 1719.[10]. Kostarika (španělsky Costa Rica, český doslovný překlad Bohaté pobřeží), plným názvem Kostarická republika (španělsky República de Costa Rica), je republika ve Střední Americe.Sousedními státy jsou na severu Nikaragua (délka hranice 300 km) a na jihu Panama (363 km).Západní pobřeží Kostariky omývají vody Tichého oceánu, východní Karibské moře. [55][56] Two hotels were also chosen by the magazine readers among the top 5 in Central America, Hotel Grano de Oro (3) in San José and Hotel Villa Caletas (4) in Puntarenas Central Pacific. [7] He reported large amounts of gold jewelry among the indigenous people. The United Fruit Company began to hold a major role in the national economy. Tourism in Costa Rica has been one of the fastest growing economic sectors of the country[2] and by 1995 became the largest foreign exchange earner. [22], The number of tourists visiting Costa Rica surpassed the 2 million milestone in 2008, and tourist-related income reached US$2.1 billion that year. Costa Rica iyizwe eMelika Wenkaba. Le Costa Rica (/ ˈ k o s. t a ˈ r i. k a / [8] ; litt. Costa Rica, which means "Rich Coast", constitutionally abolisht its airmy permanently in 1949 sicweys becomin militarily neutral. [62][68] Foreign patients also find lower-priced nonsurgical procedures and tests, as an example, a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in Costa Rica costs from $200 to $300, compared to more than $1,000 in the United States. [52] Some tour operators in the U.S. and Europe promote several small hotels that hold this certification through their travel packages. Costa Rica, oficialmente República de Costa Rica, é un país de América Central, limitado ó norte por Nicaragua, ó leste polo Mar Caribe e por Panamá e ó sur e oeste polo Océano Pacífico.Tamén pertence ó país a illa do Coco, no Océano Pacífico.Ten unha poboación de arredor de 5 millóns de habitantes e unha área de 51 060 quilómetros cadrados. The benchmarking uses categories such as environmental protection, social welfare, and human rights. [50] As of October 2009, out of approximately 3,000 hotels and tours operators,[51] only 105 have a Certification for Sustainable Tourism. In 1824, the Costa Rican capital was moved to San José. It is also home to more than 400 types of birds. Uun't uasten as a Kariibik an uun't waasten a Pasiifik. Word of mouth from friends and family, with an average of 58%, was the leading reason for visiting Costa Rica for vacations and leisure. San José (deutsch Sankt Josef) ist die Hauptstadt des mittelamerikanischen Staates Costa Rica und hat rund 340.000 Einwohner[1]. For this purpose, in the 1870s, the Costa Rican government asked U.S. businessman Minor C. Keith to build a railroad to the Caribbean port of Limón. The main visitor's complaint is the poor condition of the roads.[5]. Since then, Costa Rica has held 14 presidential elections, the latest in 2014. San José är landets huvudstad och även den största staden i Costa Rica med cirka en tredjedel av befolkningen i storstadsområdet. Sa Costa Rica (o Costarica, ufitzialmente Repùblica de Costa Rica) est un'istadu de s'Amèrica Tzentrale.Sa capitale est San José, cun unos 885.000 bividores. [75][76] Controversy still persists regarding the real capacity of the Sardinal aquifer. [33] The country finally reached the 3 million tourists' milestone in 2018. Mayors are chosen democratically every four years by the canton's people. Riik piirneb loodes Nicaraguaga ja kagus Panamaga.Riiki läbib Kordiljeeride mäestik.. Riigikeel on hispaania keel.Rahaühik on Costa Rica koloon (CRC). Article 168[30] of the Constitution of Costa Rica says the political divisions are classified into 3 groups: provinces, cantons, and districts. It has 320 species of birds and many reptiles. [40], Seven Costa Rican resorts were included in the 2012 Condé Nast Traveler Readers' Choice Awards, ranking among the top 15 resorts in Central and South America. The impact of indigenous peoples' culture on modern Costa Rica has been small. The symbol for the colón is a c with two slashes (₡). The ISO 4217 code is CRC.. It runs from the Atlantic Ocean (Caribbean coast), the southernmost part of the Tortuguero Canals, up the mountain and through indigenous territory near the Barbilla National Park and through valleys and mountain ranges of the central region of the country, just south of the Turrialba and Irazu Volcanos and through the Los Santos coffee region down to the Pacific coast in Quepos. Due to the abolition of the military of Costa Rica in 1948, the president is not a Commander-in-chief. From colonial times to now, Costa Rica's reluctance to become politically tied with the rest of Central America has been a major obstacle to efforts for greater regional integration. But in 1917–19, General Federico Tinoco Granados ruled as a military dictator until he was overthrown. [9], Since the late 1980s, Costa Rica became a popular nature travel destination, and its main competitive advantage is its well-established system of national parks and protected areas,[11] covering around 23.4% of the country's land area,[12] the largest in the world as a percentage of the country's territory,[13][14] and home to a rich variety of flora and fauna, in a country that has only 0.03% of the world's landmass, but that is estimated to contain 5% of the world's biodiversity. [15][16] The country also has plenty of beaches, both in the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea, within short travel distances, and also several volcanoes that can be visited with safety. [9] In 2010, the tourism industry was responsible for 21.2% of foreign exchange generated by all exports. This led to a brief battle with the old capital, Cartago. Costa Rica (Spaans: [ˈkosta ˈrika], letterlik: "Ryk Kus"), amptelik die Republiek Costa Rica (Spaans: República de Costa Rica, [reˈpuβlika ðe ˈkosta ˈrika]), is 'n klein republiek in Sentraal-Amerika met 'n oppervlakte van 51 100 vierkante kilometer en 'n bevolking van 4,86 miljoen in 2016. It does not have the four seasons other countries have. ", "United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. In exchange for making the railroad, Costa Rican gave Keith large amounts of land and a lease on the train route, which he used to produce bananas and export them to the United States. It has a total of 1,290 kilometres (800 mi) of coastline. Iske currency colón hae aur president, Óscar Arias hae jiske 2006 me elect karaa gais rahaa.. Costa Rica ke lage koi army nai hae. The pre-Columbian history of Costa Rica extends from the establishment of the first settlers until the arrival of Christopher Columbus to the Americas.. Archaeological evidence allows us to date the arrival of the first humans to Costa Rica to between 7000 and 10,000 BC. Costa Rica zo ur vro eus Kreizamerika.En-dro d'ar republik vihan emañ Nicaragua en norzh, Panamá er su, ar Meurvor Habask er gornaoueg ha Mor an Antilhez er reter. [63], In many beach areas, but especially in the towns of Tamarindo and Jacó, a real estate boom took place when many foreigners from developed countries began buying beachfront properties and building holiday and vacation houses and condominiums.