Better way to search the Facebook activity log / timeline? Even just for instance on previous products I tried it on, sorting say 300 search results from featured to Low to High pricing narrows it down to 15 or so products when really it should be the 300 search results just filtered from Low to High pricing. This seems to improve the accuracy of search results, but only partially. 2021-04-04 10:47:51 @roknrolzombie Having worked at Amazon, allow me to translate: "We agree that this is a problem and have tasked our lowest levels of management and staff with solving it, or else they'll be fired." I think it would be much better if Amazon found a way to stop this mass duplication at source. – Maverik Mar 14 '18 at 16:16. I looked up a number of newish quite highly ranked books last week and although versions of them they did come in search, the actual ISBNs did not. What I also notice is that it's not searching for the german term I copy pasted but instead for the translated term "Table fan -USB" which may be the reason you're seeing incorrect results. What do you use Kika? I have tried 3 browers, FIrefox, IE and Chrome on my PC (all in private mode) and got only 7 pages. If the search results are limited then; Finally, customers are not going to use the ‘refinements’ you suggest on the left hand side to find our product, they are just going to buy from the list of products that come up. You can find more information about this on the following help pages: Careers at Amazon Filters. It just makes searching for items in specific sizes and styles impossible. Even when I search by full title name of the product, the product doesn’t show in the search results. Stack Exchange network consists of 176 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Amazon has been pushing that Cameron title hard recently for fairly obvious reason but I don’t know why the other title kept popping up. Is there a way to find a site by an image they link to? Some filter properties also can't be selected which makes searching for clothing and shoe items really difficult. For that matter I can't get - to properly work either!. These are not as they seem, a digital copy of 25 year old transparencies taken on a Pentax MX using Kodachrome 64. So the workaround is indeed to use Google Search with e.g. This search engine doesn’t track you or your device and promises not to log your search history. Using the “show phrases that exclude” filter really zeroes in on your Amazon advanced search. Salaries, reviews, and more - all posted by employees working at Amazon Filters. I'm ambivalent about this. Yes, I have just searched for a book, as a prospective buyer would by title and author, which I KNOW is in the catalogue because I have it listed. I can advise that this is not a technical issue and the system is working as designed. Don’t filter emails that come from any address on the Zapier domain. I want to decide what items I am interested in not just be shown the ones that are most profitable for Amazon. The aforementioned browsers are the most popular so such an issue is very worrying (to me at least). These are titles that should be readily available from the original sellers of record at much lower prices but they are effectively ‘hidden’ in search results. The website's search function wasn't working for some users Wednesday. Just to be clear, Jessica said that it is “working as designed” not that it is working as you or I would expect it to. On again, adding -usb to table fan has the intended effect. Hello ... an air purifier should definitely be on your wishlist if you don't already own one. What Working With Amazon Filters Can Do For You. How do I search the Amazon Kindle lending library through my browser? I sell only 3 products. Exactly. Does General Relativity really predict Black Holes? Help! If you did you would see that is flawed, considerably so. By shifting the focus to lifetime savings, you can ensure consistent, high-quality output without impairing production; all whilst improving your bottom line. Amazon should (a) have a search engine that works (i.e. How old was Thanos at the start of Endgame? Text Search in Apps. Hi, This extension is not working for amazon uk, at least for me. Can't help with any info on Amazon filters, but a polarizer is great to have in Yellowstone, particularly the hot springs because you can "see below the surface" and get the full color from the bacteria at different temperatures. I look forward to your reply. It only takes a minute to sign up. An example; search for “stacking chairs” over 2000 results. For the Record: David Cameron: 9780008239282: Books. It looks to me as though prepending. By default, it searches for terms in file and folder names, metadata, comments, labels, user names, and file owners. Making friends in academia and building connections. I have tried multiple products which all have the correct nodes etc… £14.11, DEALING WITH FAKE SUPPORT CALLS. It provides an opportunity for you to share in our success. What am I … It's hard to keep track of what amazon is doing since I can't find any documentation on their search but the answer worked at the time, it just seems to have changed and not performing exactly same anymore. It has got worse the last few months, before it was tolerable with the odd random item popping up here and there but now it is too time consuming to find things. When I type something into the search bar, it just takes me to the carousel. Use Amazon's trade-in … Advanced Power Search & Filter of Amazon product data & description beyond Books? I.e. I am finding the same as you when searching for my own listings. Unfair on both buyers and sellers? If they are limited then why even give this figure. There are three other actual listings that are prime on page one that are similar to mine on the whole of Amazon. However, only 7 pages are showing at the bottom which gives a max of 356 results (with a noticeable portion of these being sponsored results). The reason I am no longer using Amazon to shop. …in front of me is 4 pages of irrelevant items which do not match anything like the search words i put in…Customers do not have time to trawl through pages of items that are not anything remotely liked what they are looking for… people will shop elsewhere where it is easy to find what they want quickly. If you don't have time to talk to someone, you can also email Amazon for a response and refund information within 24 hours. Hi Jessica, Descriptive set theory for computer scientists? This seems rather unfair and doesn’t give a complete representation of products offered. You can use the minus sign (-) in front of the terms you want to exclude from the search results. The search feature on my Kindle Fire has stopped working. Costs, e.g., shipping costs. Of course, you don't have the sorting of Amazon anymore. * An asterisk is a wildcard symbol that tells Gmail that it doesn’t matter what text appears there. It was only by using the browser on my desktop PC that I was able to override the autocorrections. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Web Applications Stack Exchange works best with JavaScript enabled, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site, Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, Learn more about hiring developers or posting ads with us, Just sent an email to Amazon, had a phone call with one of their reps, and left feedback regarding this issue of getting way too many irrelevant search result. Global Text Search. that returns only relevant results), and (b) should document it properly. Amazon’s customer support says there’s no way to do so. Simply go straight to Your search is in all departments and the number of results could be very large depending on the product. Apply. How seriously should I think about the different philosophies of statistics? For that matter I can't get - to properly work either!. Working with Amazon Filters means you will be part of a company that creatively solves problems and is a great place to work that people are proud of. Are there other examples of CPU architectures mostly compatible with Intel 8080 other than Z80? I suspect Amazon limit the search results in order to push sales to ASINs that, for whatever reason, they choose to promote. Information storage and access. And Jessica have you actually tried to do that yourself? Name. Is there any point where an overpowered main character could be an interesting one? Searching for items - why only 7 pages of results? I got 4 pages of results for totally different and unrelated titles before the one I wanted was shown. Is ‘I want to meet your enemy’ ambiguous. Why do people divide the great Sanskrit language into Vedic Sanskrit and Classical sanskrit? I have found that by selecting a category that hopefully is close to what I need it is slightly better, but of course then it's not exactly as my search. Optimise listings for your search Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled. This is so bad for customers and obviously is causing us lost sales. - it just seems totally bizarre. I'm trying to find books, and am finding it very frustrating to be unable to filter out books I don't want based on author or subject. I am trying to search for women's sneakers in size 9—the size 9 filter property is listed, but is gray'd out and can't be selected. I challenge you to test several items. Probably. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Transparent didn’t just push boundaries all the time. When searching for Amazon, remember that you don’t need to use Google. “Frying Pan Asian” has only 131 results total, and halfway down the first page, results start to get pretty weak. Amazon Fire TV provides a global text search available from the Fire TV home screen. What took top place in every search, however were these two largely unrelated titles: How do i put text between multiple columns of a table. Still true. Low prices across earth's biggest selection of books, music, DVDs, electronics, computers, software, apparel & accessories, shoes, jewelry, tools & hardware, housewares, furniture, sporting goods, beauty & personal care, groceries & just about anything else. As of July 2015, at least there is no reliable way to use a NOT operator. The search is broken, simply and as a buyer of Amazon for over 10 years, I can say it hasn’t always been hard to find the item you are looking for but now it is search and filters just doesn’t work. I find searching the Amazon website on a smartphone frustrating and near-to-impossible at times. How can I display the rest of a file starting from a matching line? Thanks for your reply. It also searches content within text-searchable files, such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, PDF, Profitable for Amazon? You need to use the refinements on the left hand side to narrow down the search parameters. As a customer, I want to find the listings of a specific seller. For example: Radeon +7990 will give you exactly 7990's results and not variations on models like 6990 or 7970 like it normally does. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. In Feb 2021 Amazon still does not regard the NOT operator. I am sure this has been asked before but why do Amazon only show 7 pages of results? Install a second SSD that already has Windows 10 installed on it. Possibly. Follow these steps to repair issues with apps if it crashes or won't open on your Amazon Fire tablet. Delivery speed. How can I force a slow decryption on the browser? Im on page 5 and in front of me is 4 pages of irrelevant items which do not match anything like the search words i put in. Text search for your app is not available by default on Amazon Fire TV. Surely I should have endless pages until the ‘over 2000’ results have all been seen? Now since i can't return in Amazon and it's under warranty, please return our refund me.i tried to register for warranty in your website but it won't work. Clear Filters. Select All Vendors. I’m referring to sellers who employ software that copies the details of millions of legitimate ISBNs and EANs and replaces them with redundant duplicate ASINs that push the originals out of view in search results. Select All Vendors. I challenge you to test several items. If we all would follow this principle perhaps Amazon would change, because it seem they have ignored all complaints regarding this issue fo. Free delivery on millions of items with Prime. Depending on your search criteria the system will determine the number of results to display. Especially when you then try to sort by low price. If a customer is looking for a particular book, and most buyers will know the title they want, how does several pages of totally unrelated books and titles give a good customer service, with the exact match hidden way down the list ? The search box of website seems not to work for apps & games in Amazon Appstore now. What does this bag with a checkmark on it next to Roblox usernames mean? I can access some of my favorites from the carousel, but not others. Why would there be any use for sea shanties in space? When I shopped on Amazon the only filter I used was Prime and the same for others when I did research before applying to do SFP. At least on searching for hard drive -usb will reduce the number of USB drives, but already the last result on the first page contained "USB" in the title. I know we can request to have these duplicate ASINs ‘merged’ back into the original ISBNs or EANs but it’s an uphill task. -* Is there a list of all the free ebooks available on Amazon? It used to work, but as a few have said here, this method is broken, and there seems to be no current way to exclude keywords in Amazon search. Amazon should (a) have a search engine that works (i.e. If your results don’t produce workable numbers, alter the other filters and/or apply as many phrases you need or want to exclude in the filters within this Amazon advanced search tool. filter. And now it does work for other websites of Amazon. Search results show tons of competitors products though. What is the legal distinction between Twitter banning Trump and Trump blocking individuals? Using search terms effectively. This issue was already reported on the forum multiple times in the past, however apparently everything depends on the browser and device which you are using. What is the biblical basis against contraception? It must be a technical issue or manipulation. REPLACE-WITH-DYANMIC-HOST-ID. Searching for tischventilator -usb (German for table fan) on the other hand pushes usb devices even more to the top of the result list than just searching for tischventilator. Web Applications Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for power users of web applications. You state “the system is working as designed” but if it is not showing all the stacking chairs how is this helpful to customers, or us… “Stacking chair” is the key search term for our product and if it does not show up when entered how do we have any chance of selling them? Information about the item, e.g., title, price, and description. We don’t often think of our Amazon account as our profile. Skip to main content .us. An air purifier is a safe and effective way to rid your home of odor, pet dander, and bacteria. I know of no other site where the search results are not what has been looked for - absolutely crazy, Morning Jessica, Thank you for your reply. I'm unable to reproduce your results using your search terms on either or but indeed IS doing the wrong thing. All 3 products have the same UNIQUE brand name in the title. We’ll provide more guidance on using operators while creating filters in the examples below. rev 2021.4.7.39017. Maverik, yep, not your fault. Can I plug an IEC rated for 10A into the wall? Vendor Search. 33Across host description. However, that’s precisely what it is. site design / logo © 2021 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under cc by-sa. Customers do not have time to trawl through pages of items that are not anything remotely liked what they are looking for. You can use these options to list search results in a specific order: Featured shows featured items. It's hard to keep track of what amazon is doing since I can't find any documentation on their search but the answer worked at the time, it just seems to have changed and not performing exactly same anymore. Usually a search has thousands of results but what is the point in only showing the first 300-400?! If one of my customers wants to buy other items from me, and see what I have to sell, they should be able to do so, on Amazon. Should one rend a garment when hearing an important teaching ‘late’? Just to be clear our “stacking chairs” don’t show up on any of these 7 pages. Is there a way to make Amazon visually show me that a product can't be shipped to my default location? The Amazon logo is projected onto a screen at a press conference on September 6, 2012 in Santa Monica, California. Don’t filter any emails from either or A look under the hood: how branches work in Git, What international tech recruitment looks like post-COVID-19, Stack Overflow for Teams is now free for up to 50 users, forever. Hi Jessica, I've been burned by a few self-published pieces myself - nice glossy cover art, well-written catalog page, and then you open the book after buying it and it turns out to be the worst kind of sophomoric drivel. I am also a seller, so I find this is unsatisfactory. I then tried Safari and Chrome on my iPhone with the same results. Text search within an app refers to any specific text-search features you have specifically coded within your app. The brand is not registered at Amazon yet, the trademark is pending at USPTO. Amazon WorkDocs smart search searches for search terms in all files and folders that you have permissions for. Is there a way to use the NOT operator on Amazon? shows you how to narrow down your product minus does not weed out the results you do not want, though it used to. I really need help! Thanks to this answer, I've discovered that amazon respects + before a keyword too! The search is broken, simply and as a buyer of Amazon for over 10 years, I can say it hasn’t always been hard to find the item you are looking for but now it is search and filters just doesn’t work. But I worked several days ago. Why can’t joy and lightheartedness fit into the Transparent world too? Sorry I wasn't implying that you're implying it's my fault. View Cookies. All Consent Allowed . I'm already signed in, my default shipping address is set to ireland, and when I search something on amazon, it shows on the top a bar to show or hide the items, but nothing happens, even clicking on … Did amazon change something with regards to that? I mean that now we can't find any apps or games in Appstore when we key in some keywords in search box of website. I don't know of any way to do it - you can filter search results based on a few criteria, but "had an editor" isn't one of them. Why does it say “2000+” results in the top left corner? We don’t use any tracking device (pixel, fingerprinting…). The Amazon system will not display every item when you carry out a general search and this is the reason the number of results is limited. Availability. Just shared my own frustration :D but yes wish there was proper docuementation. Thanks. We don’t collect and we don’t store any history or your searches. Sorry but that is just not the case! I don't know if it is just me but I have used the same extension for a PC, A Mac and a notebook, but when I search for a product on amazon via [] it does not show any results. Then 4 pages of completely different things to the search i typed in. One that I found interesting was “Frying Pan Asian”, which is probably what some people search for when they can’t think of the right word – a “Wok.” Searching for “Wok” results in 28,119 products. How can I reuse this set of buttons from an old Sky cable TV box? Have you had to time look into my reply yet? This indicates to me that the search function is not fit for purpose. Easy way to do international Amazon Wishlist orders? This is a metasearch engine that primarily takes Bing search results and delivers them to the user. I would also add to this, obviously I am referring to a different category (books), but how can a search engine be ‘working as designed’ if it does not even bring up the exact title as searched for ? What you say contradicts what Kika says “I can always see the full search results, along with all pages.” Why is she getting such results if other are not. ex. By the way, I was searching for some titles on my mobile using the Amazon website and it kept auto-correcting my entries with a small link beneath the results saying ‘search instead for xxxx [original input]’ but no matter how many times I clicked it, it kept reverting to the ‘auto-corrected’ results! For the Record: David Cameron: 9780008239282: Books This is not good in the run up to Christmas and people will shop elsewhere where it is easy to find what they want quickly. "Veni, vidi, vici" but in the plural form. As has been said many times before, for years, the search engine is not fit for purpose and Amazon’s statement of ‘working as designed’ is a cop out - whoever designed it is NOT acting in the best interest of customers. Our people are the key to our success This is why we recommend to ensure your products are mapped to the correct browse nodes and you have utilised the search terms fully and have not repeated terms. All Consent Allowed. Maverik, yep, not your fault. How can I finance a car at 17 years old with no credit or co-signer? I know you probably can’t answer this Jessica, but it would be nice to think that Amazon is at least aware of the ‘bogus duplicate’ dropshipping phenomenon that is, in the opinion of many of us, destroying the integrity of the catalogue. We consider many factors when choosing featured results, such as: Customer actions, e.g., how often an item was bought. Re: (a) pretty sure it's intentional -> upselling stuff. I wonder how many buyers use PCs with full browsers these days? Your ASIN can be reached by refining the search query if it does appear in the search you carrying out. Personally, I can always see the full search results, along with all pages. 3. My bestselling product disappeared from search results. See what employees say it's like to work at Amazon Filters. Dead answer. By clicking “Accept all cookies”, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. Is there a way to sort by per-volume or per-weight price on Amazon? It means buyers are constantly faced with overpriced versions of books (and to a lesser extent) CDs and DVDs that are hidden from search due to the algorithms that are being exploited or ‘gamed’ by these creators of duplicate ASINs. I have left feedback that when the search results become irrelevant that I quit, and don't buy. Consent Leg.Interest.