Amid the debates about sovereignty, the monarchy remains (...), Amid the uncertainty of Brexit, half the luxury apartments built in London last year haven’t sold. Le Monde diplomatique may process your personal information for our legitimate business purposes, to provide you with our newsletter, subscription offers and other relevant information. Its detractors even brought back tired old (...). Le Monde diplomatique is the place you go when you want to know what’s really happening. 17 MARS 2021; After Latin America's pink tide After Latin America's pink tide. English edition • Ibrahim Warde, 31 March 2021 Joe Biden is returning to traditional diplomacy in the Middle East, especially Iran, and a familiar team. In Algeria, meanwhile, some Kabyles are calling for greater (...). On this page you can explore LMD’s English-language archive since 1996, indexed by date, telescoping out from our issues ('the longer view') or through the news. The Friends of Le Monde diplomatique are a London-based society that promotes the English edition. But there’s little sign a corrupt, sectarian political elite will make (...), As the world watches The Crown, now in its fourth season, independence movements are growing within the United Kingdom. Monday. An inexhaustible myth in times of extreme adversity. Le Monde diplomatique - English edition Le Monde diplomatique Actualités 4.7 • 7 notes; Each month, George Miller interviews LMD authors about their articles and the issues behind them . Although pharmaceutical companies poured public money into the development of Covid vaccines, they are selling them to the highest bidder, sometimes at best agreeing to reserve (...), Today it is important, if not necessary, that a certain number of independent scholars join social movements, because we are facing a politics of (...), The re-election in March of Luís Almagro, the Organisation of American States’ secretary general, will prolong the cold war climate that has settled over Latin America these past few (...), A major study into violence against women in France in 2001 came under fierce attack, along with the entire notion of feminism. China has a ‘social credit’ scoring system that is being widely trialled before it is adopted nationwide. Together, these make LMD the perfect companion to build informed opinions. Its detractors even brought back tired old (...). Flanking him, behind two small, bare tables, are Serbia’s president Aleksandar Vučić … Getty Privatisations, bankruptcies and construction scams have created a housing sector in which many feel cheated. Le Monde diplomatique doesn’t waste your time. Classic texts drawn from the French edition’s archive, which stretches back to 1954. Powerful oil companies have set their sights on the huge potential reserves under Sub-Saharan Africa’s wildlife sanctuaries, which will be far cheaper to exploit than deep offshore (...), The huge explosion in August that devastated parts of Beirut should be a wake-up call for Lebanon’s leaders. Montenegro changed government democratically for the first time last August, after being in turn communist, pan-Serbian nationalist, separatist, then pro-European. La ligne éditoriale du Monde diplomatique est associée à la gauche antilibérale [2]. It organises regular talks at The Gallery in Cowcross Street, Farringdon. He has signalled a return to neoliberal reform with EU funding to confront the continuing Covid-19 emergency. Le Monde diplomatique; Archives; Journal audio; Les blogs du Diplo; Manière de voir; Cartographie Le Monde diplomatique is the place you go when you want to know what’s really happening. 177 en parlent. Le Monde diplomatique est un journal mensuel français fondé en mai 1954 par Hubert Beuve-Méry comme supplément au quotidien Le Monde. Téléchargez Le Monde diplomatique, English et utilisez-le sur votre iPhone, iPad ou iPod touch. On distingue 24 éditions imprimées et 7 numériques (parmi lesquelles on ne compte pas celles qui … Could the city become haunted by ghost towers even as the housing crisis (...), In the old USSR, housing was a guaranteed right. Amid the debates about sovereignty, the monarchy remains (...), It is now clear that the era of state intervention is back, but there are dangerous signs that the next phase of Britain’s economic model will rely on a constant flow of public (...), Partition is hardly a simple matter: it may be comparatively straightforward to change borders and street signs, but partition as a viable method of addressing irreconcilable (...), The ending of the common agricultural policy and the increased awareness of the need to transform the UK’s agricultural system to combat climate breakdown represents a window of (...), The EU-Mercosur trade pact and other free trade deals with Tunisia (ALECA) and Canada (CETA) have been internally and externally criticised for placing profit over (...), In the 2000s a pink tide of progressive leaders came to power in Latin America and popular confidence in democracy grew. En 2021, « Le Monde diplomatique » fédère un réseau de 31 éditions partenaires qui publient, chaque mois, tout ou partie de ses numéros en 22 langues à travers la planète. Any submissions to This is a major international paper that is truly independent, that sees the world in fresh ways and focuses on places no other publications reach. Montenegro’s ragged coalition. Read each new issue online, receive our articles by email. 3 560 en parlent. 22 February 2021 Malcolm X’s family is calling for his murder investigation to be reopened after new evidence emerged linking the NYPD and FBI. No longer. Matmissionen social supermarkets offer keen prices and some jobs to those on low pay, to combat growing precarity. Monde diplomatique (english edition) (Le) revue - mensuel ou bimensuel - France- Sous la barre de recherche aller dans << recherche avancée >>, sélectionner le titre dans la partie << sources disponibles >> Enregistré dans: Détails bibliographiques; La bibliothèque possède : depuis 1996: Format : Revue: Langue : Français: Publié : Sujets : Presse générale. There is often confusion about Algerians, Arabs, Berbers and (...), Industrially farmed and produced food has made Americans grow fatter over the past 40 years. 136 talking about this. 99 talking about this. Le Monde diplomatique in English. Donald Trump sits behind a huge desk, surrounded by gilt-framed photographs and telephones. In this month’s podcast, he (...), Although pharmaceutical companies poured public money into the development of Covid vaccines, they are selling them to the highest bidder, sometimes at best agreeing to reserve (...), Today it is important, if not necessary, that a certain number of independent scholars join social movements, because we are facing a politics of (...), The re-election in March of Luís Almagro, the Organisation of American States’ secretary general, will prolong the cold war climate that has settled over Latin America these past few (...), A major study into violence against women in France in 2001 came under fierce attack, along with the entire notion of feminism. In Hangzhou and through Shandong, gold stars and black marks have begun to shape public and private behaviours. Now, it’s Joe Biden’s stimulus package that’s (...). Real journalism, independent thought. by Philippe Descamps & … The evangelical movement is growing worldwide, and increasingly right-wing. La campagne d’intimidation des patrons d’Amazon a eu raison du désir d’une partie de ses salariés de former un syndicat dans un État, l’Alabama, où les entraves apportées au droit syndical sont encore plus considérables qu’ailleurs. But the new US administration has its work cut out after Trump’s presidency, which changed the regional landscape. But the new US administration has its work cut out after Trump’s (...), Algerians from Kabylia emigrated to France for over a century, and are now one of its biggest immigrant communities. Real journalism, independent thought. We offer a clear, considered view of the conflicting interests and complexities of a modern global world. Our September edition collects articles about its influence at the centre of Brazil’s unholy media-religious-political trinity, as well as its role in Nigeria and South Korea. Le Monde diplomatique, originally published in French, has editions in 20 other languages Delivered each month to your door plus unlimited access to our online archives. With several countries in the continent going to the polls (...), With Trump gone and Biden in the White House, American journalist and author Thomas Frank surveys the US political landscape. The forces that framed the Italian republic's current constitution were the anti-fascist political groupings and the groups which had been active in the Resistance, and together these made up what was known as the ‘constitutional arc’. Any submissions to Le Monde diplomatique translation in French - English Reverso dictionary, see also 'championnat du monde',femme du monde',gens du monde',musiques du monde', examples, definition, conjugation Translations in context of "Le Monde diplomatique" in French-English from Reverso Context: Cette nouvelle liaison long-courrier est particulièrement attendue par la Genève internationale et le monde diplomatique. Mensuel critique d'informations et d'analyses internationales A selection of archives related to the countries, the events, and the big questions addressed in our monthly issue : Three days before Donald Trump took office, Chinese president Xi Jinping visited Davos and warned the US against protectionism. It’s not (...), Joe Biden is returning to traditional diplomacy in the Middle East, especially Iran, and a familiar team. Will a divided nation come to accept the election (...), The widespread belief that the UK’s finance industry wanted the country to remain in the EU is wrong. Real journalism, independent thought. But the new administration faces the same pressures as before. The same business techniques and their medically disastrous effects are now being exported around the world. He has signalled a return to neoliberal reform with EU (...), Many of Japan’s government officials, especially the younger ones, are leaving their ministries, tired of the long hours of unpaid overtime and stressful work (...), As the world watches The Crown, now in its fourth season, independence movements are growing within the United Kingdom. These online dossiers bring together our articles, maps, and resources on a hot topic. Full access to our online archives. Many translated example sentences containing "dans le monde diplomatique" – English-French dictionary and search engine for English translations. Le Monde diplomatique is more than a newspaper: it is a large network of over thirty editions globally, from India to Bolivia. Our thinking is longterm, our research is deep, our analysis sharp. An increasingly powerful sector within the industry was delighted that Leave (...), Biden won and Trump lost, but progressives mustn’t be complacent, says Jerome Karabel, professor of sociology at the University of California at Berkeley. Prime minister Mario Draghi has managed to bring together all Italy’s political parties in a national unity government. This is a major international paper that is truly independent, that sees the world in fresh ways and focuses on places no other publications reach. Many translated example sentences containing "Monde diplomatique" – English-French dictionary and search engine for English translations. Prime minister Mario Draghi has managed to bring together all Italy’s political parties in a national unity government. Mensuel critique d'informations et d’analyses