[189], Ukraine will also progressively transpose the corpus of European standards (EN) as national standards, including the harmonised European standards. [47] At the 16th EU-Ukraine summit of 25 February 2013,[48] The President of the European Council, Herman Van Rompuy, followed up on the December 2012 EU Foreign Affairs Council statement by reiterating the EU's "call for determined action and tangible progress in these areas – at the latest by May, this year". [21] The sentencing of Tymoshenko to seven years in prison on 11 October 2011 was met with national and international protest and threatened Ukraine–European Union relations. The AA between the EU and Ukraine is an international treaty, which includes political and trade provisions. The DCFTA is Title IV, ie. [24] The signing of an association agreement between Ukraine and the European Union, although finalised, was postponed on 19 December 2011. [71] The same day Russian President Vladimir Putin called for an end to the criticism of the Ukrainian decision to delay the association agreement, and that the EU deal was bad for Russia's security interests. Simultaneously with such transposition, Ukraine will withdraw conflicting national standards, including its application of interstate standards (GOST/ГОСТ), developed before 1992. Will the association agreement between the EU and Ukraine lead to a new ‘Cold War’ between Russia and the West? [177][178] As the requirement was met, an advisory referendum was held on the law on 6 April 2016. The parties committed to regular summit meetings, and meetings among ministers, other officials, and experts. [191] As of May 2011 there remained three outstanding issues to be resolved in the free trade deal: quotas on Ukrainian grain exports, access to the EU's services market and geographical names of Ukrainian commodities. By Gabriela Baczynska and Robert-Jan Bartunek. The agreement comes after more than two decades in which both parties sought to establish closer ties with each other. The ratification was performed in accordance with article 4(2)(b) of the Maltese European Union Act,[141] which reads that: Provided that with regard to treaties and international conventions which Malta may accede to as Member State of the European Union, and treaties and international conventions which Malta is bound to ratify in its own name or on behalf of the European Community by virtue of its membership within the This is done by, for example, decrease or even completely abolish the import and export rates. [176] On 13 August the Kiesraad announced that 13,490 valid requests had been registered for a preliminary request for a referendum, surpassing the 10,000 threshold required. [85][86] The European Union and the (then) new Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko signed the economic part of the Ukraine–European Union Association Agreement on 27 June 2014,[2][87] and described this as Ukraine's "first but most decisive step" towards EU membership. [29][30][31] On 29 February 2012 the European People's Party demanded the immediate release of Yulia Tymoshenko, Yuriy Lutsenko and other political prisoners, and insisted that the association agreement between Ukraine and the European Union should not be signed and ratified until these demands were met. He also noted "the need for action in six key areas" (mainly juridical reform and democratic freedoms). [181][182] The decision would enter into force if the Netherlands ratified the agreement, which needed to be approved by its parliament. EU-Ukraine Association Agreement. Successful implementation of the plan was assumed to be one of the conditions necessary for signing of the Association Agreement, planned for 29 November 2013 during the Eastern Partnership Summit in Vilnius.[50][51]. März", http://www.et.gr/idocs-nph/search/pdfViewerForm.html?args=5C7QrtC22wE4q6ggiv8WTXdtvSoClrL8vQU7OEDJhqR5MXD0LzQTLWPU9yLzB8V68knBzLCmTXKaO6fpVZ6Lx3UnKl3nP8NxdnJ5r9cmWyJWelDvWS_18kAEhATUkJb0x1LIdQ163nV9K--td6SIuQUfSQ1w5CVMqz9ZWhjUOKV1bb3issVkctLv81e8PjIh, "Tuesday, 27 January 2015 Dáil Éireann Debate - Unrevised - EU Association Agreement with Ukraine: Motion", "Treaties - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade", "Parlamento Italiano - Disegno di legge C. 3053 - 17ª Legislatura", "Camera.it - XVII Legislatura - Lavori - Progetti di legge - Scheda del progetto di legge", "Il sito ufficiale della Presidenza della Repubblica", "Latvia ratifies EU-Ukraine Association Agreement", "Par Asociācijas nolīgumu starp Eiropas Savienību un Eiropas Atomenerģijas kopienu un to dalībvalstīm, no vienas puses, un Ukrainu, no otras puses", "Seimas has ratified the EU Association Agreements with Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia", "Lietuvos Respublikos Seimas - Svarstymo eiga", "Lietuvos Respublikos Seimas - Document Text", "6732 - Projet de loi portant approbation de l'accord d'association entre l'Union européenne et la communauté européenne de l'énergie atomique et leurs Etats membres, d'une part, et l'Ukraine, d'autre part, signé à Bruxelles, le 27 juin 2014", http://www.legilux.public.lu/leg/a/archives/2015/0069/a069.pdf#page=2, "Maltese Ministry for Foreign Affairs memo on the Signature of Association Agreements with the Republic of Moldova, Georgia and Ukraine", "Foreign and European Affairs Committee - Twelfth Legislature (2013 - ) Sitting Number: 22 - Monday, 21 July 2014", http://www.tweedekamer.nl/kamerstukken/wetsvoorstellen/detail?id=2014Z23830&dossier=34116, "Eerste Kamer der Staten-Generaal - Goedkeuring Associatieovereenkomst tussen de Europese Unie en de Europese Gemeenschap voor Atoomenergie met Oekraïne (34.116)", "Wet van 8 juli 2015, houdende goedkeuring van de op 27 juni 2014 te Brussel tot stand gekomen Associatieovereenkomst tussen de Europese Unie en de Europese Gemeenschap voor Atoomenergie en haar lidstaten, enerzijds, en Oekraïne, anderzijds (Trb. [15], Titles III, V, VI and VII, and the related Annexes and Protocols of the Agreement have been provisionally applied since 1 November 2014, while Title IV has been applied from 1 January 2016,[16] as far as the provisions concern EU competences. [69][70] On 26 November 2013, the Ukrainian Government admitted that Russia had asked it to delay signing the EU association agreement and that it "wanted better terms for the EU deal". In the background, there are Russia's concerns about negative effects on the Russian economy, should EU-products get into the Russian market through Ukraine. In particular, it stated that it did not commit the EU to grant Ukraine EU membership candidate status, or provide security guarantees, military or financial aid, or free movement within the EU. The EU has many different agreements with a large number of countries. ); ensure free and fair elections in the five single-mandate districts where the 28 October 2012 election results were not established; 38 The Association Agreement between the … The article reviews one of the recent Association Agreements with the third countries which were concluded by the EU, namely, EU – Ukraine Association Agreement (2017), and, in particular, presents the experience and practice of Ukraine while implementing its commitments to harmonize national customs legislation with the EU customs law. After the Association Council, a press statement was issued: Joint press statement following the 6th Association Council meeting between the EU and Ukraine for Halt to Agreements With Europe", "Historic defeat for EU as Ukraine returns to Kremlin control", MF not insisting on single-stage increase in tariffs, says resident representative in Ukraine, IMF links loan amount to Ukraine with reforms, Kyiv, Brussels conduct technical discussion of future EU-Ukraine dialogue on AA, "Ukrainian Farmers, Poised for Growth, Stumble After E.U. Association agreement between the EU and Ukraine European Implementation Assessment (update) In November 2019, the European Parliament's Committee on Foreign Affairs (AFET) requested the drawing up of an own-initiative annual report on the implementation of the EU association agreement with Ukraine (2019/2202(INI)). [32][33], The EU Association Agreement (AA) was initialed on 30 March 2012 in Brussels;[34] The treatment and sentencing (considered by EU leaders as a politically motivated trial[35]) of former Prime Minister of Ukraine Yulia Tymoshenko had strained the relations between the EU and Ukraine. Association agreements between the EU and Moldova, Georgia and Ukraine In August 2017, the European Parliament's Committee on Foreign Affairs (AFET) was requested to draw up three own- initiative reports on the implementation of the EU association agreements with Moldova (2017/2281(INI)), Georgia (2017/2282(INI)) and Ukraine (2017/2283(INI)). The agreement also commits both parties to promote a gradual convergence in the area of foreign and security policy, specifically the EU's Common Security and Defence Policy and policies set forth by the European Defence Agency. The paper also mentions cooperation with Belarus and Kazakhstan in this regard. According to Interfax, the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko had advocated this decision. Command structure on the civilian/military strategic and operational levels (, Minesweeping operation in the Strait of Hormuz, (Operation Cleansweep, 1987–1988), Police contingent in Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Multinational Advisory Police Element in Albania, General security surveillance mission in Kosovo, This page was last edited on 22 March 2021, at 03:22. The finalised agreement was initialed on 19 July 2012. [citation needed] On 8 October 2013, President Putin stated the free trade agreement "may create certain problems for trade and cooperation. "competition authority" means: [209] This lasted until 20 August 2013[210] and was followed by statements from the Russian President's top economic advisor Sergey Glazyev arguing that the impact of Russia's response to Ukraine signing the agreement, including tariffs and trade checks, could lead to default, a decline in the standard of living and "political and social unrest" in Ukraine, and would violate the Russian-Ukrainian strategic partnership and friendship treaty. "[226] The approval of the EU countries is still pending. In their cooperation, the parties will seek to identify, develop and promote trade-facilitating initiatives which may include: the reinforcement of regulatory cooperation through the exchange of information, experience and data; scientific and technical cooperation, with a view to improve the quality of their technical regulations, standards, testing, market surveillance, certification, and accreditation, and making efficient use of regulatory resources; promote and encourage cooperation between their respective organisations, public or private, responsible for metrology, standardisation, testing, market surveillance, certification and accreditation; foster the development of the quality infrastructure for standardisation, metrology, accreditation, conformity assessment and the market surveillance system in Ukraine; promote Ukrainian participation in the work of related European organisations; and seek solutions to trade barriers that may arise; coordinate their positions in international trade and regulatory organisations such as the WTO and the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UN-ECE). [189], The parties will strengthen their cooperation in the field of technical regulations, standards, metrology, market surveillance, accreditation and conformity assessment procedures with a view to increase mutual understanding of their respective systems and facilitate access to their respective markets. The EU claimed several demands in front of Ukraine: find a mutually acceptable mechanism to release YULIA TYMOSHENKO on any of the options (pardon, medical treatment abroad, amnesty, de- criminalization, etc. To better integrate with the EU market, Ukraine is harmonising many of its norms and standards in industrial and agricultural products. [59][60] The same week Tymoshenko had stated that she was ready to ask the EU to drop the demand for her freedom if it meant President Viktor Yanukovych would sign the association agreement. deal", Ukraine ratifies EU association agreement, http://trade.ec.europa.eu/doclib/press/index.cfm?id=1425, A History of Ukraine: The Land and Its Peoples, "The Underachiever: Ukraine's Economy Since 1991", "Why The Economies Of Ukraine and Russia Are Nearly Inseparable", "New enhanced agreement between Ukraine and EU called 'Agreement on Association, "EU-Ukraine association deal might hit ratification problems if Tymoshenko situation remains unchanged", "Tymoshenko supporters protest at jail sentence", "Amnesty International: Jailed former Ukraine prime minister must be released", "Sign deal with Kyiv, Tymoshenko daughter tells EU", "EU-Ukraine pact finalized, signing stalled", "Ratification of association agreement with EU to depend on Ukraine's commitment to rule of law", "Kyiv's performance in sphere of rule of law to be crucial for subsequent implementation of association agreement", "Events by themes: XV EU-Ukraine Summit take place in Kyiv", "Fule names key areas of EU integration process for Ukraine", "Fule: EU-Ukraine association agreement to be initialed within a month", "EU's Fuele outlines steps Ukraine must take to improve relations", "European party demands permission for Tymoshenko to take tests at EU labs", "European lawmakers: Association agreement should not be signed with opposition in jail", "German ambassador: Association agreement unlikely to be signed unless Tymoshenko is free", "Ukraine bomb blasts injure dozens ahead of Euro 2012", "Opposition suggests government were behind Ukraine bomb attacks in Dnipro", "Tymoshenko: Austria ministers in Euro 2012 boycott", "Ukraine's jailed Tymoshenko calls off hunger strike", "EU leaders: Ratification of Association Agreement and DCFTA depends on settlement of Tymoshenko-Lutsenko issue", "Ukraine's Lutsenko jailed for 4 years (updated)", "Council conclusions on Ukraine - 3209th FOREIGN AFFAIRS Council meeting", "EU could sign association agreement by November 2013", "EU expects Ukraine to conduct reforms that will help implement association agreement", "Ukraine rejects pre-conditions for EU deal", "Parliament passes statement on Ukraine's aspirations for European integration", "EU to Ukraine: Reforms necessary for trade pact", "Ukraine Faces EU Reform Deadline as Key to Association Pact", "Yanukovych happy with results of Ukrainian-EU summit", "EU Commissioner Fule expects Rada to pass European integration bills on November 21", "Rybak: Parliament to adopt remaining EU integration laws at autumn session", "Ukraine optimistic about signing association deal with EU in November", "Ukraine President Viktor Yanukovych pardons Yulia Tymoshenko allies", "Ukrainian president asks for laws to be passed to facilitate EU association agreement", "Ukraine leader urges pro-Europe drive despite Kremlin pressure", "Ukraine's Cabinet Backs EU Association Agreement", EU-Ukraine Association Agreement to be signed, Ukraine to go to Europe – speaker, Communists call for halt to cooperation with IMF, EU and Ukraine say ‘door still open’ for future trade pact, "Ukraine drops EU plans and looks to Russia", Cox-Kwasniewski mission to continue until Eastern Partnership Summit, Jailed Tymoshenko on hunger strike over EU U-turn by Ukraine, Ukraine to resume preparing agreement with EU when compensation for production drop found –Boiko, Ukrainian government issues decree to suspend preparations for signing of association agreement with EU, Rada votes down all bills on allowing Tymoshenko's medical treatment abroad, Russia ready for tripartite talks with Ukraine, EU – Peskov, Ukraine has no alternative but European integration – Yanukovych, Yanukovych tells Grybauskaite Kyiv cannot sign agreement with EU because of Russian pressure, "Mass rallies in Ukraine against government U-turn on EU", "Ukraine police clash with pro-EU protesters", "Putin says Ukraine-EU deal a threat to Russia - Europe - Al Jazeera", "Ukraine still wants historic pact with EU", Ukraine police dismantle Kyiv protest camps, Ukraine fails to sign landmark deal at EU summit, EU leaders gather in Vilnius under Ukraine cloud, "Ukraine 'still wants to sign EU deal' - Europe - Al Jazeera", EU rejects Russia 'veto' on Ukraine agreement, Barroso criticises Russian interference on Ukraine deal, EU and Ukraine fail to sign association agreement, EU will not accept Russian veto, says Barroso, "BBC News - EU rejects Russia 'veto' on Ukraine agreement", Barroso: EU to continue its dialog with Ukraine on principles of mutual respect, transparency and responsibility, No sign of revival in EU-Ukraine deal as summit starts, Merkel: If Ukraine 'has the courage' to take step towards Europe, EU will be reliable partner, says Ukraine-EU deal is suspended, not cancelled, "Ukrainian MPs vote to oust President Yanukovych -publisher=bbc.com", eeas.europa.eu: "Signatures of the political provisions of the Association Agreement" 21 Mar 2014, "Ukraine to sign political aspects of EU pact on Friday", "European Union signs landmark association agreement with Ukraine", EU, "Ukraine to sign remaining part of Association Agreement on June 27 – European Council", "Defying Russian opposition, Ukraine signs accord with EU -publisher=Europe News.Net", "581 d.B. The Ukraine–European Union Association Agreement is a European Union Association Agreement between the European Union (EU), Euratom, Ukraine and the EU's 28 member statesat the time (which are separate parties in addition to the EU and Euratom). GP) - Assoziierungsabkommen zwischen der Europäischen Union und der Europäischen Atomgemeinschaft und ihren Mitgliedstaaten einerseits und der Ukraine andererseits", "Austrian president signs ratification of Ukraine-EU Association Agreement", "De Belgische Kamer van volksvertegenwoordigers", "Бельгія ратифікувала асоціацію Україна-ЄС - 23.04.2015 22:15 — Новини Укрінформ", "Асоціацію з Україною ратифікували всі країни ЄС - 20.11.2015 19:28 — Новини Укрінформ", "COMPTE RENDU INTÉGRAL, Séance plénière*", Parliament of the German-speaking Community, "COMPTE RENDU INTÉGRAL, SÉANCES DU MERCREDI 24 JUIN 2015 (MATIN ET APRÈS-MIDI)", https://www.pfwb.be/le-travail-du-parlement/doc-et-pub/documents-parlementaires-et-decrets/documents/001476121, "Народно събрание на Република България - Стенограми от пленарни заседания", "Народно събрание на Република България - Закони", "Hrvatski sabor - Akti u raspravi na plenarnoj sjednici", "1 23.01.2015 Zakon o potvrđivanju Sporazuma o pridruživanju između Europske unije i Europske zajednice za atomsku energiju te njihovih država članica, s jedne strane, i Ukrajine, s druge strane", http://www.mof.gov.cy/mof/gpo/gpo.nsf/All/A883D9C095A9EC33C2257EF5003CF4F5/$file/4210%206%2011%202015%20PARARTIMA%201o%20MEROS%20III.pdf, "Doh.o přidruž.mezi státy EU a ES pro atom.energ. Additional information The EU-Ukraine Association Agreement (AA) constitutes the next stage in EU-Ukraine contractual relations, aiming at political association and economic integration and leaving open the way for further progressive developments. [67][b], In the following days, Euromaidan, the biggest protests since the Orange Revolution, were being held in Kyiv by opposition parties. [219][220] Experts commenting on the "leaked document" argued that Medvedchuk had no chance of winning the 2015 Presidential election and could not seriously disrupt the signing of the Association Agreement. [195] However, on 21 November 2013, a Ukrainian government decree suspended preparations for signing the agreement that was scheduled to be signed during a 28–29 November 2013 EU summit in Vilnius, and it was not signed. The Ukraine–European Union Association Agreement is a European Union Association Agreement between the European Union (EU), Euratom, Ukraine and the EU's 28 member states at the time (which are separate parties in addition to the EU and Euratom). An Association Council Meeting for political dialogue between the EU and Ukraine, as established by Article 5 of the Association Agreement between those two parties, took place yesterday on 28 January 2020. 2014, 160)", "Referendum EU-verdrag met Oekraïne is op 6 april", https://www.tweedekamer.nl/kamerstukken/wetsvoorstellen/detail?id=2017Z01353&dossier=34669, https://www.eerstekamer.nl/wetsvoorstel/34669_regeling_inwerkingtreding?zoekrol=vgh5mt4dsdk1, https://www.eerstekamer.nl/behandeling/20170614/publicatie_wet/document3/f=/vkf1bw0sscyb.pdf, "Ustawa o ratyfikacji Układu o stowarzyszeniu między Unią Europejską i Europejską Wspólnotą Energii Atomowej oraz ich państwami członkowskimi, z jednej strony, a Ukrainą, z drugiej strony, sporządzonego w Brukseli dnia 21 marca 2014 r. oraz dnia 27 czerwca 2014 r.", "President ratifies EU-Ukraine association agreement", "Prezydent ratyfikował umowę stowarzyszeniową UE-Ukraina", "Ratification document of the EU-Ukraine association agreement signed on 2 march 2015 (PDF)", "STENOGRAMA şedinţei Senatului din 3 iulie 2014", "Decrete semnate de președintele României, domnul Traian Băsescu, miercuri, 9 iulie a.c.", "Národná rada Slovenskej republiky - hlasovanie poslancov", "Prezident SR - Správy tlačového oddelenia", "Словенія ратифікувала Угоду про асоціацію Україна – ЄС - Новини Посольства", http://www.uradni-list.si/_pdf/2015/Mp/m2015036.pdf#!/m2015036-pdf, "Iniciativas parlamentarias - Senado de España", http://www.congreso.es/portal/page/portal/Congreso/Congreso/Iniciativas?_piref73_2148295_73_1335437_1335437.next_page=/wc/servidorCGI&CMD=VERLST&BASE=IW10&FMT=INITXDSS.fmt&DOCS=1-1&DOCORDER=FIFO&OPDEF=ADJ&QUERY=%28110%2F000142*.NDOC.%29, "Associeringsavtal mellan Europeiska unionen, Europeiska atomenergigemenskapen och deras medlemsstater, å ena sidan, och Ukraina, å andra sidan Utrikesutskottets Betänkande 2014/15:UU7 - Riksdagen", http://w1.c1.rada.gov.ua/pls/radan_gs09/ns_golos?g_id=6470, "вропа виводить Україну на великий тракт прогресу – Президент про ратифікацію Угоди про асоціацію з ЄС - Офiцiйне представництво Президента України", "Lords Hansard text for 09 Mar 2015 (pt 0001)", "House of Commons Hansard Debates for 23 Feb 2015 (pt 0004)", http://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2015/844/made, "Inleidend verzoek referendum over associatieverdrag met Ukraine toegelaten", "Spotlight: Dutch referendum says "No" to EU-Ukraine deal", "Brexit vote will delay decision on EU-Ukraine deal, says Rutte", "European Council Conclusions on Ukraine (15 December 2016)", EU agrees Dutch demands on Ukraine deal to avoid 'present for Russia', "Netherlands, EU Reach Deal On Ukraine Association Agreement", http://en.interfax.com.ua/news/general/400332.html, http://nltimes.nl/2017/04/06/referendums-threat-democracy-dutch-council-state, "Eerste Kamer der Staten-Generaal - Regeling inwerkingtreding van de goedkeuring Associatieovereenkomst tussen de Europese Unie en de Europese Gemeenschap voor Atoomenergie met Oekraïne (34.669)", "UK/Ukraine: Political, Free Trade and Strategic Partnership Agreement [CS Ukraine No.1/2020]", "Political, Free Trade and Strategic Partnership Agreement between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Ukraine", http://eeas.europa.eu/ukraine/pdf/5_ua_title_iv_trade_and_trade-related_matters_en.pdf, EU-Ukraine Summits: 16 Years of Wheel-Spinning, EU launches talks on free trade agreement with Ukraine, Three outstanding issues remained in FTA agreement between Ukraine, EU, said Ukrainian PM, "Ukraine, EU Initial Deep And Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement With EU", "Ukraine's EU deal: good or bad for the oligarchs? T he European Union – Ukraine Association Agreement (AA), as the first step towards integration of Ukraine into the European Union, seeks to establish political association and economic integration between the EU and Ukraine and provide for mutual free market access and includes the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement (DCFTA). We will not forget this."[88]. [72][73][74] During this summit, the European Union and Ukraine initialed an Air Services Agreement. Georgia and Moldova are due to initial theirs. The agreement entered into force on 1 September 2017, and previously parts had been provisionally applied. [38][40][41] EU leaders suggested that the AA, and the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area, could not be ratified unless Ukraine addressed concerns over a "stark deterioration of democracy and the rule of law", including the imprisonment of Tymoshenko and Yuriy Lutsenko in 2011 and 2012. It falls short of EU membership, but should tie Kiev economically into the 28-nation European Union. In the same speech, he also called for the preservation and deepening of ties with "...Russia, countries of the Eurasian community, other world leaders and new centers of economic development. [20] However, in 2011 the European Union High Representative for Foreign Affairs, Catherine Ashton, warned Ukraine that although talks about a European Union Association Agreement with Ukraine would continue, the ratification process of the treaty "will face problems if there is no reversal in the approach of Ukrainian authorities" towards the trial of former Prime Minister of Ukraine Yulia Tymoshenko. Each party is restricted from maintaining, introducing or reintroducing export subsidies or other measures with equivalent effect on agricultural goods destined for the territory of the other party. The DCFTA specifically offers an agenda for Ukraine … [223], After the economic part of the Ukraine–European Union Association Agreement was signed on 27 June 2014 (by the new President Petro Poroshenko), Russian President Vladimir Putin stated that making Ukraine choose between Russia and the EU would split the country in two.[2][224]. [202] And the fact that Ukraine has agreed in the treaty to implement EU rules and stipulations should improve Ukraine's business climate as a whole "The country will be required to introduce wide-ranging reforms - increasing transparency, reducing corruption and raising the quality of its output". Juni 2014 zwischen der Europäischen Union und der Europäischen Atomgemeinschaft und ihren Mitgliedstaaten einerseits und der Ukraine andererseits", http://dipbt.bundestag.de/dip21/brd/2015/0160-15B.pdf, "Bundestagsbeschlüsse am 26. und 27. Areas frequently covered by such agreements include the development of political, trade, social, cultural and security links. The agreement has been ratified by six EU member states so far, but the full … General Secretariat of the Council of the European Union, Customs Union of Russia, Belarus, and Kazakhstan, 25 May 2014 Ukrainian presidential elections, European Union High Representative for Foreign Affairs, European Commissioner for Enlargement and European Neighbourhood Policy, Eastern Partnership Summit in Vilnius in November 2013, Customs Union of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia, Plan on Priority Measures for European Integration of Ukraine for 2013, 2016 Dutch Ukraine–European Union Association Agreement referendum, Ukraine–European Union relations § Ukrainian EU membership, Russian-Ukrainian strategic partnership and friendship treaty, Moldova–European Union Association Agreement, Georgia–European Union Association Agreement, EU signs pacts with Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova, "EU Formally Approves Ukraine Association Agreement", "Joint Statement by the Presidents of Ukraine, the European Council and the European Commission on the occasion of the beginning of the provisional application of the Association Agreement", Guide to the EU deals with Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine, "The New Great Game: Why Ukraine Matters to So Many Other Nations", The language question, the results of recent research in 2012, Ukraine favors Europe over Russia, new CNN poll finds, "Ukraine crisis: EU signs association deal", "EU suspends trade deal talks with Ukraine", "Putin warns Ukraine over Europe ambitions", "Ukraine, under pressure from Russia, puts brakes on E.U. This allows our companies to prepare for the further liberalization of trade. The EU has many different agreements with a large … As a result, the role of Ukrainian oligarchs in sanctioning the agreement was also questioned. [217], Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovich reaffirmed his commitment to the agreement during his annual Independence Day of Ukraine speech on 24 August, and called it an incentive for Ukraine to become a modern European state.