Her original research career was in animal science, broadening out over time to an interest in the impacts of agriculture on the environment and how science can provide an evidence base to inform policy. What is the role of public policy? For more information, please click here. Zoya Damianova is the Programme Director of the Applied Research and Communications Fund, Bulgaria. In this paper, researchers from the European Think Tanks Group propose a set of actions the EU should consider to raise its climate ambition and exert credible climate leadership in a challenging global context. Founded in Brussels in 1983, CEPS is a leading think tank and forum for debate on EU affairs, with an exceptionally strong in-house research capacity and an extensive … By taking a food systems approach, food system actors (e.g. In 2008, following her appointment the previous year as Minister of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality of the Netherlands, she was elected as Chair of the UN Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD 17). The EU-TT was established in May 2018 comprising 15 members. Ne ratez rien de nos dernières actualités ! Finnish Institute for International Affairs (FIIA), Finland 6. In recent years, Professor Sonnino has acted as a commentator to print and broadcast media organizations in Italy, Finland, Denmark, Spain and the UK and has been an advisor on food policy for the European Commission, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the Welsh Government and the Soil Association. European Union Institute for Security Studies . For more information, please click here. Institu… The following interactive tool provides, instead, a restricted list of think tanks and serves two central purposes. Search on "Think Tank" Main navigation Home; Research; Events; Infographics; Sources; Audio podcasts; Documents : Strengthening Minimum Income Protecion in the EU 10-03-2021. Latest policy papers, events, latest news will be published, discussed and disseminated through the EU East Think Tank Dialogue Platform, which we hope wil Among other positions, he has also been the first Executive Director of the Trust Fund for Victims at the International Criminal Court (ICC), Director of the Administration and Finance Division in the WHO, and Coordinator for reconstruction and rehabilitation activities under the responsibility of UNICEF in Iraq. Before joining WHO he was the Portuguese focal point to WHO/Europe for nutrition and physical activity, and the High Level Group on Nutrition and Physical Activity and the European Platform on Diet, Nutrition and Physical Activity of the EU. Professor Sonnino is the Director of the Research Centre for Sustainable Urban and Regional Food (SURF) at Cardiff University. For the majority of his career, John has worked in post-harvest fisheries in national and international organisations in various parts of the world and has spent most of the last 25 years in international development, working for DFID, the FAO and as a consultant. Carlo Mango started his career in 1991, working for university-enterprise research consortiums in the field of R&D and technology transfer. He was a Commissioner on the UK Government’s Sustainable Development Commission (2006-11). eur-lex.europa.eu. How can food system actors act in ways that the effects of food consumption and production on the environment are lessened? João Breda works in the Division of Noncommunicable Diseases and Life-course at the World Health Organisation (WHO)/Europe. For more information, please click here or here. Our mission is to improve the quality of economic policy with open and fact-based research, analysis and debate. It also supports a needed transformation in Research and Innovation to deliver impact on the societal challenges of Food and Nutrition Security, focusing on creating a blue print for global collaboration on this matter. Thus, it will cover all necessary information for journalists, scholars and practitioners as well as other people interested in think tanks at a glance. The EU-TT enables the European Commission (EC) to liaise with the merging network and the lessons that FIT4FOOD2030 generates. Today, her research focuses on environmental effects of food consumption and production in relation to public policy. What is the role of public policy? acceptability of new innovations and technologies, communication challenges). For more information, please click here. They are updated regularly and can be consulted either within the Think Tank website or on the Fact-sheets webpage. For more information, please click here. Latest policy papers, events, latest news will be published, discussed and disseminated through the EU East Think Tank Dialogue Platform, which we hope wil EU East Think Tank Dialogue. She is currently working on (i) Responsible Research and Innovation in Practice, a project aiming to understand the barriers and drivers to the successful implementation of RRI in research conducting and research funding organisations, (ii) research infrastructures in the Danube Region, and (iii) sustainable eneregy consumption. She was a member of the Societal Challenge 2 Expert Advisory Group and the H2020 Advisory Group on Gender from 2014 to 2016 and the Science with and for Society H2020 Expert advisory group until ​from 2016 to ​2018. Définitions du terme « think tank », rôle des think tanks européens dans le débat d’idées à Bruxelles, action de la Représentation Permanente de la France auprès de l’UE dans ce domaine et (...) Annuaire des think tanks Présentation, statut, date de création, direction et contacts des think tanks européens et organismes assimilés Calendrier des think tanks Calendrier, mis à Patrick Caron is currently the International Director of Montpellier University of Excellence (MUSE). Institute of International Relations (IIR), Czech Republic 4. The Fact Sheets is a concise yet comprehensive source of information providing an overview of European integration and of the European Parliament's contribution to that process. Activé pendant la présidentielle, et sans budget, il a eu son jour de gloire en août, grâce à une double page dans Libération. Since 1997 Zoya has been involved in several sectoral foresight projects (agriculture, energy, and environment), as well as in projects focused on public engagement with research. Professor Lähteenmäki has acted as an expert in evaluating research proposal in several national and international committees and acts currently as one of co-executive editors in journal Appetite. Event: Becoming the EP Spokesperson On March 30, 2021 By ... (In)justice – An outlook on the environmental future of the EU. His abiding interest is how policy addresses the mixed challenge of being food for the environment, health, social justice, and citizens. It also acts as the linking pin between EC and Member States & Associated Countries and serves as a sounding board with global outreach. Bruegel is a European think tank specializing in economics. Carlo Mango has been working as Director of the Scientific Research Department of Fondazione Cariplo (one of the biggest grant-providing foundations in Europe, based in Milan) since the beginning of its funding activity in February 2001. She was appointed by the UN Secretary-General based on her extensive experience in politics and international cooperation. Dr. Gurinovic is a member of a number of professional associations including: Europe Expert Group on ‘Evaluation of New Methods for Dietary Intake Assessment’, EFSA Scientific Network on Food Consumption Data, ‘’EU Think Tank’’ FOOD 2030, World Public Health Nutrition Association (WPHNA), Nutrition Expert Group in European Heart Network where she contributed to the European food and nutrition recommendations for cardiovascular diseases prevention. Un think tank est une organisation dont l'objectif est de fournir des solutions de politiques publiques innovantes. For years, he’s engaged in academic and public research and debate about its direction, locally to globally. We are pro-European but not uncritical. National Recovery and Resilience Plans: enablers of the twin transformations? Her research areas include consumer behaviour (e.g. He is since November 2015 the Chair of the High Level Panel of Experts (HLPE) of the Committee on World Food Security (CFS). For more information, please click here. He has been a consultant to the WHO (eg auditing the Global Top 25 Food Companies on food and health 2005), Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) (eg co-chairing the FAO definition of sustainable diets 2010) and UNEP (eg co-writing its 2012 Avoiding Future Famines report). Tim Lang has been Professor of Food Policy at City University London’s Centre for Food Policy since 2002. Copyright © 2018 EUFIC | All Rights Reserved | Developed by EUFIC and EVENT PROMOTIONS BELGRADE, Inventory of possible R&I breakthroughs in Food Systems. Stronger together: A strategy to revitalise Transatlantic Power, Circular economy & smarter use of resources. CER podcast: The politics of vaccines in Europe Camino Mortera-Martinez, … In this context he played a senior role in the design and the implementation of major reforms within a number of agencies such as the International Criminal Court (ICC), the WHO and UNICEF. He is in charge of the entire cycle of strategic planning, programme design and management of Fondazione Cariplo’s research, education and technology transfer initiatives. For more informaion, please click here. Austrian Institute for European and Security Policy (AIES), Austria 2. EU East Think Tank Dialogue. The EUCP THINK TANK members are representatives from DG ECHO, from different member states, from the UN and experts from research institutes and companies. For more information, please click here. europarl.europa.eu. For more information, please click here. Mirjana Gurinovic MD. Today, her research focuses on environmental effects of food consumption and production in relation to public policy. As an independent, non-partisan platform, Think2030's main objective is to identify science-policy solutions for a more sustainable Europe. She received her M.Sc. EU East Think Tank Dialogue. During his career, Mr. Laperrière has led/managed numerous projects on behalf of large Private Corporations and subsequently, within the United Nations and the World Bank. After graduating, she enrolled in the trainee program for Dutch civil servants (Rijkstraineeprogramma) and worked for the Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment. Before joining the GFE, Carolin Callenius worked for 25 years with faith based development organizations in Germ any as Senior Policy Advisor on the Right to Food, as Coordinator of a Campaign on World Food Security and as Gender Advisor.