In terms of technological advancement, we have reached a certain level, where we are now opened for tremendous possibilities. The Digital Education Action Plan (2021-2027) outlines the European Commission’s vision for high quality, inclusive and accessible digital education in Europe. Resetting education and training for the digital age. The update comes after the previous Action Plan finished its cycle (2018-2020) and after a public consultation in which SOLIDAR Foundation took part. The European Education Area fosters job creation, economic growth and improved social cohesion. This is notwithstanding the final outcome of the interinstitutional negotiation process on … The EU has a long, successful history of supporting Member States' education and training policies. Europe’s education and training systems need to give people the forward-looking knowledge, skills and competences they need to innovate and prosper. unternehmerisches Denken zu stärken; und (ii) digitales Unternehmertum zu fördern, das neue Initiativen und die Umstellung bestehender Unternehmen auf neue und neu entstehende digitale Technologien unterstützt. The European Commission has published the Digital Education Action Plan (DEAP) 2021-2027. The European Commission works with EU countries to develop their school education systems. The Digital Education Action Plan (2021-2027) outlines the European Commission’s vision for high-quality, inclusive and accessible digital education in Europe. Find out how the EU supports Member State education and training policies. Erasmus+ is the EU's programme to support education, training, youth and sport in Europe. Essential information for students from abroad to study in the EU. The 2021-2027 Digital Education Action plan builds on the 2018-2020 plan which had the following priority areas: Digital Education Action Plan (2021-2027) - Communication, Digital Education Action Plan (2021-2027) - Commission Staff Working Document, Factsheet - Digital Education Action Plan (2021-2027). The European Commission promotes language learning and linguistic diversity across Europe. Adult learning is a vital component of the European Union's lifelong learning policy. Inclusive and connected national higher education systems strengthen innovation and skills development across the EU. It comprised of 11 actions. Improving and modernising education systems is a key priority for the EU. European policy cooperation (ET2020 framework) Education and Training Monitor; ET2020 Working Groups The Digital Education Action Plan builds on the two Communications adopted in May 2017: A renewed EU Agenda for Higher Education and School development and excellent teaching for a great start in life13. COMMUNICATION FROM THE COMMISSION TO THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT, THE COUNCIL, THE EUROPEAN ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COMMITTEE AND THE COMMITTEE OF THE REGIONS on the Digital Education Action Plan Find answers to your questions regarding the education and training website. Get essential information on the wide range of funding opportunities the EU provides for training and education. In 2018, the EIT welcomed the European Commission's adoption of the Digital Education Action Plan, which supports technology use and digital competence development in education. Want to give your feedback about this page? The European Commission adopted a Communication on the Digital Education Action Plan in 2018. The action plan’s 33 measures are intended to give new impetus to the shift to digital in the education system and to contribute actively to the development of Quebecers’ digital skills. The new Plan has two strategic priorities: to develop a high-performing digital education ecosystem and enhance digital skills and digital transformation competences. To inform the new Digital Education Action Plan and to gather the views and experiences of citizens, institutions, organisations and companies during the coronavirus crisis, the Commission launched an open public consultation on 18 June, to which to can have access by clicking HERE. Get essential information on the wide range of funding opportunities the EU provides for training and education. Vocational education and training (VET) provides learners with skills for personal development and active citizenship. Strengthening cooperation and exchange in digital education at EU level. The Action plan on Digital Learning. Quality investment in education and training, Quality in early childhood education and care, European policy cooperation (ET2020 framework), Higher education for migrants and refugees, Policy dialogue with specific regions and countries around the world, Making the EU more attractive for foreign students, European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT). Gabriel outlines key areas for EU digital education action plan Developing digital competencies across the EU as well as promoting gender equality in the bloc's digital … Nique Sanders (Webtic) is leading a user testing session with history educators from EuroClio (London, April 2014) In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the related challenges for the sector of Education in general, the European Commission proposed a revision of the Digital Education Action Plan of 2018.. The European Commission works with EU countries to develop their school education systems. The European Education Area fosters job creation, economic growth and improved social cohesion. Digital Education Action Plan; Common values; European Universities Initiative; European Student Card Initiative; Education initiatives. The Digital Education Action Plan presents measures to help the Member States and education and training institutions to reap the opportunities and meet the challenges presented by the digital age. “The overall objective will be to close the digital skills gap and make digital literacy a reality for all,” Gabriel said on Monday (13 July), referring to the Digital Education Action Plan. The European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) is designed to make it easier for students to move between different countries. The Action Plan will support Member States, education and training institutions and citizens in their efforts to adapt to the digital transition and help ensure a fair and inclusive recovery for all. The EU seeks to support Member States in maximising the quality of national early childhood education and care provision. Adult learning is a vital component of the European Union's lifelong learning policy. Find out how the EU supports Member State education and training policies. For more on this, see the staff working document. Quality investment in education and training, Quality in early childhood education and care, European policy cooperation (ET2020 framework), Higher education for migrants and refugees, Policy dialogue with specific regions and countries around the world, Making the EU more attractive for foreign students, European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT). Find out more about EU education initiatives and opportunities to study in Europe. Studying abroad offers students excellent opportunities to expand their skills and broaden their horizons. Access supporting education and training policy documents. Find answers to your questions regarding the education and training website. Access supporting education and training policy documents. Improving and modernising education systems is a key priority for the EU. Cookies. Digital Education Action Plan (2021-2027) - Communication (in 23 official EU languages), Open Public Consultation on the new Digital Education Action Plan (2020), Communication on the Digital Education Action Plan (2018), Staff Working Document on the Digital Education Action Plan (2018). Brussels, Oct 1 (IANS) The European Commission has adopted the new Digital Education Action Plan, reflecting lessons learned from the coronavirus crisis and devising a plan for a high-performing digital education eco-system, according to an official statement. Supporting education and policy documents can be accessed via this link. 15 Digital Marketing Action Plans for Educational Institutes in 2020 Technology is the dominant tool that is taking the mankind forward. 4.7 MB. existing businesses through new and emerging digital technologies. The Digital Education Action Plan (2021-2027) Together with the Vision for a European Education by 2025, the European Commission published on 30 September 2020 a Communication on the further development of the existing Action Plan for Digital Literacy (2018-2020) in … Find supporting EU education and training resources and tools. Der Aktionsplan für digitale Bildung baut auf den beiden im Mai 2017 verabschiedeten Removing barriers to learning and improving access to quality education by 2025. Studying abroad offers students excellent opportunities to expand their skills and broaden their horizons. International Computer and Information Literacy Study (ICILS), 2018 Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) study, learn from the COVID-19 crisis, during which technology is being used at an unprecedented scale in education and training, make education and training systems fit for the digital age, infrastructure, connectivity and digital equipment, effective digital capacity planning and development, including up-to-date organisational capabilities, digitally competent and confident teachers and education and training staff, high-quality learning content, user-friendly tools and secure platforms which respect privacy and ethical standards, support the Gigabit connectivity of schools, as well as, digital literacy, including fighting disinformation, good knowledge and understanding of data-intensive technologies, such as artificial intelligence, target advanced digital skills development though steps such as extending the, many low-income homes have no access to computers and broadband access varies widely across the EU depending on household income (, more than 1 in 5 young people across the EU fail to reach a basic level of digital skills, the COVID-19 crisis is leading to an unprecedented shift to online learning and the use of digital technologies, almost 60% of the respondents had not used distance and online learning before the crisis, 95% consider that the COVID-19 crisis marks a point of no return for how technology is used in education and training, respondents say that online learning resources and content need to be more relevant, interactive and easy to use, over 60% felt that they had improved their digital skills during the crisis and more than 50% of respondents want to do more, identifying, sharing and scaling up good practices, supporting Member States and the education and training sector with tools, frameworks, guidance, technical expertise and research, fostering cooperation between all stakeholders, link national and regional digital education initiatives and actors. The new Digital Education Action Plan will form a key aspect of the Next Generation EU recovery instrument. Cooperation with non-EU countries enhances the quality of education and training in the EU and beyond. European Commission adopts Digital Education Action Plan. Find information about EU education and training funding opportunities. Access European statistics regarding EU education and training policy. Video games are central to today’s society, and the European Commission should use the Digital Education Action Plan to encourage all national governments to embrace the opportunity for digital growth and employment in Europe that they represent and to follow the Polish Government’s example by adding them Digital Education Action Plan (2021-2027) The new Action Plan has two strategic priorities. This Forum Insight provides an overview of the Digital Education Action Plan 2021-27: Resetting education and training for the digital age (DEAP), published by the European Commission on 30 September 2020. Education and training are the best investments in Europe’s future. making better use of digital technology for teaching and learning, developing digital competencies and skills, improving education through better data analysis and foresight. PDF - Find out more on how we use cookies and how you can change your settings. The webinar aims to provide an overview of the key aspects and guiding principles underpinning priorities and actions of the new Action Plan. Supporting education and policy documents can be accessed via this link. Digital Education Action Plan (2021-2027). In 2020, a communication, "Resetting education and training for the digital age", was launched to reflect distance learning due to the lockdown. A holistic vision of digital transformation is, in EAEA’s point of view, necessary to provide an empowering critical digital education that “adequately prepares citizens for an increasingly interconnected and globalised future.” EAEA urges the Commission in their renewal of the Digital Education Action Plan. This site uses cookies to offer you a better browsing experience. The first digital education action plan was adopted in January 2018 as a part of the vision to establish a European Education Area. Erasmus+ is the EU's programme to support education, training, youth and sport in Europe. Access other important websites related to education and training in the EU. The Action Plan was developed by the University’s Digital Strategy Office based on a range of consultations undertaken in 2017 and 2018, including a series of … The monitor is Commission's flagship annual publication on education and training in the EU. This Action Plan describes the Rectorate’s priority projects for the implementation of the University’s Digital Strategy. Digital Education Action Plan Update oUpdate to build on the three core priorities oKey areas of focus: •Promoting digital literacy and closing the digital skills gap •Fighting disinformationand online threats; •Developing digital capabilities in education organisations; •Making digital learning a reality for all (online learning and high-quality online content); These measures are a means of achieving nine objectives, which are related to eight areas of intervention that reflect It supports the work on the Digital Single Market14 and the New The Digital Education Action Plan will build on these lessons in order to put forward a coherent and well-tailored European vision and set of impactful actions for digital education." The EU has a long, successful history of supporting Member States' education and training policies. There is no doubt that the COVID‑19 pandemic has highlighted the role of digital education, with schools and universities being forced to move their activities online overnight and often facing difficulties due to a lack of broadband internet access, equipment or digital competences. The consultation will run until 4 September 2020. The EU seeks to support Member States in maximising the quality of national early childhood education and care provision. On 18 June 2020, the Commission announced the launch of consultations on the Digital Education Action Plan. Find supporting EU education and training resources and tools. One of the measures proposed is a Digital Education Action Plan which outlines how the EU can help people, educational institutions and education systems better adapt to life and work in an age of rapid digital change by: making better use of digital technology for teaching and learning; The European Commission promotes language learning and linguistic diversity across Europe. Find out more about EU education initiatives and opportunities to study in Europe. They play a vital role in boosting growth, innovation and job creation.