You can take the overnight train from Bangkok’s Hua Lumphong train station and then be transferred to the ferry to Koh Samui. Read about the best things to do in Koh Samui here. Alle Busse verkehren regelmäßig während des Tages, wobei die meisten von ihnen Suratthani zwischen 01.00 Uhr und 05.00 Uhr erreichen, sodass noch genügend Zeit bleibt, um sich ein wenig die Beine zu vertreten, bevor es auf die Fähre geht. Destination: Samui, Phuket, Chiang Mai, Krabi, Trat and Bangkok. Good and comfortable enough for the distance travelled! Офис компании удобно расположен в районе улицы Khao San. Whether you’re looking for a grand adventure or just want to get away for a last-minute break, flights from Ko Samui to Bangkok offer the perfect respite. Und Reisende mit den Kleinen im Schlepptau lieben den Paradise Park , einen beträchtlich großen Streichelzoo, der gleichzeitig auch einer der besten Aussichtspunkte auf der Insel ist. Book a couple of days in advance. I was a bit unlucky with 4 babies / todlers in my sleeping compartment on the night train, but that hasnt got anything to do with 12 asia. Book your flight from Bangkok to Samui with Bangkok Airways, Full Service Airline with worthy price. Ob romantisches Abendessen bei Kerzenschein auf einem der Postkartenstrände, wilde Partynächte, Wanderungen durch die Wälder und den Dschungel oder einfach um nur tagelang am Strand herumzuliegen, Koh Samui ist die richtige Wahl, denn hier bekommen Sie wirklich alles. So no matter whether your ideal itinerary involves flying one … Bus Express, Raja Ferry (ราชา เฟอร์รี่), Dec 15, 2019, Bus Express, Raja Ferry (ราชา เฟอร์รี่), Dec 12, 2019, train #85.2 2nd Class Sleeper AC, Thai Railways (การรถไฟแห่งประเทศไทย), Dec 12, 2019, I highly recommend the use of 12go Asia to organise your transport from Bangkok to the islands. Kristallklares Wasser, idyllische Strände, eine üppige tropische Vegetation, inseltypische, sehr moderne Einkaufszentren, ausgefallene Schmuckgeschäfte und farbenfrohe Märkte. Not only does exploring Bangkok provide the chance to make some magical memories, dip into delectable dishes, and tour the local landmarks, but the cheap airfare means you won’t bust your budget. Taxis (Songtaews) sind eine gute Möglichkeit, um lange Strecken auf der Insel zurückzulegen oder falls Sie ausgehen möchten, um zu feiern und nicht selber fahren wollen. Koh Samui Information . 2012—2021 © 12Go Asia Pte., Ltd. Das Unternehmen Seatran , dass von Donsak aus auf dem Festland ablegt und seine Passagiere und ihre Fahrzeuge am Pier von Nathon absetzt. train #85.2 2nd Class Sleeper AC, Thai Railways (การรถไฟแห่งประเทศไทย), Feb 9, 2020, train #85.2 2nd Class Sleeper AC, Thai Railways (การรถไฟแห่งประเทศไทย), Feb 8, 2020. Bei der Anreise auf dem Landweg wird Ihre Reise auf dem Festland entweder in Chumphon oder in Suratthani enden, von wo aus es mit der Fähre auf die Insel geht. Es gibt 10 Airlines, die Direktflüge von Bangkok nach Ko Samui anbieten. flight Economy, Bangkok Air (บางกอกแอร์เวย์ส), Mar 21, 2020, Great attendants, smooth affordable clean flight :), Bus Express, Raja Ferry (ราชา เฟอร์รี่), Mar 15, 2020. В офисе есть туалет и куллер с питьевой водой. Sowohl Lomprayah als auch Seatran Dicovery benötigen für die Überfahrt von Koh Tao’s Ablegestelle „Mae Haad“ nach Maenam und dem Bangrak Seatran Pier auf Samui rund 2-2¼ Stunden. Nice carriage, but never received the coffee I ordered for the morning! В 6 утра были на пристани. Die Buchung eines Tickets empfiehlt sich allerdings immer ein paar Tage im Voraus. You can choose from Bangkok or Thai Airways. And the ferry arrived earlier to island at 9:00. Allerdings gibt es auch langsamere Überfahrten, wie zum Beispiel mit Songserm (30 Min.) No wonder that the third-largest island in Thailand, Samui has become popular amongst both luxurious holiday makers and backpackers on a budget who can each find the experience, accommodation, activities and entertainment that they come for. As soon as we arrived on the island we were picked up by the mini van and taken straight to our hotel. Kein Wunder also, dass Samui (als drittgrößte Insel Thailands) auf der Beliebtheitsskala von Rucksacktouristen mit kleinem Budget und auch bei Urlaubern die nach einem luxuriösen Urlaub Ausschau halten, ganz oben steht. Dies ist zwar ein bisschen nervig, ist in Thailand aber durchaus üblich. Lowest Price Guarantee: We're working hard to provide you with best value speedboat & ferry tickets on the best speedboat & ferries available both to & from Koh Samui, Koh Phangan and Koh Tao. 5 Min.. Wie viele Airlines bieten Direktflüge von Bangkok nach Ko Samui an? The train is slow and the journey long, but as a once in a lifetime experience, there is no other way to travel from Koh Samui to Bangkok (or vice versa). В начале первого ночи (или около того) остановка на пол часа. A very convenient night option is #85 train departing from Hua Lamphong train station in Bangkok at 7.30pm and arriving to Suratthani around 7am. USB recharger not working. The bus brings you directly to the pier in Chumphon from where Lomprayah catamaran delivers you to Koh Samui via Koh Tao and Koh Phangan. While this is a bit unnerving, it is also standard practice throughout Thailand, so be very careful with your scooter if you want to avoid any trouble. There are over twenty flights a day from Bangkok alone. The train arrived 1 hour late but the bus and ferry where waiting so not a huge delay in the end. Bitte beachten Sie, dass die meisten Verleiher Ihren Reisepass als Pfand einbehalten möchten. Паром отплыл в 7 часов. Service is just excellent. train #85.2 2nd Class Sleeper AC, Thai Railways (การรถไฟแห่งประเทศไทย), Dec 21, 2019. Interesting way of travel, not necessarily comfortable. Transfer to Hotel also really good and fast. It was repaired within 2days but i ak not sure how long it will hold. Bangkok to Samui Trains. Which airlines fly from Bangkok to Koh Samui? Мы покупали комплексный билет автобус-паром-такси до отеля на о. Самуи пляж Ламаи. Um dies zu vermeiden, empfiehlt es sich, das Rückreiseticket im Voraus zu buchen. Bus Express, Lomprayah (ลมพระยา), Feb 13, 2020, Bus was cold for me but it might be just me...if u don't like airconditioner get yourself a jacket ...bus didn't stop for so get ueself something to eat as it's 6 hours drive.The ferry was pretty fast ...but if u suffer with travel sickness get tablets for it ...I've spotet too many people weren't well...but for me was ok be careful if u come outside more safe to sit inside there r drinks and snacks on board u can buy. Familien hingegen entscheiden sich häufig für den Bereich rund um Mae Nam , da der Meeresgrund hier nur sanft abfällt und der Wellengang nicht so stark ist. Koh Samui is large and you will need a way to get around easily, since doing it on foot is very limiting and uncomfortably hot, but there are many far better options available depending on how you like to get around. There is another option, also from Khao San Road in Bangkok, offered by Thai Sritram company. Once you arrive in Chumphon, you should take the high-speed catamaran in which you will get to gaze at some of the most beautiful islands, as this boat travels … Choose port-wise as both services are equal in price and quality. First, second or third class sleeper are the most comfortable options with chairs that fold out into bunk beds, space to walk around and a certain degree of privacy depending on which class ticket you choose. They produce Caribbean rum with a variety of natural flavours (obviously, they have coconut rum, too). Die Flüge von Thai Airways werden jedoch häufig von Bangkok Airways betrieben, sodass sich der Flugverkehr hauptsächlich auf eine Airline konzentriert. Da Koh Samui sehr groß ist, werden Sie kaum in der Lage sein, die Insel zu Fuß zu umrunden, ganz abgesehen davon, dass es sehr heiß ist. Alternatively, several ferries and catamarans run from Surat Thani or Don Sak on the Thai mainland. Samui is approximately 700 kilometres from Bangkok. It is the most remarkable island in the Gulf of Thailand. Amazing service! Great online booking experience, everything went according to plan. Really good. Everything was ok only train was late 3 hours and we must buy another tickets for ferry because next ferry was at 16,30. train #85.2 2nd Class Sleeper AC, Thai Railways (การรถไฟแห่งประเทศไทย), Feb 6, 2020, We had our bed right to the wagon entrance and it was very, very loud, ferry ferry, Raja Ferry (ราชา เฟอร์รี่), Feb 3, 2020. No need to buy anything for the trip as there is a stop for bathroom and nice snacks on the way. Toilet is terrible: no water, door is broken. Getting to Koh Samui by train from Bangkok involves taking a train from Bangkok’s Hualamphong station. Travellers with the little ones in tow will love Paradise Park, which is a considerably large petting zoo, which is also one of the best viewpoints on the island. При необходимости готов воспользоваться еще раз. Raja ferry, also from Donsak, heads to its own port in Lipa Noi on the western coast of Samui. Rome2rio makes travelling from Ko Samui to Bangkok easy. When planning a trip by any type of land transport, note that both the bus Bangkok Koh Samui and the train Bangkok Koh Samui have strong air conditioning, so don’t forget to take warm clothes. Koh Samui is an exceptionally popular destination for travellers, and as such, travelling from Thailand's capital, Bangkok, to Koh Samui is easy, understandable and affordable for those who are not content to fly to their destinations and miss out on all of the scenery that a land trip to the South of Thailand has to offer. Von Bangkok aus fährt der Bus direkt den Hafen von Chumphon an, von wo aus der Katamaran der Firma Lomprayah erst nach Koh Tao, dann nach Koh Phangan und schlussendlich nach Koh Samui übersetzt. 야간 2등 침대 기차 버스 배 이용 입니다. Seatran leaves from Donsak on the mainland delivering passengers and their vehicles to its pier in Nathon. Total travel time is around 15 to 17 hours. When travelling the 760 km distance from Bangkok to Koh Samui, you have 3 options; you can fly in just over an hour ($87), take the bus for at least 12.5 hours ($25), or take the train for nearly 15.5 hours ($44.50). Hat Lamai ist ein weiterer sehr populärer Urlaubsort, der mit seinem langen, weißen Sandstrand und seinem großen Angebot an Restaurants, Bars und Geschäften entlang der Hauptstraße viele Touristen anzieht. Von Bangkok aus fährt der Bus direkt den Hafen von Chumphon an, von wo aus der Katamaran der Firma Lomprayah erst nach Koh Tao, dann nach Koh Phangan und schlussendlich nach Koh Samui übersetzt. Bier) auf Ihrer Zugfahrt erwerben können. Koh Samui Speedboat & Ferry, Koh Phangan Speedboat & Ferry, and Koh Tao Speedboat & Ferry Trips from Bangkok, Phuket, Phi Phi, Krabi, and More! Sollten Sie ein Kombiticket für die Reise nach Samui erworben haben, beinhaltet dieses Ticket das Zugticket ab dem Hua Lamphong Bahnhof in Bangkok bis Suratthani, den Bustransfer zur Fähre in Suratthani und die Überfahrt mit der Fähre auf die Insel. Comfortable train journey in 2nd class sleeper, easy and quick transfer to bus and boat, friendly and helpful staff. From the Surat Thani train station you board a waiting bus that takes you to the Don Sak ferry terminal and then the 1.5 hour trip over to Samui. The train portion takes between 8.5 hours and 12 hours depending on the train. Take some food with you, though, train #85.2 2nd Class Sleeper AC, Thai Railways (การรถไฟแห่งประเทศไทย), Dec 1, 2019, 2012—2021 © 12Go Asia Pte., Ltd. Departing Bangkok early in the morning or in the late evening, several class options are available from a simple seat to a luxurious sleeping berth. Straightforward and easy booking through, comfortable journey - very helpful staff at ticket collection point. train #85.2 2nd Class Sleeper AC, Thai Railways (การรถไฟแห่งประเทศไทย), Jan 30, 2020. Denn die Insel bietet für jeden Geldbeutel eine entsprechende Unterkunft und viele verschiedene Freizeitaktivitäten, sodass keine Wünsche offen bleiben. Flight is of course the most convenient option to travel from Bangkok to Koh Samui, however, if someone is looking for budget trip from Bangkok to Koh Samui, then bus and ferry option is the cheapest way. I was harassed by a guy distributing food to the first class. A good experience! Bus Economy, Paradive Travel, Dec 28, 2019. This video show a Bangkok to Koh Samui Flight. Not suggest for old person, hard to having deep sleeping on the bus and ferry. From Bangkok to Koh Samui you can get by bus/train + ferry or plane. Автобус отъезжает из офиса в 20-00 и далее до полуночи без остановок. Obwohl die Taxis zwar die bequemste Möglichkeit darstellen, um von A nach B zu gelangen, sind sie auch die fast die teuerste Option, da Sie mit einem Fahrtpreis zwischen 50 und 100 THB pro Person rechnen müssen und so recht schnell ein ordentliches Sümmchen zusammenkommt. They treAt you very well. There are 11 daily flights that operate from Bangkok Suvarnabhumi Airport to Samui Airport. N polite driver get us to hotel.overal good trip Ty, Bus Express, Lomprayah (ลมพระยา), Feb 11, 2020. The following airline has scheduled flights on this route: Bangkok Airways. Водитель отделен от салона стенкой. It was a little higher on the cost side but the reviews I read was very true. 50대 후반이지만 체력적으로도 문제없는 스케줄이고 정시 출밯하여 나의 일정에 차질없이 잘 연결된 조인트 티켓 입니다. train #83.2 2nd Class Sleeper AC, Thai Railways (การรถไฟแห่งประเทศไทย), Oct 27, 2020, Bus VIP 24, Krungsiam Tour (กรุงสยามทัวร์), Sep 19, 2020. Other than that it was all great. When we stoped to eat it was late night already and everybody was sleeping so you don’t need to turn on bright light and loud say that we can go eat:) Came to Samui earlier than on schedule, train #85.2 2nd Class Sleeper AC, Thai Railways (การรถไฟแห่งประเทศไทย), Jan 31, 2020, Very well organized. Koh Samui ist eine der abwechslungsreichsten Inseln Thailands, denn hier finden Sie wirklich fast alles! Stop for eat is too late, at 1 a.m. and a place of Stop was horrible. Traveling by plane is the fastest way to get from Bangkok to Koh Samui. Is Koh Samui cheaper than Bangkok? Version 779.0. Catamaran is very speedy, and convenient, almost 5 hours sea route. Motorroller stellen eine fantastische Alternative dar, um auf der Insel herumzukommen. Hat Bang Rak (oder auch Big Buddha Beach genannt) liegt in unmittelbarer Nähe des Flughafens, sodass es leider nicht ausbleibt, den Fluglärm zu hören. No blankets in a bus, too cold, aircondicion in unmanaged. John from United Kingdom, 아주 재미있고 흥미로운 여행입니다. Sofern es wieder zurück aufs Festland geht, sollten Sie beachten, dass das Einchecken einige Zeit benötigt und Sie unter Umständen mit Ihrem Wagen länger in einer Warteschlange stehen müssen. Die Überfahrtszeit zur Insel mit den Fährunternehmen Lomprayah und Seatran beträgt nur rund 20 Minuten. Compare flights from Bangkok to Koh Samui / Samui Island and find cheap tickets with Skyscanner There are 10 airlines who fly direct from Bangkok to Koh Samui / Samui Island. und Haad Rin Queen (50 Min.). Book early and you might catch an airfare deal that isn’t as expensive, but be prepared to pay a lot more than what you're accustomed to for domestic flights. The ferry ride was 2 hrs to Koh Samui (first stop - it also goes to Koh Phangan - there is a different ferry which goes to Koh Tao). While they are convenient and can get you everywhere from anywhere, this is probably the most expensive option, as you can expect to pay between 50 and 100 THB a person which adds up quickly. Je nach Budget und Vorliebe stehen Ihnen drei verschieden komfortable Auswahlmöglichkeiten zur Verfügung: Schlafwagen der dritten Klasse mit einfachen Sitzen, Schlafwagen der zweiten Klasse, in denen die Sitze in den Abteilen zu Etagenbetten umgebaut werden und Ihnen ein gewisses Maß an Privatsphäre bieten und das Herumlaufen ermöglichen oder Schlafwagen der ersten Klasse, in denen Sie über ein eigenes Abteil verfügen. Trying to con me into buying beers under the table . The fastest train from Bangkok to Surat Thani is Train #43 departing at 07:50 which is scheduled to complete the journey in 11 hours 00 minutes. Fast and comfortable journey, you don’t need to worry about anything. Bus Express, Lomprayah (ลมพระยา), Dec 24, 2019. Catching the train from Hua Lamphong station in Bangkok to Chumphon or Suratthani is a fantastic way to travel for those who need an added level of comfort and mobility. Motorcycles (and bicycles, too) can be rented from almost every resort on the island. Travelling by day unlocks the mysteries of Thailand while you are in flux, but for those who have done the trip before, night buses and trains are an excellent way to get there without suffering the boredom or discomfort of a long trip. We had a nice coffee and paid additional for a minivan transfer as soon as we arrived at Koh Samui to our hotel. and Haad Rin Queen (50 min.) Tip: Do not spend all your time on Samui on one and the same beach; try at least a couple of them and you will be rewarded with the diversity which this island has to offer. Located in Baan Bang Kao. Koh Samui is quite a bit cheaper than Bangkok in terms of accommodation and consumer prices, and a little cheaper when it comes to dining. From Bangkok to Koh Samui with bus and ferry Another option you may consider for traveling between Bangkok and Koh Samui is the bus and ferry trip. It was very reasonable compared to the expensive taxis at the pier. However, this will be new experience for traveler. Slow and wonderful passage to Samui 2 hours ferry ride. All of the links go from Bangkok’s larger airport in Suvarnabhumi, which is great news if you’re heading over to the Land of Smiles on a long-haul flight and want a swift changeover before getting en route to the beaches. From boutique lounges waiting for flight, free of seat selection and in-flight meal category request, passenger will also receive 20 kg of baggage allowance. Резюме: вполне комфортная поездка. Bus Express, Raja Ferry (ราชา เฟอร์รี่), Feb 27, 2020, Bus Express, Raja Ferry (ราชา เฟอร์รี่), Feb 20, 2020, ferry ferry, Raja Ferry (ราชา เฟอร์รี่), Feb 17, 2020. They say travel is restorative, and so a flight from Bangkok to Samui on AirAsia is likely to take you to another level. Allerdings entschädigt der weiße Strand seine Besucher dafür um so mehr. Travelling to Samui involves a trip to Chumphon or Suratthani where a ferry to the island can be caught. Crystal clear waters and idyllic beaches, lush tropical greenery and modern ‘island style’ shopping molls, fancy jewellery shops and colourful local markets – you name it – Samui has it all. Food wise, they gave us free water and a small sandwich which is good but they can improve this part for sure, considering that it's a long journey. When searching for cheap flights from Bangkok to Koh Samui Island you will be departing from the Bangkok Suvarnabhumi Airports and arriving at the Samui International Airport. In between the two beaches hides a little gem of Crystal Bay with – as the name suggests – crystal clear waters embraced with imposing boulders of a small bay. The sleeper train was surprisingly enjoyable and as soon as we arrived at Surat Thani we were met by a guide who then took us to the waiting area for the bus ride to the pier. Zweifelsohne werden Sie etliche Touristen mit Schürfwunden und Verbänden herumflanieren sehen, welche auf Rollerunfälle zurückzuführen sind. More details They take from 6½ hrs to 12 hrs to arrive. Provided Coke Zero, water bottle and small cake. Eine weitere Anreiseoption bietet die Firma Thai Sriram, welche von der Khao San Road in Bangkok aus startet. Bangkok Airways is generally your cheapest option with one way fares from 3,400 Baht. Otherwise the flight was OK. train #85.2 2nd Class Sleeper AC, Thai Railways (การรถไฟแห่งประเทศไทย), Jan 6, 2020. How many flights are there a week from Bangkok to Koh Samui / Samui Island? Итого от Бангкока до Ламаи 13 ч 30 мин. Very nice staff. Families often opt for Mae Nam with its gentle sea. We took the bus for around 30 mins and arrived at the pier. Would recommend! They offer tasting sessions and sell rum, too (600-700 THB per 700ml bottle). Allerdings wollen wir ein paar warnende Worte aussprechen. Take in the country's natural beauty as you go, by travelling to Koh Samui by bus or train, and then ferry for a relaxing, comfortable, affordable and eye opening trip. Allerdings sollten Sie Ihre Tickets mit Seatran mindestens einen Tag im Voraus buchen und für eine Überfahrt mit Lomprayah sogar zwei Tage im Voraus. Bus VIP, Krungsiam Tour (กรุงสยามทัวร์), Feb 1, 2020, Everything was good. The flight time is only 65 minutes. A minus was our family was separated in 2 buses in Sura Thani. Bus Express, Songserm (ส่งเสริม), Jan 10, 2020, Bus was a bit loud due to problems with a tire but above all it was a nice trip, Bus Express, Raja Ferry (ราชา เฟอร์รี่), Jan 9, 2020. It is cheaper than the popular Lomprayah service and uses Seatran ferries to reach Koh Samui, though your journey will last two hours longer than with Lomprayah. Other than that, it was really good. The most convenient way to get to Koh Samui is flying with Bangkok Airways either from Bangkok itself, or from Singapore, Phuket or Pattaya. 총 15시간 정도 소요 됩니다. Taxis (songtaews) are a great way to travel long distances on the island, or if you want to go out partying and know you shouldn't drive yourself around. [Book now. train #85.2 2nd Class Sleeper AC, Thai Railways (การรถไฟแห่งประเทศไทย), Jan 13, 2020. The earliest departure takes off at 08:10 and the last one leaves at 18:35. В нем можно оставить вещи, если есть необходимость и Вы выехали из отеля утром. Wer die Reise schon einmal bei Tag unternommen hat, und sich über den Tag nicht langweilen möchte und möglichst komfortabel an sein Ziel kommen will, kann natürlich auch auf einen der Nachtbusse oder Nachtzüge ausweichen. While it’s often the most expensive option, tool, occasionally you can grab promotional tickets for more or less the price of a train or a ferry ticket. Diejenigen, die auf ein gewisses Maß an Komfort und Mobilität nicht verzichten wollen, sollten den Zug vom Bahnhof Hua Lamphong in Bangkok nach Chumphon oder Suratthani nehmen. 30 minutes break at some point on the way. Das Angebot ist ein wenig günstiger, als das von Lomprayah, und das Unternehmen nutzt ebenfalls die Fähren von Seatran, wobei die Überfahrt rund zwei Stunden länger dauert als mit Lomprayah. That's why I am putting my review. Denn nur hier wird in Thailand karibischer Rum mit einer Vielzahl von natürlichen Aromen gebrannt und es soll sogar einen Kokosnussrum geben, den es sich sicher einmal lohnt, zu kosten. Take the direct flight with Bangkok Airways from Bangkok to Koh Samui if you simply cannot wait to hit the sands and snorkel in the Thai Gulf. train #85.2 2nd Class Sleeper AC, Thai Railways (การรถไฟแห่งประเทศไทย), Dec 19, 2019. As of April, there are 151 flights per week flying from Bangkok to Koh Samui / Samui Island. The most popular way to travel to Koh Samui by train from Bangkok is to take an over night sleeper train to Surat Thani Railway Station from Bangkok's main railway station, Hua Lamphong. The best way to get from Bangkok to Ko Samui without a car is to train and bus and ferry which takes 11h 9m and costs ฿290 - ฿1600. Sollten Sie sich in Bangkok in der Nähe der Khao San Road befinden, empfiehlt sich die bequeme Anreise mit dem Bus der Firma Lomprayah, welche auf der Khao San Road ein Büro unterhält und dessen Busse direkt von dort aus starten.
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