"Umro Predsjednik, Živio Predsjednik (The President Is Dead, Long Live The President)", "Prepotentna Situacija (The Overbearing Situation)". Ovo nije oficijalna stranica, ovu stranicu održavaju fanovi Ilir Tafa a.k.a. Das Guinness-World-Records-Buch ist die bedeutendste Sammlung von Rekorden. Mada semanticki vuku isti korjen, polaganje vozackog i polaganje kamen temeljca, nemaju nikakve veze", "Ne treba vjerovati rodjacima, narocito kada lazu. Dino buys Izet's Volkswagen Beetle. In the end, Čombe saves them in a funny way by knocking him in the face by door, accidentally and drops pizzas. "Produžena Loza (The Extended Vine) (Loza also refers to a popular regional drink, Izet's Herzegovian grappa)". Trois générations de la famille Fazlinović vivent dans un appartement à Sarajevo. Kod Fazlinovića ništa novo. Izet and Damir have bought a new computer. "Ima nešto u Saneli (There's Something About Sanela)". They have sold it to Samir, who has sold it to Maria as a turkey. Izet and Samir are arrested because of piano, which Samir has actually stolen from someone. Izet accidentally becomes a Russian doctor in a gathering at Damir's and Inese's college. var player_html5_allow = true;
Izet wants to see a close-up of electricity. )", "Ne vjeruj slijepcu koji vidi, a prije vaznog poslovnog sastanka budi oprezan sa koktelima od medikamenata. 10. Stan im je u totalnom kaosu, jer nemaju kućnu pomoćnicu. Without Fazlinovic knowledge, Maria, the owner of San Remo, is the one that paid for Faruk's fine. Izet enforces money savings in the household. Schneller Zugriff als Browser! Izet holds auditions for a new maid after Šefika finds a better job and leaves him worried about his house. Izet has set on fire Faruk's picture of Keith Richard, which was important to Faruk. Laura unknowingly ate a candy bar Čombe bought to Rabija. Potpuno se ista medicina praktikuje na zapadu i kod nas. Izet tries to stop smoking, and he has gone to the hypnotist in Dubrovnik. Faruk gets a goldfish from his girlfriend Tanja which Izet believes to be a magic fish granting him three wishes. Spomenka's daughter, Vedrana, arrives from America and Dino confuses her with her mother and sleeps with her but the real problems appear when Spomenka catches them. Both of these events will be attributed to a number of circumstances to innocent Zumra, who will be fired .... "Posredni Raskid (The Indecent Break-Up)". Meanwhile Damir and Barbara try to name their baby. Damir finds an abandoned dog which Izet gives to Senka as a gift. The police arrests Faruk for a car-steal. Actually, Faruk is in love with woman with the same name. Saznajte što vas očekuje u novoj epizodi serije Lud, zbunjen, normalan. Fights ensue between Damir and Izet, when Izet finds out Džebra is registered for a religious class. Lada, Džema's piano teacher, moves in Fazlinovići's house too. "Analogno Na Digitalno (Analog to Digital)". "Bolje vrabac u ruci, nego golub na balkonu", "adava je dobro sjeme, kad je rđavo oranje", "Osveta je najbolja kada se servira vrela", "Ako žive skupa, životinje se zavole, a ljudi se zamrze", "Dobro je teško vidjeti, a lako se pozna", "Kad čovjek tone i za vrelo gvožđe se hvata", "Žena treba da je što gluplja, a drvo što tvrđe", "Bogatstvo mijenja ćud, rijetko na bolje", "Mali će položiti anatomiju, to je računaj završeno", "Nisam ja nervozan, ja samo unosim nervozu", "Pijan u Busovači, isto trijezan u Hanoveru", "Može misionarski, a može i neka druga pozicija", "Šta ti je vrijeme uradilo, pa njega ubijaš? Not only that, that brought Izet to get his old patenting inventions. Izet's school rival, Atif Đukelić, appears, and Izet wants to make him pay. The Nut, The Confused, The Regular.) "Fotografija Ričardsa Kejta (Keith Richard's Photograph)". Dok Izet (Mustafa Nadarević) zadovoljno trlja ruke zbog dobro odrađenog kupoprodajnog transfera i broji hrpu novca, Faruk (Senad Bašić) lista oglase tražeći auto. Ako znas gdje se krije, onda nije problem pronaci osobu koja je nestala", "Ako imas odnos sa snahinom majkom, to nije incest, ali je ipak ugodno. The show stars three generations of the Fazlinović family, all living in an apartment in Sarajevo. Lud, zbunjen, normalan (Fou, confus, normal) est une série télévisée humoristique bosnienne qui a commencé à être diffusée en début septembre 2007.Elle est diffusée en Croatie (Nova TV) en Macédoine et en Serbie (sur Radio télévision de Serbie depuis septembre 2008).. Histoire. Izet finds his old friend from the war, Mirko, who is really sick. Zadnja epizoda druge sezone je emitovana 12. aprila 2009. All episodes are written by Feđa Isović, and directed by Elmir Jukić. Faruk and Ajna go to a doctor from Zagreb to find out how to get her pregnant. But since Bosnia is recovering still from war, there are no jobs for her, but gets Ivana's job because Ivana went to Germany for a month (but she remained there forever). Faruk wakes up one morning speaking Italian and presents himself as a famous painter named "Brotti". Then Senka and Spomenka come to Izet to be with him, but at the same time and they go around and around the house until they meet each other and run away from Izet. Because of that 'turkey'. Izet's father Muharem returns to Sarajevo to give Izet's family a lot of money and properties. Lud, zbunjen, normalan je bosanskohercegovačka serija u režiji Elmira Jukića i Feđe Isovića. Damir comes over to Izets so they can go and bail Faruk out forgetting the suitcase full of money in his apartment, while he is at Izet's his wife opens the suitcase sees the large amount of money decides to call her new man and she steals all the money. "Specijalno Vaspitanje (Special Education)". Izet's old vacuum cleaner explodes, and Rabija quits her job. Damir & Barbara try to find a nanny for their son. This is a continuation from episode 43, where Izet thinks he is hallucinating things and people, while his doctor confirms that and Faruk and Damir try to use that to their advantage, but Izet has a surprise for them. In jail he is desperate to get out after another inmate wants to have sexual relationship with him. In this episode, Izet gets Makzusija's in Herzegovina, from Ante. A speaker fell on Dino's head, which caused that Dino has written a lot of songs and earned a lot of money. This is the last episode for season 2011. Before she beat him up, she scares Šejla's mother away. Because of it, Faruk destroyed Izet's picture of Tito, then Izet has thrown Damir's new LG phone from window, thinking that it is Faruk's thing for music. U obitelji Fazlinović nastaje totalna pomutnja kada djed Izet (Mustafa Nadarević) iz unukove torbe izvuče promiskuitetnu video-kasetu, koja je tu dospjela greškom djelatnice u videoteci. Gledajte najnovije epizode Lud Zbunjen Normalan! ", This page was last edited on 10 August 2020, at 16:13. Lud, zbunjen, normalan, 11. travnja. He took Marija, Mariofil, Đido Mova, Faruk, Damir and considerable hostage in San Remo. "Povratak Na Staro (Back to the Old Ways)". Izet speeds his car to 150km/h and crosses over the red light. bivši predsjednik Republike Hrvatske i bivši predsjednik predsjedništva SFRJ. The series premiered on 2 September 2007. Rocker Đenis Đenis comes to Faruk's studio to record a song, but Faruk caught in his Brotti phase. U obitelji Fazlinović nastaje totalna pomutnja kada djed Izet (Mustafa Nadarević) iz unukove torbe izvuče promiskuitetnu video-kasetu, koja je tu … Faruk steals Rabija's cleaner which are replaced with Izet's maksuzijom. Izet was caught while driving his Lada 2105 drunk. Reader Rating: (2 Rates) 10. Rabija made a cherry pie for Đuro while she had stomachache. Samir has stolen left shoes from the shop and sold it to Izet because he hadn't got any place in his garage. Izet and Điđimilović are selling catholic icons in Međimurje. "Dobar, loš, zao (The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly)". "Prvi put sa pradedom u školu (First Day of School, with Great-Grandfather)". Spomenka's cousin Senka comes and lives in her apartment. Pravni sustav je nakaradan - lakse je izaci iz zatvora, nego uci u njega". Izet at first refuses because it is not a communist party, but a democratic one, but after Enes explains there will be a large amount of money involved he accepts, but something unexpected happens at the end. Dino thinks he is confusing people with other people. Izet and Faruk think that someone is taking drugs and both try to get to the bottom of it while Damir tries to hide a secret of his own. After Samir screws Izet, Izet is seeking his money back and revenge. Refko & Čombe watch an Italian film Barbara is in. Damir found Faruk drunk and he granted him Izet's wishes. 1,207 likes. "Ptičija Gripa-Priča Prva (The Bird Flu, Part I)", "Ptičija Gripa-Priča Druga (The Bird Flu, Part II)". Damir gets a son.Izet and Faruk are happy and get drunk. Faruk is trying to be metrosexual, while Izet is trying to get a hair. Damir has a problem with his computer; it is always broken, and while Izet eavesdrops he thinks that there is a problem with Damir not being able to perform sexually, which Izet ties to fix with the help of his doctor. His driver license is deducted, but later is given back to him. Da nema brakova, ne bi bilo ni razvoda. Meanwhile, Čombe has founded a solo band and earned a lot of money. Izet gives an old painting to his new love, Spomenka, and later discovers that it is worth a lot of money. Ako covjeku uvrijedis ono njemu najvrjednije, niko ti ne moze oduzeti samar koji ti pripada", "Ako imas problema sa memorijom, jedi sto vise bijelog luka. Next Article Lista Kanala Uživo. Later because of an accident the entire city loses power. Mesić je bio zastupnik u Hrvatskom saboru u 1960-ima, a nakon toga van politike do 1990.-e kada je postao član Hrvatske demokratske zajednice (HDZ), a potom i … Later 5 minutes, Ajna found him at San Remo with Šejla's mother. Čombe and Refko by Faruk get a task generally clean the radio station. Lud zbunjen normalan. Stjepan and Marija are getting a divorce. In order to get rid of Šukrija and Ajna - Izet, Faruk and Damir come up with a plan called. Izet saves them by when he discovers that the rifle that is abomination took only one shot, and the abomination of anger fired a bullet into the ceiling after Izet tried to escape. "Oktobarska Revolucija (The October Revolution)". "Istorijska Povijest Studija Akord (The History of Studio Akord)". "Kupoprodaja Folcike (Buying and Selling of the Volkswagen)". Izet accommodates a lesbian couple into his makeshift hotel by making Faruk and Damir sleep in the studio. ", "Neke odluke u zivotu je najbolje presjeci nozem. Kada je odlazak na bazen u pitanju, takodjer oprez nije na odmet", "Ako si paranoik, to ne znaci da te proganjaju, isto kao sto kod hipohondra nije iskljucena mogucnost da ima rak. Izet becomes a fake police officer in an audition for a movie, but then wanders off into the city and acts as a real police officer. Richman named Mahmut came to Faruk's studio to record several muslim religious songs. Izet, Faruk and Damir have a strange encounter at San Remo with the ladies. LUD ZBUNJEN NORMALAN. Refko & Čombe are prohibited to enter the radio station for a few days. U obitelji Fazlinović nastaje totalna pomutnja kada djed Izet (Mustafa Nadarević) iz unukove torbe izvuče promiskuitetnu video-kasetu, koja je tu dospjela greškom djelatnice u videoteci. Mahmut again came to Faruk to record video for his songs, but something really unexpected happened. "Diler Pod Stare Dane (Dealer Under The Old Days)", Guest star: Sejo Sexon (Davor Sučić - aka "Sejo Sexon")- Member of the rock group ". To reach the best products for rejuvenation on the story involves Samir. Fast forward to 5AM Izet and Damir are in the casino they end getting lucky and win lot of money. Dino screws everything up. : Verrückt, verwirrt, normal) ist eine Comedyserie aus Bosnien und Herzegowina. Izet and Đuro are trying to solve the problem about the land which Đuro bought from Čombe. If the purple colour is on the -, they are not. Nove epizode hit serije ''Lud, zbunjen, normalan'' od 10. travnja na Novoj TV! Combe and Dino get involved in the lesbian couple's plan to promote sexual equality in Bosnia while Faruk is exposed to some disturbing sexual situations. ! Lud, zbunjen, normalan: Saznajte što vas očekuje u prvoj epizodi! Faruk will accidentally rip off Ajna's doll which Ajna's mother gave to her before Ajna's mother's death, while Šukrija will break a bottle full of precious Izet's maksuzija. Ako nisi siguran da li si u snu ili na javi, nazovi Pamelu Anderson i pitaj je da ima seks sa tobom. In the Fazlinovic household democracy came. The motorcycle will be stolen and this will lead to a number of interesting twists. 18597. Faruk gets a spy who spies his wife Senada. Izet calls Refija to look after Dzema (Damirs son). 17.2.2020 / 10:48 / Zanimljivosti Ne propustite prvu epizodu serije Lud, zbunjen, normalan. Izet finds him.Samir takes the car and brings it to Faruk. Đuro has bought some land from Čombe. The following is an episode list for the Bosnian television series Lud, zbunjen, normalan, which airs on FTV and Nova BH. Izet buys a new car and there is a review of the first season. But Ajna remembers how they ended up on the bed with moans. Ne kaze se u narodu dzaba: jednom kenjac, vazda magare", "Dobro otvori oci ako koristis slusalice sa wireless kablom. Šukrija still trying to get rid of his wife Fadila, a selfless assistance in that his plan will give him a man of whom at least hoped - Izet . 0. Ivana's friend, Dragana, comes to visit her and wants her to get breast implants, but Faruk wants to renew his studio and Ivana gets something wrong. "Bilo Jednom u Sarajevu (Once Upon A Time In Sarajevo)". Meanwhile, Ivana is in love with Srećko, a man which Faruk does not like. [1] U Bosni i Hercegovini 6. sezona premijerno se prikazala na Face TV-u 4. aprila 2015.Sedma sezona serije premijerno je prikazana 5. aprila 2015. na Novoj TV, a u Bosni i Hercegovini emitiranje 7. sezone … The three generations of Fazlinović find themselves in the same restaurant with their dates after all of them lie about where they are in order to go to a date, but a problem occurs which requires one of them to go. Moj brajko, snimati pilot epizodu nije maciji kasalj", "Ako laze koza, ne laze DNK. Šukrija wants the Maksuzija rakija but he gets it when he sends Džema Branko to a playground to get some Maksuzija and make Izet miserable. Ako pristane, nemoj se buditi! Die Serie ist auf dem ganzen Balkan beliebt und gilt als erfolgreichste Serie seit dem Zerfall Jugoslawiens. Izet gets a job at Stjepan's cafe as a pizza delivery guy. Izet and Đuro opened a gynecology office in Izet's apartment. After Izet collects the insurance money he promises the money to his children if he gets the premium of the lottery. Faruk owes money to someone and sells his studio furniture. While this is going on scene Damir's wife is shown in bed with another man as she tells him she wants to go with him to Hollywood. Related articles More from author. Ivana went to Germany. "Nedjeljom Na Groblje (Sunday, at the Graveyard)". Tags Serija. Faruk and Damir need money and in order to get it they steal Izet's car and ask for ransom. Damir comes back to the suitcase finds it empty with note written thanks. Lud, zbunjen, normalan je bosanskohercegovačka humoristička serija u režiji Elmira Jukića i scenariste Feđe Isovića.Prva sezona je počela emitovanje 2. septembra 2007. godine, a druga 7. septembra 2008. godine. Marija starts to make Mamur Čorba, which everyone likes. Ajna's ex-boyfriend escapes from prison and flees to Izet's house. U susjedstvo Fazlinovića doseljava zgodna gospođa Spomenka Vihorec (Milena Dravić), što Izetovom (Mustafa Nadarević) oku nije moglo promaći. December 5, 2020. Izet wants to learn English and buys a book. The family is led to believe that they are all chasing the same girl. The series premiered on 2 September 2007. He has to follow an unknown woman named Fadila, which will later on turn out to be Čombe's mother... "Potraga za Šukrijom (The Search for Šukrija)". 0 + 0. They are scared they had sex, but Damir remembers that Barbara and he went to San Remo where Faruk came before them.There Damir and Faruk meet their old hearts.Senada and Mirna.Barbara got angry like Ajna after Mirna tried to kiss Damir in the restroom.In Damir's doctor office Mirna still tries to kiss him.Barbara came to see Damir.Barbara sees again how the broken flirtation does not get along.Later the men compliment about Ajna.They tell Damir to do it.Damir is scared.Barbara hears them thinking it is Barbara.Damir does not remember a thing no more. Ivana and Faruk go to Ivana's old house and later Izet and Dino come too to see what they are doing. This was supposed to be the last episode of the series in which Izet`s twin brother buys him three airplane tickets to Sweden (one for him, Faruk and Damir). That accident case means Ajna has to wear splints. Lud, zbunjen, normalan, 11. travnja. Ajna is thrilled that his idea, and when Faruk motorcycle vessel Čombe will turn out that he has been right. Oscars Best Picture Winners Best Picture Winners Golden Globes Emmys Women's History Month STARmeter Awards San Diego Comic-Con New York Comic-Con Sundance Film Festival Toronto Int'l Film Festival Awards Central Festival Central All Events Faruk thinks his friend Igi, who has just died, took his Rolling Stones - Playing with Fire track, when Izet is actually at blame. Profile von Personen mit dem Namen Lud Zbunjen Normalan anzeigen. The doctor and the police obviously think that it is because the Makzuzija. Faruk and his love interest Bojana have birthday on the same day. "Seks, laži i video trake (Sex, Lies, and Videotapes)". Damir meets a girl in the library, but Izet scares her away after she comes to his apartment to rent a room. Rabija went to village for a short time and Fazlinovići are trying to find a replace for her. Die erste Folge Opća zabuna (Allgemeine (r) Missverständnis (Irrtum)) wurde am 2. Nekad je bolje da ti kasnis, nego da tebe cekaju", "Na svaki moguci nacin treba izbeci tuzbu, pa makar se problem rijesio i mimo suda. Izet organized the birthday of the formation of their military company. A ako vani pada pljusak, velika je vjerovatnoca da je vrijeme oblacno", "Ako dovoljno cesto prisluskujes tudje razgovore, moze ti se desiti da cujes i nesto korisno. Mozda kontejneri za smece izgledaju neprizorno, ali to ne znaci da ih je lijepo vidjeti", "Muskarci lakse podnose porod nego hemeroidne tegobe. Meanwhile, Dino burns the mixer in the studio and Faruk buys a new one from the money everybody thinks he stole from Izet. Izet wants to stay in shape for his Spomenka and goes to a type of spa and gym in a hotel to get "younger". Kad vec pripadas ljepsem spolu, sta te rukovodi da zelis biti ruzniji? In ironic way the Fazlinovic clan comes full circle to the beginning. He lets Izet know who ends up going crazy and wants to kill him. Oscars Best Picture Winners Best Picture Winners Golden Globes Emmys STARmeter Awards San Diego Comic-Con New York Comic-Con Sundance Film Festival Toronto Int'l Film Festival Awards Central Festival Central All Events Meanwhile, Izet tries to break his leg in order to get the insurance money. "Kvar Na Kompjuteru (Computer Troubleshooting)". But, before dinner with Izet, the flusher fell on Dino's head and he became stupid again. Istina i laz, kao nebo i zemlja, ipak se susretnu tamo negdje na horizontu", "Nije problem ostaviti alkohol, problem je sta raditi ako ne pijes? Frei. "Ginekologija i Pita Od Višanja (Gynecology and Cherry Pita)". Samir finds Fazlinovics a new housekeeper which turns out to … Everyone is going around thinking that everyone else has a sexual disease. But before it, he dies. Izet's leisure evening will stop by panicked Šukrija. U pokušaju da obogati kućni budžet, Izet (Mustafa Nadarević) tajno daje oglas da iznajmljuje sobu s kupaonicom. 0. By admin. Share: Lud, zbunjen, normalan je bosanskohercegovacka humoristicna serija u režiji Elmira Jukica i scenarista Fede Isovica. Izet quits smoking but after a short period gives in and smokes a joint (thinking it is a regular cigarette). It is revealed that Čombe loves Rabija. The next day, Izet destroys their bed and there is no other place than the radio station. All four of them including Dzema (damir's son) are sitting at the kitchen table. 0. Selma returned, the waitress, after finishing college. The new house maid is called Rabija. Ajna and Damir wake up in bed naked with red moans on their heads. Iako je prošlo 10 godina, oni i dalje dvogledom gledaju susjede. Dzebra is now 18 and studying medicine. Nevena and Barbara together went back to Sarajevo. Ali ako su medicinske sestre svedjanke, onda treba preferirati svedsku bolnicu", "Scenarist, glumci i vjetrovi (Screenwriters, actors and winds)", "Pijanac, ubistvo i pas (A drunkard, murder and a dog)", "Avion, pištolj i banka (Airplane, gun and a bank)", "Drama, fotografija i raskid (Drama, photo and a breakup)", "Most, matura i alarm (Bridge, prom and an alarm)", "Advokat, odvjetnik i zanovjetnik (Lawyer, lawyer and a lawyer) (All words mean lawyer)", "Poštar je doneo paket, ali niko ne zna za koga je poklon", "Faruk jo totalno puk'o, a Izet i Damir pokušavaju da mu pomognu", "Faruk je prolupao i više nego u predhodnoj epizodi, a Izet ganja puha", "Damir doneo iz podruma projektor, a Faruku je u posjetu došao stari drug", "Kada Izet folira da snima seriju, a Refko se bori sa veličinom organa", "Izet ne bi da se Damir ženi, a fufe ulazi u turizam na velika vrata", "Mada njihov život jeste reality show, Faruku realno prijeti godina robije", "Faruka se namjerio na doktorku, a Izet na sač", "Izet je u ratarskom biznisu, a Faruk se navukao na lijepak", "Faruk je konačno doguran do psihijatra, a Izet do dobitne kombinacije", "Faruk je u potrazi za prijateljima, a Izet za preljubnicima", "Faruk se potvrđuje kao ekspert za žene, a Izet za kućne pomoćnice", "Dupla votka sa jednom kriškom limuna, dve kocke leda i malo badema da se zamezi".
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