His father, a lawyer and a bank director, had a great influence over his early education. His other works are largely forgotten (at least among English speakers). Hugo Laurenz August Hofmann Edler von Hofmannsthal (Wenen, 1 februari 1874 – Rodaun, 15 juli 1929) was een Oostenrijks schrijver, op het eind van het symbolisme, en medeoprichter van de Salzburger Festspiele.Hij werkte ook met Richard Strauss samen. Libretti. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Selected Plays and Libretti, Hugo Von Hofmannsthal First Edition 1963 £12.99 Out Of Stock. 24–25, 27, 40–41. Hugo von Hofmannsthal: Gesammelte Werke in zehn Einzelbänden. Ab 1906 arbeitete er häufig mit Richard Strauss zusammen und schrieb Libretti für einige Opern (Elektra, Der Rosenkavalier u.a.). Music by Gaetano Donizetti Libretto by Domenico Gilardoni Richard Bado, conductor Cristian Macelaru, conductor (Nov. JO) Debra Dickinson, stage director Wortham Opera Theatre November 4, 6, 8 and 10, 2009 Performance times: November 4, 6 and JO at 7:30 p.m. November 8 at 2:00 p.m. Hofmannsthal is gebore in Landstraße, Wene, as die seun van 'n Oostenrykse moeder uit die boonste klasse, Anna Maria Josefa Fohleutner (1852–1904), en 'n Oostenryks-Italiaanse bankbestuurder, Hugo August Peter Hofmann, "Edler von Hofmannsthal" (1841-1915). Elektra (1909) Der Rosenkavalier, (German: The Knight of the Rose) comic opera in three acts by German composer Richard Strauss (German libretto by Austrian dramatist Hugo von Hofmannsthal) that premiered at the Dresden Royal Opera House on January 26, 1911.. Background and context. Hugo Von Hofmannsthal: Selected Plays and Libretti (v. 3) Hugo von Hofmannsthal produced a wide range of works in his lifetime, including poems, plays (in prose and verse), stories, essays and libretti. First Edition. Burgess, Anthony (Story adaptation).Von Hofmannsthal, Hugo (libretto) Published by The Metropolitan Opera Classics Library - Michael Joseph, London (1983) Used. He attended the Vienna Academic Gymnasium when he was ten, and was a lonely and aloof student, living more in a dream world than in reality. [Strauss, Richard Georg] 26/1/1911: Première of "Der Rosenkavalier" by Richard Strauss at the Hofoper in Dresden. Der Rosenkavalier. 59) ist eine Oper in drei Aufzügen.Die Musik stammt von dem deutschen Komponisten Richard Strauss, das Libretto von dem österreichischen Schriftsteller Hugo von Hofmannsthal.Das Werk wurde am 26. Categoria che raggruppa i libretti d'opera di Hugo von Hofmannsthal. 107 (2001), S. 61-71; Villafuerte, Juan Fernando: Dichtung für die Singbühne : der Librettist Hugo von Hofmannsthal / Juan Fernando Villafuerte Bad Honnef : Bock, 2005 Hugo von Hofmannsthal 1874 – 1929 . Hugo von Hofmannsthal wrote the libretto and Margarethe Siems was Marschallin. Product description. 15 Temmuz 1929, Rodaun, Liesing, Viyana, Birinci Avusturya Cumhuriyeti), Avusturyalı roman yazarı, opera libretto yazarı, şair, oyun yazarı, anlatıcı ve deneme yazarı. Hugo von Hofmannsthal (1874-1929) schrieb zu seinem Stück "Jedermann": "Dieser Erneuerung des alten Spieles liegt für den Aufbau vornehmlich der anonyme englische Text des fünfzehnten Jahrhunderts zugrunde. Hardcover. Hugo Laurenz August Hofmann von Hofmannsthal was an Austrian prodigy, a novelist, librettist, poet, dramatist, narrator, and essayist. Oscars Best Picture Winners Best Picture Winners Golden Globes Emmys San Diego Comic-Con New York Comic-Con Sundance Film Festival Toronto Int'l Film Festival Awards Central Festival Central All Events Listen free to Hugo von Hofmannsthal – Hofmannsthal: Elektra (Opera Libretto reading) (Elektra: Einleitung - Dramatis Personae, Elektra: Der innere Hof. Title: Das Schrifttum als geistiger Raum der Nation (Writing as the spiritual space of the Nation) Originally published: Die neue Rundschau 38 (July 1927) Language: German The excerpts used are from Hugo von Hofmannsthal, Gesammelte Werke, Reden und Aufsätze III (Frankfurt am Main: Fischer, 1980), pp. In: Doitsu Bungaku. Hugo Laurenz August Hofmann von Hofmannsthal (German: [ˈhuːɡo ˈlaʊʁenʦ ˈaʊɡʊst ˈhoːfman fɔn ˈhoːfmanstaːl]; February 1, 1874 – July 15, 1929), was an Austrian novelist, librettist, poet, dramatist, narrator, and essayist. [1] Im Zentrum der Tragödie steht die Figur der Elektra, die nach ihrem ersten Auftritt zu Beginn des Stückes, die Bühne nicht mehr verlässt. Hugo von Hofmannsthal (1874–1929): Richard Strauss librettistája. and more). Hugo von Hofmannsthal, geboren 1874 in Wien und 1929 in Rodaun gestorben, studierte Jura und romanische Philologie. Pagine nella categoria "Libretti di Hugo von Hofmannsthal" Questa categoria contiene le 6 pagine indicate di seguito, su un totale di 6. Discover more music, concerts, videos, and pictures with the largest catalogue online at Last.fm. 15 tracks (97:02). From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Januar 1911 im Königlichen Opernhaus Dresden uraufgeführt Biografia. by Hugo von Hofmannsthal (Author), Alfred Kalisch (Translator) See all formats and editions Hide other formats and editions. Fast and free shipping free returns cash on delivery available on eligible purchase. The libretto was by Hugo von Hofmannsthal and Annie Krull was Elektra. Ernst von Schuch was the conductor. Edited and Introduced by Michael Hamburger 1963, Routledge and Kegan Paul, Hardcover, First Edition Errata slip says "Due to Production delays this book was not published until 1964". Berühmt wurde er auch durch sein modernes Mysterienspiel 'Jedermann'. Answers for LYRIC COMEDY BY RICHARD STRAUSS, HIS FINAL OPERA WITH A LIBRETTO BY HUGO VON HOFMANNSTHAL crossword clue. Ernst von Schuch was the conductor. Hugo Von Hofmannsthal Selected Plays and Libretti (Selected Plays & Libretti) by H. Von Hofmannsthal ISBN 13: 9780691097473 ISBN 10: 069109747x Hardcover; New York: Princeton University Press, June 1963; ISBN-13: 978-0691097473 Hugo von Hofmannsthal (veya tam ismi ile Hugo Laurenz August Hofmann von Hofmannsthal) (d. 1 Şubat 1874, Landstrasse, Viyana, Avusturya-Macaristan İmparatorluğu – ö. Strauss used Hofmannsthal's "Rosenkavallier" (1911) for the libretti of five more operas, including "Ariadne auf Naxos" (1912) and "Josephslegende" (1914). (Everyman, a morality play, gedruckt zu London um 1490.) Search for crossword clues found in the NY Times, Daily Celebrity, Daily Mirror, Telegraph and major publications. Lengyel Menyhért (1880–1974): Bartók Béla librettistája. Libretto by Hugo von Hofmannsthal VIVA LA MAMMA ! Hofmannsthal, Hugo von, 1874-1929 [remove] 4; Strauss, Richard, 1864-1949 4; Singer, Otto, 1863-1931 3; Ruth Neils and John M. Ward Collection of Opera Scores 2; Haverlin Collection, Broadcast Music Inc. (Houghton Library) 1; John Milton and Ruth Neils Ward Collection (Harvard Theatre Collection) 1; Kolisch, Rudolf, 1896-1978 1 share - hugo von hofmannsthal: selected plays and libretti (v. 3) - hardcover. Hugo Von Hofmannsthal: Selected Plays and Libretti (v. 3) [Hugo Von Hofmannsthal, Michael Hamburger] on Amazon.com. Jg. Balázs Béla (1884–1949): Bartók Béla librettistája. Quantity available: 1. Hugo von Hofmannsthals „Elektra“ ist ein Drama, welches das Theater in radikaler Weise an seine Grenzen führt. He was precocious, the only child of a comfortable bourgeois couple. Hugo von Hofmannsthal, Writer: Arabella. Hofmannsthal had written the play upon which Strauss based Elektra, but Der Rosenkavalier was their first close collaboration. Komödie für Musik (op. Buy Hugo Von Hofmannsthal: Selected Works, Volume 3: Selected Plays and Libretti by Hofmannsthal, Hugo Von, Hamburger, Michael online on Amazon.ae at best prices. Hugo von Hofmannsthal was nominated for the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1919 for the first time. Band 2–5: Dramen, Band 5, Frankfurt a.M. 1979. Price New from Used from Paperback "Please retry" $8.00 — $8.00: Paperback, January 1, 1943: $64.33 — $16.95: Paperback $64.33 5 Used from $16.95 Es bedeutete seinen Durchbruch auf der Bühne. Die Mägde. Matsumoto, Michisuke: Der Streit um Zerbinetta : Hugo von Hofmannsthal und Richard Strauss. Il nonno August Emil von Hofmannsthal, ebreo d'origini praghesi, ma residente a Vienna, era un industriale della seta, nobilitato (Edler, cioè nobile senza titolo) nel 1835.Per sposare a Milano Petronilla Ordioni (1815–1898), di Rho, nel 1839 si convertì al cattolicesimo. Hugo von Hofmannsthal was born in Vienna in 1874. Plays and Libretti, Poems and Verse Plays, 1952-63 (3 vols., edited by Mary Hottinger, Tania and James Stern, and Michael Hamburger) Hugo von Hofmannsthal - Eberhard von Bodenhausen, Briefe der Freundschaft, 1953 (edited by Dora von Bodenhausen) Libretto by Hugo von Hofmannsthal Friday, December 13, 2019 7:00–11:20 pm First time this season The production of Der Rosenkavalier was made possible by a generous gift from Howard Solomon and Sarah Billinghurst Solomon A co-production of the Metropolitan Opera; Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, London; Regio di Torino hugo von hofmannsthal: selected plays and libretti (v. 3) - hardcover Several more works came of this cooperation. Today, his primary claim to fame is as the librettist for Richard Straus on such operas as Elecktra and Die Rosenkavalier.
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